Good Gracious

Right when I thought I was about to lose my mind to this tornado of inventory building I had a pinch of sanity arrive here at Plume Gables and now self care has washed over me in a rogue and benevolent wave and all I can do is breathe and sigh and the reward of it.
Umber Dove has come to town.
She’s better than Santa Claus.

We’ve been sharing lunch alongside the grapevines.
Popping forkfuls of basil, mozza and tomato salad into our mouths.
Gardening for 10 hours straight.
Planting seeds.
Turning earth.

Painting our ghosts.
Dragging our skeletons out of the closet.

Pouring ourselves out (she’s a cup full, I’m half pint).
It’s a good match we women make.
She might be taller, but I’ve been running the in the mountains longer.
Midnight discussions about:
*conceptual art
*the word definition series and the weight of assigned words
*friendships and when to let go
*modeling in Milan
*the work of our men
And all the while
Pinkerton has been flipping his creamy fluff about in the verdant field of Plume Gables.
Penelope has barked at the mailman. 
Farley has hunted bees.
It’s all so ordinary for being so extraordinary.


  1. Marina H says


  2. Two Bees says

    Looks like a good relaxing time between bird friends! Enjoy each other ladies!

  3. MrsLittleJeans says

    Delightful…thank you miss dove for relieving miss plume of boring inventory! Love the picture of you two sitting at the dainty, girly table ; )

  4. Desiree Fawn says

    Beautiful friendship!

  5. wish i was there with you but glad you two can have this artist time together. also, I RECOGNIZE THAT DRESS. as long as i live here i know at least the mecca TJ will have its draw and you will be back 🙂

  6. Michaela Dawn says

    First off, you ladies are divine, a serene couple of swans, {but tempest in tea cups too} and how wonderful that K has brought a breath of calm to you personally! I so would adore to bring a band of my own barefooted gypsies to see you, enjoy some tea, and then purchase a plume full of your jewelry in person…


    Second: Jillian, your a mighty tiny, I thought you were at least 6 foot tall!!!!!! You a spiritual giant so’s I must have just assumed it as a given:)))) That would make K really really tall 7′, and I suppose she is modeling in milan,{ or is it you?} You are both quite worthy to do so!

    Any-who, wishing the best time and most fruitful memories for you two! You are a doll for sharing…


    Kelly your drawings are so cool!

  7. When you said “friendships and when to let go” a sense of relief hit me. There are others who feel this way and talk about it! A certain friendship of mine has been weighing heavy on my heart for some time now. I’m the type who always want to sort through things but lately I’m feeling that letting go is the best resolution.

    Sounds like you have a great friend, there. 🙂

  8. Jenn-with-2-n's says

    For some reason whenever I read the word Umberdove, I say it in my head like it’s a superhero’s name. Like, “UUMMberDOOOVEE!!” – don’t mind me, I’m just overtired and kinda silly. hehe.

  9. Oh good friends are a breath of fresh air at anytime but particularly when one is feeling a bit stressed.

    The other night I got to talk to a dear friend of mine who now lives in South Africa and it was a little slice of heaven.


  10. Lovely ladies hope you are enjoying the rest of your time together!!!

  11. Nancy*McKay says

    …planting seeds…turning earth…painting ghosts & hunting bees…

    be it a…

    full cup…half pint…barking pie…or pink powder puff…

    pinches of life…pinches of love…

    are heavenly…

  12. Taddyporter says


    what a precious week you are having and that makes your friends here at Plume-ville quite elated.


  13. Isn’t a full cup the same as a half pint?

    Or have I lived in Canada too long?

  14. The Noisy Plume: says

    1. Actually, only one of those paintings belongs to Umber:)

    2. Thanks for these really lovely comments ladies! She and I are in the studio at the moment working very hard — well, actually I AM working and she is playing:)

    3. XO

  15. anika ame says

    i know the feeling. i am home in ohio for one week, taking a break from work, enjoying friends, and loving life.

  16. Good Girls Studio says

    sounds like such a lovely time! Love the self portrait ghosties 🙂