The Christmas Tree Photo Contest of 2009

The Noisy Plume, Idaho
[don’t vote for this one…unless you must]
Good evening, Merry Christmas and welcome to The Life and Times of The Plume!
RW and I have spent the last 6 hours compiling photos, uploading photos, sizing photos and preparing this blog post for the long awaited and well loved
Christmas Tree Photo Contest of 2009!
Thank you, so much, to everyone who submitted a photo to us. You’ve helped make the season that much warmer and that much lovelier! If you didn’t manage to get a photo to us, we still love you very much and would be made even happier if you took the time to vote for your favorite tree photograph anyway! This contest is about celebrating the Christmas season, worldwide. It’s about propagating hope, peace and love and it’s about having a little bit of fun.
Rules are as follows:
1. Simply leave a comment that states the name of your favorite tree!
2. One vote per person.
3. Please refrain from creating fake/temporary blogger names in order to cast votes for yourself (yes, this HAS happened in the past).
4. Vote for yourself, if you must…but we’ll all think you’re nifty if you vote for someone else.
5. Feel free to give honorable mentions but please choose only ONE tree when you cast your official vote!
6. Have fun and be jolly! Pour yourself a cup of eggnog and sit down for a spell, there are 64 trees to choose from!
Thank you also for your sweet missives that accompanied your submissions. You put a smile on my face 64 times and I even cried a bit, to boot. Love to you all and thanks again, as always, for being part of this community.
at noon, Mountain Standard Time!
May the most loved tree win!
Tree titles and photo credits
are found ABOVE the photos:

Sophie and Simeon Sitting in a Tree
Michele, USA

My-Husband-is-a-Scrooge-and-Won’t-Let-Me-Buy-a-Tree Tree
Evelyn, USA?


Lorelei, New York

Dana, Nebraska

Penny, BC, Canada

Patti, Alberta Canada

Maria, Toronto Canada

Becca, Wyoming


Katy, New York

Kelly, California

Lets OwL diScO bOOgIE
Sharon, Saskatchewan Canada

Lulu, Illinios

Kate, Idaho

A North of 60° Christmas Carol
Vita, Northwest Territories Canada

The Christmas Bokeh Tree
Desiree, Ontario Canada

Dani, United Kingdom

Lantien Chu, Wyoming

Erin and Robo’s Pink Tree With Electric Flames
Erin, North America

Dallas Ann, Illinios

Jordan, Saskatchewan Canada

O Gelockt Weide!
Minna, Oregon

Janet, Colorado

Suzy, California

Shannon, Washington

Nina, Maryland

Saving the Best Ornament for Last (Gracie hangs her handmade glitter pine cone)
Alice, Georgia

Swanky Little Baby Tree
Petra, Czech Republic

Keeping the Z in Cozy
Nikki, California

“What? I thought I heard chirping”
Lynn, Kansas

Kathryn, Illinios

Rex, Washington

Piney, Our First Christmas Tree
Krista, Ontario Canada

Two girls, two cats, pink tree — poor Papa
Michele, Saskatchewan Canada

Jaime British Columbia Canada

Caren, Ontario Canada

Katie, Colorado

These kids are excited for Christmas!
Holly, California

Emmylous First Christmas
Heidi, Idaho

Heidi, Illinios

Cutie Pie Candy Thief
Tracey, Manitoba Canada

At First Sight (Another Sappy Love Story) Tree
-and yes, it is the exact same tree in our living room 🙂 !!!
Sarah Beth, West Virginia

Blueberrie’s Mom, North Carolina

Abigail, Idaho

Susie, Missouri

Andrea, Canada

Elaine, Illinois

Faerie Tree
Laura, North Carolina

Lisa, Massachusetts

Lindsay, SK CANADA

Amber, Texas

We are waiting patiently until you go to bed, Mom, so we can further ravage the Christmas tree!
Julie, California

Joshua and Jamie, Pennsylvania


Kristan, Illinois

Stone Creek Haven’s “We drug our tree for a mile, I think it looks great Tree!”
Kristin, Montana

Lindsay, Ontario

Jessica Jane, California

Stacey, California

Emily, Maryland

PS If you forgot to give us a name for your tree, we named it for you!
PSS If you submitted a photo to us and you don’t see it here, please zip me an email at
and we’ll find it and sort it out!
PSSS Lindsay from Saskatchewan, sorry we couldn’t resize your photo!!! It’s a bit on the small side but mighty in spirit! XO


  1. ShinyAdornments says

    It was HARD to choose, but my vote has to be for
    Lantien Chu, Wyoming"



  2. Jenn-with-2-n's says

    Well I think my vote will be the first tree "my husband is a scrooge and won't let me buy a tree-tree"….made me laugh, and it was creative and fun for the kid probably, no one can really wreck it!!! Second place would be the other tree drawn on the wall, the cat and baby-proof one cause man oh man can I ever sympathize with her!!! And third place for me would be 'all that glitters', cause that's what I wish my tree looked like.

