Pinkerton & Fruit & Mommas



Thanks to every lady who took the time to leave me a comment.  I copied, pasted, clipped, scrunched and randomly drew a name from a bowl this morning (before my dentist appointment) and the winner is Kat!
Kat, be a dear and email me your mailing address at:

Smooches to you all and thanks for playing!
I’m not a momma
but I sure to have a lot of love and respect for my mum and all the other mothers out there (especially the ones who like to read this blog).
You make the world go round and I hope you feel beautiful, strong, loved and special today!
I want to show my appreciation for you as well so please leave me a comment and tell me what you think the very best thing about being a mother is and I’ll enter your name to win these swanky Old Soul Earrings of the square persuasion!  The entry deadline is midnight tomorrow.
And yes,  if you are a kitty momma or a doggy momma or a parrot momma or a goat momma you can tell me the best thing about being a momma to something with fur, feathers or scales!

Next on the agenda is the introduction of Mister Pinkerton:

Who is SUCH a silly baby that he needs to be bottle fed!

Penelope Pie takes great delight in playing the part of baby-momma and especially enjoys giving Mister Pinks the puppy nibbles.  All over.

Also, this weekend the rest of the Fruits of the Spirit Necklaces made it into the shop.  
The series is complete.
I kept “self-control” for myself (Lord knows I could use more of that).

And lastly, my most sincere apologies for taking so long to answer emails and convos this past week.  Our lives here at Plume Gables have reached a point of social insanity.  I’m doing my best to keep up with it all and I think I managed to catch up with everyone this morning.  If I missed your note, please do me the favor of re-sending it my way.
Love, The Plume
PS  I held an albino corn snake last night.
It was peach and yellow and had pink eyes.
I have a bit of a snake phobia and it was very therapeutic to hold something
that did not attempt to inject venom into my little human body. 
It also did NOT bite and kill my weenie dog Tuba.
So I considered it my friend.
It had a tail like a ballerina.


  1. Miss Crowland says

    Awww. A new kitty! I’m not sure what to do now that my little feathered friend has passed away, but I think I will get another one soon…maybe save a kitty for when I own my own place.

    Happy mother’s day to all you mothers.

  2. Marina H says

    Awwww look at your kitten! How did he come to your family? Did you rescue him? While I am a doting mama to my kitten (more like huge ass cat), I couldn’t possibly compare myself to those lovely Mom’s with their beautiful children. So I’ll leave those pretty earrings for them.

    I hope you enjoy your day with your new little friend. Tell P.Pie to be nice.


    P.S. Do you want me to resend my convo to you also?

  3. Quebecca says

    Hmm, well I don’t have any human children, but I have been the “authority figure” (?) for many cats. The best part is when they curl up under your chin and night and purrrrr…

  4. Oh my, what a wonderful cat in the hat!!! My favorite part of being a kitty momma is having my furry one come up and sit right on my work. It’s always a great excuse for a break and I’m certain she is learning via osmosis. I hope you are enjoying the new addition to your family!

  5. Oh, I am such a cat lady, so happy you rescued that sweet little kitten! When I am old and my hubby is senile our place with be crawling with them!

    The best thing about being a mother is all the laughter. Before I was a mother, I never thought my home would be so full of laughter and random acts of silliness. A child can take your breath away with awe, happiness, and also a little fear as they evolve and are shaped by the world and by you, which is a wonderful challenge to undertake.

    Another great thing about this particular mother's day? Being spoiled & surprised with my first Noisy Plume creations yesterday (my hubby can never wait – love that!) and then scoring (finally!) one of the gorgeous virtue necklaces on Mother's Day itself! Thank you so much, what a treat!

  6. Sunny Rising Leather says

    Oh my goodnessssss little Pinkerton!!!
    I am undone. Tiny tiny tiny.

  7. akamilby says

    The best thing about being a mom is the surprises little people bring, and how they are wholly their own personalities, even though they come from you (or me, in this case. Maybe I am more struck by my kids differences because I have one boy and one girl, or perhaps all children are as unique as mine. Either way, they fulfill the cliche that kids are the greatest joy of one’s life. They are indeed.

