Oh give me a home where the buffalo roam!

We’re home from Jackson.
We’re glad we took the trip.

Besides taking two baths a day in the giant jacuzzi in our hotel room, we visited the park and felt inclined to take an impromptu ski since there was foot upon foot of snow just laying about quite lazily beneath the Tetons.  We tote our skis nearly everywhere we go and a little bit of Klister wax allowed for the perfect amount of kick and glide in the delicious sunshine!

We completed a thorough exploration of Jackson and I even managed to convince RW to sit for an antler arch snapshot!  Isn’t he looking just as proper as Queen Lizzie in this shot?

I can’t believe May is here already!  We’re all on the brink of summertime aren’t we (unless your experiencing flip-flopped seasons down in the other hemisphere)?  My schedule is already full for the month of May and June.  I’ll be finished with final exams on Wednesday and a free woman until September!
Feeling: fresh, renewed, loved, full of satisfying friendships, and ready to do a bit of hammering.  It’s off to the studio now!  Love to you all and I hope your weekend was swell!


  1. i am glad
    you are back.

    welcome home

  2. EmeliaRo says

    LOOK at you in those sexy ski pants!

    PS I want an antler arch at my house.

  3. The Noisy Plume: says

    She: Oh goodness. Quillianna sure does love thee.

    Em: I KNEW you would love my pants, especially the tucked into socks look…they’re actually my electric blue American Eagle pantalons. It was so hot out that I didn’t need real snow pants.

    Ditto the antler arch.
    Love you.

  4. Two Bees says

    Welcome back…and love the new banner. Please try to enjoy your spring and summer. RW’s visits along with the support of friends and fans will carry you through!


  5. Miss Crowland says

    I am jealous.

  6. Nancy*McKay says

    …and the eagle flies with the dove…over the river & thru the woods…mountain high & valley low…welcome home plume!

  7. MrsLittleJeans says

    Welcome back! I get goose bumps looking at the Tetons. Only been there once, years ago, and still incredibly jagged and gorgeous! And so are you two!


  8. Clausewitz says

    Oi. Parabéns pelo excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre o Brasil. Abração

  9. Desiree Fawn says

    awe that first photo is so jaunty!
    I'm glad you had fun & welcome back!

  10. Christina Layn says

    Welcome home lady!
    love your pictures!
    & your new header! -always great


  11. CarolynArtist says

    ahhhh that new photo is incredible (belt buckle graphic)! looking forward to seeing more amazing new works. Welcome home.

  12. thewindhover says

    Mrs Plume it is so good to see your spirit revived. I’ve never been skiing, or set my feet on more than a couple of centimeters of snow so the snaps of you in ski pants were delightful… Also, am looking forward to some new silvery delights; unfortunately because of the time zone or something, I get to your shop updates too late EVERY time! Sigh! One of these days I’ll get there.

  13. Marina H says

    I’m very happy to hear you had a relaxing and romantic time with your Beloved on your little getaway. Thanks for sharing your pictures with us and I hope Monday treats you well!

    P.S. The texture and color of that antler shot is just…totally fab.

  14. Glad you had a fab weekend. Sigh…you got to go skiing! Between downhill and x-country, I always preferred x-country skiing. That’s one of the few things I miss about snow. I have some precious family memories of school cancellings in Wisconsin and going skiing at night in Minooka park with family and friends. Swishes! and looking forward to your new stuff!

  15. Michelle - Revelate says

    Add me on the list of “MUST HAVE antler arch”… wow! Was it inspiring? 🙂

  16. Michele says

    Ah Jackson, was there about 7 years go and miss it and the fabulous little podunk cafe off Main street where they served kegged Sasparilla. My eldest Daughter played in that park and she was mesmerized by the antlers. Through the eyes of a child…..

    Hang in there Dear and know that he is always with you.

  17. UmberDove says

    I’m completely giddy today. Trying to take care of business and all I can think of is THREE WEEKS!!!!! Eekkkkkkkk-a-rooooosss!

    I’m so freaking excited.

  18. Eliza Rae says

    Hola. Good luck on those exams. I have my final one Wednesday morning at 9am (Ecology…interesting subject, incredibly complex) I however, will not be a free bird this summer, more online classes to finish. I met with miss Skinny yesterday for late afternoon coffee and an exchange of gifts. I brought her homemade Cocoa Banana Bread and she gave me a belated Birthday Present…which happen to be an Itsy Bitsy!! It’s perfect! I feel like I have a star around my neck. It actually makes me feel lighter. I can’t wait to wear it out on a run so it can catch people’s eyes like a little sky twinkler.

  19. The Noisy Plume: says

    Yeesh ladies!
    Thanks for all the Jackson-skipants-finalexams-buyingplanetickets-welcomehomelove-antlerlove!

    You’re my favorite kittens!