    There was no one to borrow a camera from to take my picture, except my sister-in-law and she's not exactly forthcoming with the borrowing of her precious possesions, so I didn't bother to ask. Oh well – next year!!! I hope you have it again next year….

  3. I agree with Ms. Shiny…this was a hard task because the photos are great! My vote goes to:

    Two girls, two cats, pink tree — poor Papa
    Michele, Saskatchewan Canada

    Thanks for holding the contest again this year!


  4. Blueberry's Mom says

    It's so hard to choose. There are many wonderful trees and very cute titles. It was a pleasure to look through them all. I choose Emmylou's first Christmas because it reminds me of Christmases when I was young.

  5. My vote is for the Pipe Cleaner Tree.

    Very cute! I love the snowballs under the tree.

  6. WOW…that was TOUGH! Lots of great and cute photos to choose from!

    My vote is for the COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS tree photo because it reminds me of the big tree that they light up here in town every year (since I was wee little girl)! 🙂

  7. Miss Crowland says

    it was a tough choice. but i like The Wedding Tree, just because the photo draws me in.

  8. lets owl disco boogie! And old hushwing up on top! I covet that tree topper thats the tree for me.

  9. I really meant to submit a picture. But since our tree is barely up yet the least I can do is vote. My favorite by far was "2 girls, 2 cats, pink tree… poor papa!" So cute!

  10. i vote for….A BIRD DOG XMAS
    it was really a toss up between that one, victorian xmas and mischief (you know i'm a sucker for pet-inclusive photos) but i can't get enough of deefor's kissable nose. so there you have it!!

  11. Michaela Dawn says

    Lantien Chu, Wyoming

    Ahhhhh, so darned cute, I hope Santa gets to pinch his cheeks!

  12. Blessings Flow Down says

    My favorite is the "Bird Dog Christmas".

  13. fluttertothesky says

    All that Glitters has my vote 🙂

  14. I vote for "The Christmas Bokeh Tree." Love it!

  15. Dear Santa moved my little sparkly heart the most!
    sooooooo fun. thanks

  16. Somany beautiful trees! My vote goes for "COMMUNITY TREE from Heide in Illinois", looks like an old time post card.

  17. this is hard, so many cute ones!

    but i have to go with pipe cleaner tree 😀

  18. A great collection of Christmas spirit (I don’t even mind that no one’s voted for mine:^) My vote goes to Emmylou’s first Christmas for capturing all those feelings into one image.

  19. The Noisy Plume: says

    WOW! I went out to the studio for an hour and you lovelies have gone voting bananas!!! Thanks for the great turnout so far! WHEEEEE!!!!!

    Rex, Washington

    Oh! How can one decide?
    Well Rex, here's a nod to you!
    Merry Christmas everyone!
    Thanks for letting us share in this Jillian. Too cool!

  21. Woweee! What a roundup!

    My vote is for 'The Wedding Tree' to our pal, Ann, in Montana. What a lovely wedding it will be! And, it's tomorrow….December 18th, 2009! By this time tomorrow, EVEN out there in the West, Ann and Steve will be married. So, my vote is for their very special tree.

    HOWEVER…honourable mention you say? Why all the lovely trees and their owners…deserve honourable mention.

    Merry Christmas, happy holidays—-

    Peace and love…
    Tolerance and forgiveness…


  22. (and i ask again…WHY do you ever have anxiety about these things????)

    my vote is for Jordan's Cosy Christmas. i'd love to sit with her in the glowing light of that tree and have a conversation face to face 🙂

  23. SO HARD to choose! I am such a sucker for all animal ones, but my vote will go to "Treeside Tea" because the moment I saw it that's exactly what I wanted to be doing!

    Thanks so much for doing the contest and next year I will be more prepared…i.e. my picture will show more than a quarter of my tree!

  24. The Best Gift of All is my vote! 🙂

    lovely trees, one and all!

  25. sensitiveartist says

    "Christmas Wish" by Rex.

    Suzy, California

    Nice composition!