  8. Hmmm?
    The best thing about being a momma?
    I’m going to be brutally honest here. Being a mom is hard…it try’s your patience’s everyday and (lots of times) can make you feel totally insecure and doubt you judgement…some days making you feel as if you are the big bad wolf. It gets harder as they get older (teen years) and you pray that they won’t need therapy by the time they are grown…lol! Fortunately for me, I have a 20 year old who has grown into a well balanced, caring and loving person, I must have done something right after all. So the best part (for me) being a mom is seeing your little ones grow up to be wonderful people. One success and three little ones to go!

  9. hey miss. plume
    may i say, firstly, that a true joy in my day is stopping into your life via your blog–it is a priviledge to be sure..your skill with words rivals your skill with a hammer!..(i feel so fortunate to have found this gaggle of women, you ,emily and nancy–among the other’s here to connect with in this journey)..
    I can never eloquently capture what being a mother means to me is–still sorting that truth out daily…
    i suppose the best I can muster is..being a mom is the single most humbling,exhausting and exhilerating experience i’ve known–always unexpected and makes me look at the world and all i’ve believed about it in a new way each day..
    my best wishes a warm camp fire hugs to all you fine ladies–

  10. The best part of being a Mom is the unconditional Love that you give as well as you receive.

    I also want to thank you for the wonderful work that you do, it is incredible.

  11. please excuse the mispellings and poor grammar of my previous post i was rushing to the table and didn’t properly proof read–i hope the spirit of my note is clear!…
    (should say, “what a true joy in my day it is”..)


  12. Rustic Urbanity says

    Oh, What a sweet little kitten you have gotten yourself.

    I think the best thing about being a kitty mommy, is that he is always there for me to snuggle with, when Im sad or happy, and he doesnt care if I stay in my pjs all day, or if my hair is a mess, he always loves me just the same. He makes me laugh when im sad, and I never need an alarm clock, because hes always there to wake me up, sit on the toilet while im in the shower, sit with me at the computer, test my tea with his paw, and always, always be waiting for me when I come home. 🙂

  13. sparkleymom23 says

    One of the best things about being a mama is an unsolicited “I love you” and hugs and kisses. (The kind that isn’t prompted with the hope of getting candy or the last piece of cake!)
    Someone in church once said mothers day is to honor all women who nurture and encourage. Some are born to it, some are thrust into it but no effort is ever wasted. I thought that was very wise. And you certainly fit into the category of nurturing and encouraging too so Happy Mothers Day to you as well!
    You have a cute new addition to your brood- mine are all duly impressed.

  14. jaccalyn Korv says

    i am going to agree with candance, being a mom is probably the hardest thing i have ever and will ever do, somedays i wonder why i even chose to have children, there is a no return policy..
    i pray that God gives me the patience to raise my children into godly young men and woman that will bring a creativity and boldness of their own to this world. there are days when i dont even think i am a good mom and will never survive but i know God will guide of the many joys is the cards, like this Mothers day my dear sweet 6 year old Adia wrote that she still loves me, even when i am mean. haha gotta love it. I told her i still love her when shes mean.
    Love the new kitty, i would love to get an orange one, but 3 dogs 2 cats fish and birds, my husband has put me on animal restriction.
    Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there.

  15. My favorite part of being a Mom. Definitely the conversations. I love watching him become his own person. He has so much of John and I, but he definitely has ideas of his own and doesn’t mind telling you that.

    He’s my little shnook boy, Roo, baby hedgehog, Tyby.

    Also, do you want another kitty kitty? We’re looking for a home for one and I can bring it with me in July 🙂

  16. katevp-a says

    awww! mister pinkerton is a treat! I love being a momma to Olivia and Charlie… even when they fight and when they chew stuff up and pee on the floor. I mostly remember the cuddles and kisses and funny stuff they do.

    Also, i love those earrings!!


