[Pod & Brambles Locket ::: sterling silver, copper, enamel, coral, silk ::: inspired by the winter world]


  1. It looks to be the inside of a magically inspired pomegranate. I’m simply blown away by this pod. Splendiferously splendid once again.

  2. A beautiful work of art.

  3. resplendent!!
    i think this is my favorite piece of yours so far.
    i say this very often…

  4. Beautiful pod locket bursting with shiny ruby seeds!
    W O W

  5. Oh my word!!!! LOVE!!!!

  6. Thank you, gals!
    I love this necklace….the colors and shape are so ZING!!!
    Thanks for making me smile today.

  7. This is simply stunning and inspiring. Truly a labor of love and a thoughtful, deliberate piece of art.

  8. Oh, so gorgeous, J. I am in awe at the intricacy, the detail, the carefulness of color. And yet also at how natural you make it all seem.


  9. Gorgeous as always. Such vibrant colors and love the brambles. I have a little gushing moment on my blog dedicated to you, your work and blog. Received my Winter Spoon from the Advent Calendar drawing the other day and must say it is beautiful. Thank you so much. 🙂

  10. No one else can beat the truely amazing wearable art that you make!
    Wondrous beauty. I love how the natural world is so inspirational to you and how its magic is so clearly portryaed in your work.
    Lucky whoever bought this piece!

  11. oh this necklace is more than ‘zing’ mi amiga…it looks like it belongs on the cover of Metalsmith mag….

  12. Love this wonderful magical piece…

  13. This is beyond words. Simply beyond my ability to communicate how stunning this is. It brings forth a well of emotion and well..drool! You are amazing.

  14. WowWowWow!
    This made me hoot, ooh, & ahhhhhh this morning when I saw it. How BEAUTIFUL! The colors are just gorgeous together….reds & purples. What a stunning creation!

  15. oh my gosh yes the colors are so beautiful! really love how the chain does look twisted like branches and overgrowth.

  16. Beautiful. Just beautiful. You know, Jillian, it’s snowing here in Hampshire today. It doesn’t often, but today we awoke to a blanket of snow that quickly became a duvet. I wandered up the lane and there was a tree with the fewest rosehips still clinging on to the bare branches. And then I got home and saw this necklace. How timely!

    • Em! Then you know JUST the sort of landscape that inspired this piece! That wild dash of crimson against white, the rust and violet of the milkweed pods…shriveled Saskatoon berries clinging to umber branches…it’s all there. I love this time of year.

      I love that your “blanket” became a “duvet” — so poetic! 🙂


  17. I just want to tell you all THANK YOU for these kindnesses you have given me here, with your thoughts and comments on this piece. I feel so encouraged by you, every time you make your presence known to me.

    Thank you, a thousand times over.


  18. O, what a tangled web of loveliness. Those red bramble seeds are perfect.

  19. Wow, wow, wow woman! This is absolutely amazing. (*makes bowing down motion) Love, love.

  20. Such a beautiful locket!!!

  21. I agree with Ailin. Whoever managed to buy this so quickly is lucky indeed!

  22. Jillian you’ve outdone yourself. This is a treat for the eyes!

  23. Thank you, everyone. Again!
    THANK YOU!!!

  24. Awhhhhh! It opens! I didn’t see this part in your shop! Uf! Breathtaking!


  1. […] finally finished my other Pod & Brambles Necklace.  You maybe can recall the first?  After a few different ideas and trials, I finally devised a slightly different chain for this […]