  27. My vote is for Starry Tree by Swirty, it definitely stands out!

  28. I love A Bird Dog Christmas!

  29. My vote is for "the little tree that could" All those ornaments on a little tree and it's still standing tall and lovely.

  30. Yowza, 6 hours of work!!

    I Fa-la-la-la-la-Vote For:

    Emmylous First Christmas
    Heidi, Idaho

    by the bye, love the PEACE and thank you for the x-mas fun!

  31. Because with all the bright lights and gadgets, we sometimes lose sight of what's important during this holiday season of caring and sharing (myself included). For this reason I vote for the simplicity of peace on earth (if only it were so simple…)

    my vote:

    Rex, Washington

  32. Catlett-Mommie says

    I liked them all, totally cute, but my choice is "no bunny loves you like I do"

  33. Mountaindreamers says

    Oh Jillian , this is too much fun to see all the trees! I must vote for Ann's wedding tree , as it resides in my heart's delight in MT. Hello to Ann Karl and Bob! Thanks for having the contest , this is great to see so many fun trees xxx Laura

  34. My vote goes to:
    Dani, United Kingdom

    Thanks for hosting!

  35. Emmylou's First Christmas is the one!

  36. Too many excellent choices! I am voting for the Community Christmas Tree. Lovely pic and concept. Close close second would be The Wedding Tree followed by the adorable Dear Santa.

  37. Sarah Humbach says

    Emmylous first Christmas rocks!! It's a juniper tree! Awesome and creative and beautiful!

  38. My vote's gotta go to Treeside Tea, 'cause I that's what I'd like to be doing, too. So peaceful. Seems to me that if we all did that more often there would be more peace in this world, meaning relaxed more, let the day rest and accepted our place in this world.
    Runner up: These Kids Are Excited For Christmas! 'cause this aunt is a little predjudiced towards those two cute kiddos with such huge grins on their faces!

  39. The mister and I would officially like to register our vote for "Emmylous First Christmas." Merry Christmas!

  40. thebearaffair says

    Rex, Washington

    There were so many wonderful entries but I love the simplicity and the message in this one – peace and love to all. Jillian and RW have a wonderful trip and everyone have a very Merry Christmas.

  41. Sunny Rising Leather says

    I am misty eyed over all of these amazing, heart-warming tree photos: darn our cats- you KNOW Jones would take down anything we put on it 🙂

    I would like to vote for the Wedding Tree and best wishes to the bride and groom 🙂

    xoxoxoxoxox to all!


  42. MrsLittleJeans says

    Two girls, two cats and a pink tree…I love those girls!

    Jaime British Columbia Canada

  44. studio.delucca says

    WOW… so many trees to love! This is great inspiration, as we've had a beautiful, naked tree in the livingroom for a few days now… gonna go decorate!

    My vote is for the Starry Tree by Swirty… I also loved the Victorian Tree… and the Pipecleaner Tree {brilliant!}… and basically every tree posted.

    Thanks to all for sharing! so lovely 🙂

  45. Emmylou's first Christmas is my favorite! Christmas Wish is my second vote though, so hard to decide.

  46. Oh yay its so good to see our little handmedown tree in there!

    I vote for the
    My-Husband-is-a-Scrooge-and-Won't-Let-Me-Buy-a-Tree Tree
    Evelyn, USA?

    teehee – so cute!

  47. So hard to pick just one!! But I'm going with Andrea's Pipe Cleaner Tree.

    Love this contest. Wish I'd known about it sooner. And I'll be back to read more…

  48. Oh my gosh, I don't know how too vote. I too was misty eyed, especially by The Well Played with Christmas Tree, because, well as an aunt I too have a soft heart for those three girlies and their little tree. And the Bird Dog Christmas was beautiful, as was The Hunt. I think my vote has to go to A Pathetic Pink Christmas Bush, because it made me laugh aloud and hope that more Christmas cheer is headed your way. Merry Christmas to one and all and especially to Mister and Missus Plume (don't you think a farmer's wife should be a missus, not a mrs.? I do.). Thanks for sharing the Christmas spirit with all of us!

  49. doctorbarefoot says

    The Sophie and Simon in the tree cats. De-lightful. So many good ones, just like last year!

  50. TheGingerCat says

    My vote is for Little J's!

  51. My Vote is for:
    The Christmas Bokeh Tree
    Desiree, Ontario Canada

  52. Alicia Istanbul says

    I do so love seeing all the precious little pets near their trees 🙂 Beautiful pictures, everyone! So hard to pick just one.