  17. My baby boy(nicknamed Poutine) is 1 year and 2 weeks old today so I don’t have the years of experience your other friends have,nor the skill to put all the emotions into words to express all the amazing things that we have been through this last year. My favourite thing about being a mama is that now after a year of showing him everything I want him to see, he can grab myface with his pudgy little hand(hence the name poutine)and move my head in the direction he wants me to see.He is showing me the most unusual things and I am seeing them in a whole new way.Like this morning, when somehow he saw a nesting Canada goose across the river that I would never have seen…every day just keeps getting better.It is the hardest thing I have ever done but I will never regret it. (Quick! someone get me a piece of wood to knock on!)

  18. awww…such a sweet kitty! pinkerton is lucky to have found you! i’m a kitty momma myself, and i absolutely love it. i raised my two “kids” from tiny, closed-eyed, mewling little furballs to a pair of sweet as pie, spoiled rotten cats, whom i adore to no end. the best thing about being their momma is how unconditionally sweet they are. they always seem to know when i need a good snuggle – nothing cures a case of the bitchies like snuggling with the kitties. i swear it’s better than therapy.

    happy mothers day to all of you moms out there, kitty mommas and baby mommas alike! 🙂

  19. Jenn-with-2-n's says

    Best part of being a Momma? When they reach a big milestone (like walking or going on the potty) and you think “Wow, I made that person – and look, it works!!!” Also, when I have to leave her for a while, and when I come back and she sees me she comes rushing into my arms! Ahhhh yeah, that’s good!!

  20. The Noisy Plume: says

    Oh you LADIES!!!!
    I’d like to send you all a pair of earrings and spoil you all rotten…

    Thanks to everyone who has entered so far!!! And if you haven’t yet…well HURRY UP!!!!

    Your answers have been heartwarming and while I can relate with the pet mommas…the human mommas are causing a soul stir in me:) You’re all the best of the best.

    And to answer the question someone asked about Mister Pinkerton…he came from my friend’s ranch here in Idaho. She was lucky enough to have a batch of EIGHT kittens and since I’ve been missing my darling marmalade Clementine for so long now, I had her bring Pinkers in to town for me. It was smitttenness at first sight. He is a sweet little sassafrass and I just discovered, a few minutes ago, that he loves to have his belly rubbed.

    Move over Farley. It looks like there’s a new king of the castle!

  21. Trappgirl says

    Good evening!
    I’m so jealous, I want a kitten, I’m trying to talk the Mr. into getting one.

    The best part about being a Mom (or Mommy in my case) is just being loved and being in love all the time. The little hugs and “I wuv you mommy” that come for no reason are awesome too.

    Oh, and 2 year old kids say the funniest things all the time.

  22. Desiree Fawn says

    What a sweet little kitty face — give her snuggles for me!

    So far I think the best thing about being a mother is feeling so close to my daughter. I love breastfeeding, I love sleeping next to her all snuggled up, I love cuddling her & wearing her in the sling.

    I barely remember the time before my little Gretchen was here!

  23. MrsLittleJeans says

    OMG! You got a baby kitty! OMG…he is so cute!
    We bottle fed our first one, and got the second rascal when he was older. The little one went to office with me and my husband on alternate days so we could feed him…what a babe!
    Best thing about being a kitty mom: tough question Miss Plume. Perhaps seeing their contentment for the little bit that we do for them. No judging…all innocence. Don’t really know…


  24. libbydoodle says

    Well, what a fun time! The kitty is sooooo cute!
    Hey, how have the classes been going? Are they over yet for you? I think you are very strong to take two classes *and* keep life and Plume Gables going all at once. AND rescue a kitten on top of that. You certainly don’t need to keep apologizing for a slow shop, I think. I know I just finished my classes for the semester this week, and I heaved such a big sigh of relief I thought I was going to blow away–I certainly couldn’t hold a shop in order on top of all that!
    {sigh} as for those lovely earrings/slices of sparkle, I am not a mom and I don’t think I could hold a candle to how much real moms deserve them. Oh well. Though, if you ever wanted, I have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 reasons running around the house as to why it is so wonderful to be a sister. ^_^

  25. EmeliaRo says

    Tax deductions. Totally.

