
  1. ::mari:: says

    I am clasping my hands patiently and hoping that first ring will not only show up in your shop pronto, but will fit me.

    (clasps hands)

    (waits patiently)

    (begins tapping foot…)


  2. Trappgirl says

    Beautiful, as usual.

  3. I agree wholeheartedly! 🙂

  4. crazymare says

    yahoo. one more reason for living in the west, we are on mountain time and thus we can stay up while those east coasters have gone on to dream of sugar plums. we can hit the refresh button with ease knowing that this time there could be a chance we could escape the night with a plumeabulous (yes folks that is a word or at least should be) treat. i finally hit the jackpot to find out the ring would be too small. the How to be a Lady ring is exquisite.
    i was speechless.
    even breathless.

    i remember a blog post awhile back about a lady who wrote to you about making small rings…what about us ladies with big ol' fat digits?!?! You know like size 9 or 10 !!! We wanna see the love too….

    gosh darn it. you have some needy customers! hehe. i can imagine it is a lovely feeling to have such requests…happy posting!! 🙂
    happy trails to you.

  5. Desiree Fawn says

    So pretty — the many lovely face of the plume!

  6. Ha! I love the facials, that's brilliant 🙂 Such a fun post, and gorgeous as always 🙂

  7. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks ladies!

    Mari and Crazymare: Bad news for you Mari, good news for Crazy…that Lovely In Her Bones Ring in the first photo is el grande!

  8. ::mari:: says


    Ah, well. My skinny digits will await slimmer-fitting jewels, then.

    In the meantime, I'll watch until the sleep gnomes drag down my eyelids.

  9. Marina H says

    You, Mrs. Plume, are lovely.

    Can't wait to admire these pretties in the SOLD section.

    Love the smiles!

  10. mme. bookling says

    I feel a gamut of emotions. Namely- pissy that I can't grab a hold of any of these pretties to accompany me through life. Feel sorry for me? MEEE TOOOO.


  11. thewindhover says

    You're such a delight Mrs Plume.

  12. oh I'm hoping more beauties show up in the shop today.. darn east coast time!! I missed out on all the goodies last night :o)

  13. The second ring, is that rutilated quartz? This Canadian lady would love that…hoping it's around size 8 and that it goes up for sale today??? haha 🙂 Wishful thinking…I know!

    Noelle, I missed out on the sale too!

  14. I feel pissy too about it waaaa, I hover and wait and to only have it snatched out of my cart before I can even checkout. Frustrating……

  15. Typically I love the east, but I am strongly considering moving west if it means I can score some Plume goodness. lol

  16. i add my asian voice to the accolades and say OATMEAL. OATMEAL. you know exactly what i'm talking about.

    best moment of my year: seeing your little galloping form on the median of the airport and then watching all the poor foreign people waiting to be picked up stare while we rocked my car back and forth screaming.

  17. Alas, not even living in the Mountain Time zone will help! I had my eye on one of those dainty carnelian (a fav of my mom) necklaces since the last post and stepped away for a mere 15 minutes lat night to tend to motherly duties. Ack, the MOST important 15 minutes of the day, ha!

    Not meant to be. Last time the stars truly aligned in the form of a screaming toddler, a mom needing a break, and the most gorgeous, "me" necklace for the perfect Plume therapy. You know those commercials where the people sink into their beds and all they can hear is nature sounds? I felt like that!

  18. Miss Crowland says

    I'm liking the hair.

  19. The Noisy Plume: says

    I just want to tell you wonderful wonderful women these important things:

    1. When I come home from Montana this weekend, I will have many many things to list in my Etsy shop over the weeks and months to come.

    2. I am not planning on retiring any time soon.

    3. Every woman, no matter who she is or where she lives, eventually gets a piece of jewelry that is perfect for her in every way….

    …trust me on this one. I see it happen, all the time.

    4. Your delight is my delight. Your gnashing of teeth is also my delight…sometimes. My gnashing of teeth is NOT your delight. I hope that makes sense.

    5. Gosh. Thanks for shopping last night and allowing me to buy groceries today! We ran out of toilet paper yesterday.
    Love you!

  20. Michaela Dawn says

    And she is so right, you know…

    the fitting piece will find you:}

  21. you are just the best!

  22. My big fingers want the lovin too!