    My vote goes to:
    Faerie Tree
    Laura, North Carolina

  53. "No bunny loves you like I do" Dana, Nebraska does it for me. Very creative.

  54. Amy Nicole/RubyMtnBeads says

    A Victorian Christmas Tree.

  55. ms she – please DO come sit with me and visit by the tree…i'd love that. for real.

    Dani, United Kingdom
    All are beautiful!!!

  57. Pipe Cleaner Tree gets my vote.

  58. Ann from Montana says

    So hard to choose, but what fun to see them all – made a wonderful start to my day (Thanks to all who sent best wishes to Steve and I!)

    My vote: A Victorian Tree – simply beautiful.

  59. my vote is O Gelockt Wiede

    runner ups to the Little Tree That Could ( i also have a teeny tree but i try to find scaled down ornaments so it doesn't stagger under them! but that tree is soldiering on just fine 🙂 )

    and At First Sight, which is an adorable picture with a story.

    merry christmas, birdies!

  60. The Schoonvelds says

    The My Husband is a Scrooge Tree! It made me laugh, I love it!

  61. Red Dirt Girl says

    I really loved the All I want for Christmas….Is Some Pants. That one definately gets my vote!

  62. The Perkins Family says

    By the Light of the Tree whispers of mounds of peace! That is just one of the most wonderful moments anyone on this earth can experience! LOVE IT!! Too many trees to choose from! What a great idea!

    BTW, Jillian, re: Evelyn "Scrooge Tree", I am in PHX, AZ, USA. Thanks!!

    Merry CHristmas everybody!!!

  63. Lindsay Knapp says

    man! what a bunch of great trees, but i have to go with "all i want for christmas…is pants". just hilarious!

  64. "Dear Santa"

  65. reconstructing sarah says

    all i want for Christmas is…pants! HA!

    i hope you get some, dear girl 🙂

  66. little tree that could!!!!

  67. Silver Sparrow Designs says

    i vote for jammin' by the christmas tree because that is one of my favorite things to do with my husband during the holidays.

  68. What a lovely turn out and photos this year! This is a hard one…

    Well, my official vote goes to the beautiful "Soft Glow" By Jessica Jane. Love the out of focus tree in the middle of the frame with the glowing angel…beautiful

    My most favoritest runner ups would be Ms. Fawn's photo, The Christmas Bokeh Tree for the same reasons as above. "The Hunt" is so frosty and lovely. I envy that you get to find a tree in the snow! And lastly, "Emmylous First Christmas." Love puppehs…love Christmas and puppehs.

    Merry Christmas Trees, all!

    And Jillian, have a wonderful trip!

  69. Emmylou's first Christmas!

  70. Katy @ Rose Lake Jewelry says

    I vote for "The Christmas Bokeh Tree"

    Nice trees everyone!

  71. Nancy*McKay says

    WHAT FUN!!!
    i loveLOVElove them ALL…&
    i wish i could haveHAVEhave them all…

    my one & only vote goes to…


    ~peace everybody~

  72. I vote for Community Christmas by Heidi from Illinois. It portrays the feel of an old classic Christmas nostalgia that all can relate to. Looks like its out of "It's a Wonderful Life". Gorgeous!

  73. Community Christmas, Heidi, Illinois

  74. i vote for the community christmas tree!

  75. I vote for "Community Christmas" by Heidi in IL because it is the coolest!

  76. My vote is for "the little tree that could" Such an exquisite tree that looks cool!!

  77. Kristan of Sights On Monday says

    fabulous contest! i have to go with "at first sight." i always give my christmas tree a hug before i cut it down so this one definitely reminds me most of christmas.

  78. mme. bookling says

    Oh Jillsies,
    Thanks for doing this. It so helps me get in the mood (EW) to see all of these.

    Okay, first of all, I have to say that it's totally UNFAIR to use either kids, cats, or dogs in these pictures!! How to chooooose?

    And then I saw it.

    May the best tennenbaum win!

  79. OFFICIAL VOTE: bird-dog xmas. such a well composed and generally lovely photo.

    but so many to choose from! so many lovely trees! this was oh so much fun and oh so difficult. i saw "keeping the z in cozy", pronounced "zed" in my head – and wished i had a fireplace to curl up next to. "pipecleaner tree" made me laugh out loud. and i had to do a double take at "mischief" as i have found my kitty cat's doppelganger!

    thanks for hosting the contest miss plume, and happy holidays to all.

