Les Nouveaux

I know the Etsy shop has been awfully quiet but I HAVE
been working like a woman possessed.
The pieces I finished yesterday are all quite burly or hollow formed (which always takes a bit more time).  But here’s an overview of my new inventory as of last night:

The leaping salmon holds lots and lots of Soul Garden Necklaces and a few new hollow form pendants (which are so terribly fun to make).  Despite my stress inducing work load I’m swinging my hammers with joy.  I’ll have company until next Friday but I’ll do my darndest to drop a few tasty treats in the shop over the next week.
My darndest.

Thanks to everyone who zealously dropped me an email and requested that I sneak them a necklace under the radar this week!  I cannot!  The good news is that I’m not about to retire.  There will be plenty of good things to come in the near future.  Thanks, as always, for your amazing patience.  You’ll win something grand, soon.  I promise.
Happy Saturday to you all!
I hope you squander your weekend well!


  1. Marina H says

    Oh my gosh gosh…that one with the purple beads. *gasp* I must try my hardest to be diligent and snatch that one as SOON as it goes into the shop. It’s amazing! All of those necklaces are just beautiful, Plume, and it’s obvious how hard you’ve been working on them. Plus, I love your fish plate 🙂

    Enjoy your company this week!

  2. Two Bees says

    OMGosh! How beutiful this that necklace!!!! Soooo much silver, I love necklaces with “heft”!

  3. UmberDove says

    I can’t imagine a happier line than “swinging my hammers with joy.”

    Smoocharoos to you on this fine, fine Saturday my Plume!

  4. Nancy*McKay says

    …oh ms. J…you've been burning the midnight oil… crafting your sweet heart away…LOOK @ all the unimaginables…takes my breath away…oh me, oh my…

    with places to go…& people to see…LOOK @ what you do…for US…

    pure loveliness…

    YOU are amazing…in EVERY way…each & every day…

  5. I’m jealous of the ceramic fishy that is eating up the latest Plume-a-licious creations. 🙂 Delicious!

  6. MrsLittleJeans says

    Miss Plume, folks in Montana may just move to Pocatello after your show…

  7. My computer screen is now covered in drool! Such pieces! My dream to one day own some. (I know I’ll need more than one!)
    Your talent is amazing.

  8. Hi Mrs. Plumage;

    I wanted to stop by and say ‘hi’ on this Memorial Day.

    Your things keep getting beautifulier and beautifulier.