    Well… that and the unconditional love and adoration.

    And little women smooches. 🙂

  26. mme. bookling says

    OHHHHHHH. Kitty mammas UNITE. I am soo happy and so swooooney over Pinkerton. BOTTLE FED? Wowzha!

    I had no idea how much I love what is a ball of fur and flesh (and gorgeous eyes) until I realized how she is a very strong deciding-factor in certain decisions. My heart aches when she aches and I love the mystery that she is. I admire it…

    I can’t explain it.

  27. Michaela Dawn says

    You oughta get a kick out of this:

    But let it in no way deter you from procreating your own, or going on adventures with said children…

    and Happy Mothers day to you also!

  28. your kitty is adorable. She will be such a fun addition to your family.
    Some of my favorite things about being a dog and kitty mom are the snuggling, kisses and knowing they are both going to be so excited when i walk through the door.

  29. I am at a further stage of momma-hood than most of you young women here. I have two boys, one 23 and out of the house, and one 18 that has one foot out of the door. So, depending on where you are in the life course, the ‘best thing’ is different. At this stage of the game, I do less of what you would think of as ‘parenting’.

    They are who they are going to be, or they have the foundation to become who they are going to be. We are all always in a state of becoming. So, the soul of who they are is not going to change by anything I do now.

    Now, the best part of being a parent is just being fortunate enough to be around them. Bar none, they are my favorite people on the planet.


  30. HomeMadeOriginals says

    In spite of all the hard work and tribulation that comes with motherhood, it’s hard to come up with just one great thing about being a Mom. I remember watching with wonder as they grew and developed their own unique personalitities. And now, my son is grown and has his own sweet daughter and sent me a lovely Mother’s Day card acknowledging that he now udnerstands all I did for him as a mother so much more since he is a parent himself.

  31. My pug Heidi is the best little “daughter” I could have ever asked for. She is a little over 8 years old and has been there for me with her smiling face and curly tail, thought it all! A bad breakup- a trip to London and several new homes that we have shared. She is the smiling face when I wake up and has even licked tears of saddness and joy from my face… the rewards of having her are endless. She truely brings a smile to my face whenever I think of her… sorry to be so sappy but she really is the best thing to ever happen to me!!!!

  32. What an adorable little kity you have there! And what amazing jewelry you make! It’s very generous of you to have a giveaway.

    I have a varity of furry kids. But for me the best mom thing of all is when you go out to the pasture with a halter and no carrots, and all three of them still run up to you wanting to be the one you’re going to work/play with. Seeing those smiling michevious faces always makes me happy no matter what a crappy day I’ve had. And as my husband always sez “You’ve got five boys that adore you, what more could you need.” (Maybe those gorgous earrings of yours!)

  33. The Noisy Plume: says

    Um…I would agree…you might need the earrings too:)

  34. Good Girls Studio says

    The best thing about being a mom (besides the hugs & I wuv you's)…he is the No.1 cheerleader for me & my business! He tells me he loves my "jewries" 🙂 Sweet kid, & I don't even have to pay him to say it!

  35. The best thing about being a mom to my daughter Tavia(9 months) is the magic that she brings to the most simple and basic things in life… she reminds me to slow down and really appreciate every moment. Its wonderful!

    I have kitten envy!!

  36. my dog passed away a few years ago, but the best thing about being a “momma” to her was that she needed no words to comfort me. so often i crave just the right words from people, and the nature of life means that you don’t always hear the words you want or need to hear. but all she needed was to lick my tears and curl up against my side, and i knew she understood.

  37. Jeweled Blossoms says

    Oh goodness, being mommy to Bella, my mini-Penelope-Pie is most gratifying I think, because I know she depends on me to take care of her and is so lovely in showing her appreciation. She’s just darling and I can’t imagine existing without her, ever!