  80. All sweet decorated trees! My personal Favorite:
    Two girls, two cats, pink tree — poor Papa
    Michele, Saskatchewan Canada
    The smiles on the girls faces say it all and of course the PINK tree-poor papa:)
    Peace out yo all!

  81. I vote for "No bunny loves you like I do"
    Nancy, Kansas

  82. I vote for Emmylou's First Christmas, it just warms my heart (and Emmylou looks alot like my lil Rascal 😉

  83. I just have to add one more thing – doesn't Emmylou look like she's waiting for Santa to come down the chimney??!! HA! I love all the ones with fuzzy buddies in them. Have a great Honeymoon you two and Merry Christmas!


  84. Sabrina Butterfly Designs says

    The Christmas Bokeh Tree.
    love this photo!!
    would blow it up and hang it on my wall as a christmas decoration.
    merry christmas Jillian and Robert!!!

  85. These are so beautiful. My vote goes to DEAR SANTA with the chubby cheeks.

  86. The Noisy Plume: says

    This settles it!
    You really are all amazing!

    RW is out pheasant hunting today but he has been continuously calling in from the field to ask me how many votes have been submitted. We're loving it!

    And your commentaries have been a pleasure to read. I still haven't decided which tree to vote for….I'd better figure it out fast!

    Love to you all and thanks for all the Christmas wishes and CONGRATS on getting married yesterday ANN!!!!!!!!!


  87. melissadc76 says

    Wow! That's a lot of entries!

    My vote is for Scrooge Husband
    with an honorable mention to "Well Played With" because it reminds me of my own house. (Yeah, I'm kinda pissed about my "Well Played With Sewing Machine" actually.)

    Thanks for hosting this contest,

  88. The Noisy Plume: says

    …my pleasure:)
    Thanks for casting a vote!

  89. WOW, it was really hard to choose. All of the kittens and dogs and beautiful pregnant bellies, and children….. Amazing, everyone!!

    I cast my vote for "The Christmas Bokeh Tree – Desiree, Ontario Canada"


  90. ~My Rustic Soul~ says

    So Many Pretty trees to choose from, but I Loved the 2 kittens in the tree. My vote is for:Sophie and Simeon Sitting in a Tree 🙂

    So Cute!

  91. My vote goes to the Pipe Cleaner Tree… so sweet 😀

  92. A Victorian Christmas Tree!-that's my vote! The tie breaker was the heart hanging on the tree, otherwise it would have been A Bird Dog Christmas. So HARD! Thank you all for displaying part of your Christmas cheer!

  93. So hard to choose-they are all fab. My vote goes to: A VICTORIAN CHRISTMAS TREE
    Dani, United Kingdom
    Thank you for all your hard work to make the contest possible and letting us share in these great picts.

  94. Felt~at~home says

    – fabulous post – can't help but feel lovely and Christmassy.

    my vote goes to
    Stacey, California

  95. …GREAT BANNER…!!!

  96. ginnin' around says

    I vote for the "What? I thought I heard chirping"
    Lynn, Kansas Tree- such a great pic, funny and a gorgeous little kitty. Who can resist that face!!

    Close second is the 'Sophie and Simeon Sitting in a Tree'
    Michele, USA Tree- this gorgeous pair are doing exactly what I think my cats would do in their position!

  97. calamityjane(t) says

    It's much harder to choose than I thought it would be. Every entry is so expressive! Gotta go with the faces of "these kids are excited about Christmas" as the number one pick. Also loved Christmas Wish for the sentiment, O Gelockt Weide for beauty, and pathetic pink Christmas bush for laugh-out-loud funny! Thanks so much for hosting this little online Christmas gathering. It's such a nice little party!

  98. Of course my vote goes to "A BIRD DOG CHRISTMAS"
    Suzy, California
    Gotta love those German Shorthairs!
    ….I want one 🙂

  99. The Noisy Plume: says

    Ok. I'm ready to vote. Farley told me to vote for Deerfor's alluring photo, since she IS his girlfriend, so it's: Bird Dog Christmas for me!!!!!!!

  100. BlueButtonwood says

    I've looked at these now at least 20 times, and I think I'm gonna have to go with A Victorian Christmas. Just a lovely little photo with a lovely (cute as a button) tree :).

    Merry Christmas Plume! Hope you have the most wonderfulest time ever in HI!!!

  101. Bird dogn' it

  102. The Noisy Plume: says

    Of COURSE you are Sean….it's so tacky to vote for your own photo….


  103. The Noisy Plume: says

    ..dont' worry. If Farley was in a picture I'd vote for him too….I'm just a sucker for a GSP.