  38. Thank you, Miss Plume, for making me think about being a mother. I have three little people that I made in my body and yesterday my 6 year old son gave me the best reason I can think of to be a mother. He said “I love you because you always love my inventions.” I love that being with these people gives me a new window into the magic of life and the possibilities they imagine in their fresh little minds. When my son thought that he would like to grow up and design an Ice Cream Train that runs on the light rail, I got genuinely excited about how fantastic that would be. I love that to him such a possibility is his reality. And I love how my children notice the iron stamping in man-hole covers and think they’re “pretty.” Through their eyes the world literally becomes a more wonderful place to live. I feel so lucky to have so many pairs of eyes with which to experience it.

  39. Dale Smith says

    Wow, I’m happy that, as a mom, I might win an astoundingly gooooorgeous pair of earrings!!:))))
    Seriously though, as the privileged mother of three grown children, one wire-fox terrier, 6 fish, 2 snails, several crabs and goodness knows how many snails (and several corals), I have to say that I think being a mother is the most important job on earth. The love that we, as women, invest in the human/canine/feline etc. beings that share our lives sends ripples out into the world that I believe truly makes the earth a better place. When my children tell me how much they love me it makes everything worth it. Love is impossible to understand but it is so REAL.

  40. I adore being a Mom! The best part is watching them grow and develop their own personalities. They are kind, considerate and loving children and I am so proud to be their Mom!!

  41. My son James is a musician and poet. He started young with the poetry. In Kindergarten he painted a picture of his family (me, Rich, brother Daniel and dog, Luna) and underneath wrote this poem:

    Dear Mom and Dad,

    Do you know what I am thankful for? You haft loved me. You haft cad for me. You haft clotht me and most of all you haft loved me.

    That’s a favorite! 🙂

  42. The best parts about being a mother to my dachshund pup is watching him grow, learn, and attempt to communicate with me despite the fact that I am indeed human and he is an animal.

    It’s those everyday moments when Toby rolls his big brown eyes when he’s frustrated that he can’t fetch the ball under the couch, or those afternoons when he is anxious to wait curbside for dad to come home from work.

  43. The very best thing about being a mother is watching the imagination at work in my son. Whether he pretends a crab is pinching him at 4 pm or at 4 am (which is admittedly less exciting at the time. lol), I just love to see his little toddler mind at work and know that God’s hand is in that.

  44. the best thing for me about being a mommy is taking time to slow down and enjoy life from a child’s perspective. i notice things i haven’t noticed in awhile or given much attention too. like..roly polys, airplanes, rocks, dandelions, worms, rain, ect..

  45. The Noisy Plume: says

    Keep it coming ladies!!!
    There are so many details I relate to and some that I’m excited to experience some day!!!

  46. jsl – best things about being a doggy’s mum – i guess that there’s ALWAYS someone who’s glad to see you when you get home. he’s always very sensitive to our feelings and responsive to our demands/commands. it’s great because we can pat ourselves on the back for having a well-behaved doggy the same way that people parents can pat themselves on the back for having fantastic kids,. the worst thing about it (which thankfully doesn’t reguarly apply to parents of human kids)? i’ll most certainly outlive the little bugger. which breaks my heart to think about…but i suppose it’s good in that there’ll always be someone to look after him then. anyway, love the earrings, and you, as usual!

  47. says

    The best thing about being a doggie mom is being taught to truly live in the moment. They enjoy every sniff and sound, they don’t care whether it’s sunny or raining…every moment is a time for celebration!
    Through injuries and illness, both theirs and my own they are forever optimistic and always keep going. They don’t let anything get them down or ever feel sorry for themselves. They make excellent personal trainers and motivators and are always fearlessly ready for the next adventure.
    Life is a beautiful thing as seen through their eyes, and I am better and feel what it is to live more truly and fully because of them. 🙂

  48. I have read this very quickly as internet is very sparse right now…am on the other side of Canada (NFLD) for a family emergency and also not sure if it is midnite yet where you are…I still have half an hour left…but I would just like to say that the best thing about being a mommy is seeing my baby girl laugh and smile…nothing makes my heart grow fonder. Well that and how she slept in my arms tonite. I about cried watching all her beauty asleep. Life is precious and she is my life.