  104. Desiree Fawn says

    Oh gosh, this is SO HARD!

    My vote shall go to: Emmylous First Christmas!!

    VERY CLOSE runners up: DEAR SANTA and At First Sight (Another Sappy Love Story) Tree!!


    (Awe, and thanks to those who voted for my tree — I'm swooning over here! Gosh!)

  105. My vote goes to the victorian christmas tree by dani

  106. my vote goes to: "A VICTORIAN CHRISTMAS TREE" by Dani, United Kingdom

    Honourable mention to "Bird Dog Christmas."


  107. sparkleymom23 says

    Caren, Ontario Canada is my first choice because it looks like a tree my Grandma used to put up and she passed away a few months ago so it was nice to see "her tree" up but I have to give an honorable mention to The best Christmas gift from Elaine in Illinois because babies ARE the best gift of all and I love to see that at Christmas. It reminds me of the Greatest gift and the reason for the season.
    Thank you for having this contest again!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family (and Michaela says she's still voting for Bob)

  108. Just want to say how enjoyable this whole process has been: photographing my isolated tree; posting it and seeing it amoungst all the great slices of Christmas cheer; reading all the comments! Next year I'm thinking a pipecleaner tree inside a fish tank, two girls holding cats looking down from above, my GSP Amber looking on from the side:^)
    Thanks so much for the great experience. Rex

  109. The Noisy Plume: says

    That sounds like a composition dream!!!

    One of my favorite things about this contest is seeing people enter a photo and then vote for a the photo of another. I know it's part of my posted rules but there's a hint of neighborly spirit to the entire thing that I enjoy, most of all. AND, frankly, nothing gets me more excited about Christmas than rallying all of you!

    If you haven't voted yet, please know that RW will begin the vote tally around noon! So make it snappy pappy!

  110. Michelle - Revelate says

    And how fitting for this comment to be left where it is 🙂

    My favourite, most definitely is:
    Rex, Washington

  111. buttercup caren says

    hope I'm not too late to vote!

    Bird Dog Christmas (such a hopeful looking pup!)

    Runner-up: At First Sight (tree-hugger!)

  112. I vote for The Christmas Bokeh Tree by Desiree!

  113. Taddyporter says

    Sheesh! What a contest!! so many gorgeous and sweet trees, I love them all. and it has been tough voting, I have come back here over and over(I take these things seriously!)jotting down notes, compiling outlines and theories(alright, I made that part up)and I have come up with my fave:

    A Victorian Christmas, so very romantic and cosy….

    BUT I must include the runners up(in my opinion):1) 2 girls 2 cats, priceless, those kitties look so relaxed!! 2.)Mischief, naughty little bugger! 3.)Cold hands warm heart, beautiful lighting! 4.)Dear Santa, sweetest little boy ever!

    Even though I did not participate(terrible head cold, perhaps a bit lazy as well)I enjoyed this sososososo much, thank you Rob and Jillian for creating such joyous spirit!

  114. A great collection of holiday spirit- I vote for Emmylous First Christmas
    Wondering if the little puppy is eyeing that duck flying around their tree?

  115. I vote for Emmy Lou's First Christmas by Heidi

  116. Community Tree, for sure. It brought tears to my eyes. It made me think of people who have no family, so they create their family out of their community.

  117. The Noisy Plume: says

    This is RW and I am about to tally the votes! but first I need to vote. Yesterday I tried, I told Jillian, " I am going to vote for Bird Dog X-mas;" and no sooner had the words left my mouth did Jillian run to the computer and steal my VOTE!!!!

    (this is Jillian)
    I DID NOT STEAL YOUR VOTE! You know sometimes people can vote the same way. Come here and kiss me you big brute.

    Negative. (this is RW) She did steal my vote and now I can not vote for Deefor (sorry Sean and Suzy).

    Robert (this is Jillian). You're being ridiculous.

    So then this moring I said, "well since you stole my vote I will vote for Emmylou's first X-mas" and Jillian squawked "I am changing my vote then." Suffice to say I could not vote for a lovely Lab, an awesome duck mount, and unique Juniper Christmas tree.

    Quick before she tries to steal my vote again—

    That's a lie! (this is Jillian). Hey. Burritos for lunch???

    Yes to burritos. I vote for ANGELS BRING GOOD NEWS!

    Voting is now closed and I will tally the winners. Sorry I had to close voting but it is the only way to keep Jillian from switching her vote.

    You ninny. Submit this thing so we can have lunch. (Jillian here).