  49. HouseThatCrowBuilt says

    The best things about being a momma(and there is much more than this list):
    unconditional love. as many hugs as you can stand,kisses, the smell of summer/fall/spring/winter on your children’s hair when they come in from playing, playing outside with them, watching them grow, seeing the similarities in your children and seeing the differences in them and embracing it all. 10 year old crushes,7 year old crushes(my babies are 10,7, and 4). helping them through their failures and celebrating their triumphs. Snuggling in a warm bed and reading. dirty faces, sticky hands, snots(you gotta love the gross stuff too).I could go on but I will leave it at this. Having children is a heartache and a heartjoy all wrapped into one sweet little person.


  50. ha HA! I am the 50th post! yessss! 😉

    I am a kitty mommy, and I love many, many things about it. BUT, I think I will leave the earring spoilage (that doesn’t sound as good as I thought it would) to the rest of the lovely mommies who follow your blog. When I think about all of the things my mom has done for me, well, I get teary eyed. I love my mom more than words can say, and I feel so so lucky to have her.

    Happy Monday!

    Oh, and please give some smoochies to the doggies and the kitty for me. 🙂

  51. Nancy*McKay says

    …whether we are mothers of the earth, moon, sun or sea…little girls, big boys, feathered friends or furry feet…little beings, big creatures or…

    big beings, little creatures…

    we are mothers, all of us

    & share in the wonder of…the tilts, the fullness, the heat & the calm…laughter, tears, skinned knees & wet paws… purring & licking, wagging & broken wings…first steps, first words, first dates & bee stings…

    we are mothers, all of us
    we are love…

  52. 1) i’m not a mum (nor will i be soon) but i love my mummy dearest and those gorgeous earrings would suit her just fine.

    2) best part is coming home to a purring and loving fuzzball. my cat usually greets me at the door [!] pinkerton is a cutie pie!

  53. Katherine says

    HaHA, everytime I read anything about mothers and such, I imagine an older mother,such as my own and I think aww, that’s sweet, they could win those fabulous earrings, and I wander off on some other cyberly tangent, then I realized, hey! I’m a mother! and back I came to tell you that the best thing about being a mother is re-finding that sheer delight in life through my childrens eyes, never taking another thing in life for granted again. So there you have it. BTW, thank you for your most illuminating blog, I love it!

  54. funkyfamily4 says

    Dear Jillian,
    Most of us who read your blog can only dream of possessing talent such as yours. We read your eloquent prose and weep for the sheer beauty of your words. We adorn ourselves in your beloved creations and move into the realm of queens. We cinch our waists with belts beset with jewels and become mighty she-warriors – ready to face whatever challenges that lay ahead.
    Oh would that I could wield a hammer, torch, or pen like you but alas, I cannot. And yet, even though I lack these specific skills, I was capable of creating a thing of beauty – not once but twice. My magnum opus – my children. I would move heaven and earth for them if I could. And, not unlike the unlikely heroine of Charlotte’s Web – Charlotte – I would give my life for them.
    Our children become our teachers. They teach us how to be strong, faithful, compassionate, loving. They teach us joy and sorrow – euphoria and pain. And when, at birth, they look into our eyes, they prove to us there is a power at work in the universe greater than any we have ever known or experienced and THAT power is making its presence known.
    And for this, I am eternally grateful that I chose to become a mother.
    Most warmly, P

  55. bluebuttonwood says

    The best thing about being a mom…daily snug sessions,hugs, kisses, giggles, and love!

  56. bluebuttonwood says

    Love your new kitty by the way- I could just eat him up! Can he come over and play with my kitty Pippin (aka Pippi John Jones)? Okay, and I might like to snag him for a few kisses and loves too!