En Completment

Good morning birds!
This is my final day of preparation in my studio for the show in Montana on the 14th.  Tomorrow I’ll be working on pricing, layout and a few last display details before heading for Missoula on Friday.
Feeling: excited, tired, prolific, exploding with ideas, nervous and I cannot for the life of me figure out what to wear to this darn show…
The following snapshots are of the pieces I was able to begin and complete yesterday:

A svelte line-up of rings!

My inventory looks grand.  I was hoping to finish some belt buckles and still might get to crafting a couple humdingers before I depart but I’m not going to push it.  Thanks for your deliciously unwavering support these past few days.  
I am encouraged. 
I am strong like steel.  
I am soft like sorbet.



  1. Linda Minou says

    Yikes, so pretty! Is that a buffolo pin or ring?? Yummy! I'm sure you'll have a great time at the show, look great, sell lots and simply have fun showing off your creations… Wish I could be there! xxx

  2. The Noisy Plume: says

    Buffalo pins AND rings.
    I've gone a bit bison bonkers.

  3. The Noisy Plume: says

    PS Wish you could be there too!

  4. Linda Minou says

    I love tatanka stuff! Someone used to call me, affectionatly, Tatanka Wiyan (Buffolo Woman). Actually just dreamt about him last night! Anyway, if there's any bison-y goodies left afterwards, let me know!


  6. Marina H says

    These are fantastic! I bet the people in Montana will go gaga for the Bison. My family was just there, and they said they were nursing their calves right smack in the middle of the road. (Did I just make a snap judgment about people from Montana? Sorry) The lines and shapes on your rings are just lovely. With the contrast of the dark oxidized silver. Beautiful.

    I'm excited for you 🙂

  7. Two Bees says

    Oh, how wonderful! Have a great huge successful event…come back with empty boxes, full pockets and an overflowing heart!

  8. Two Bees says

    …and I LOVE that green ring int he second photo! (Turquoise?)
    Sigh…bye, bye baby.

  9. I just bumped my nose on my monitor trying to get a closer look at the new rings. Those girls in Montana are lucky. Wishing you safe travels and a successful week.

  10. Absolutely delectable! I would hoard them all like your squirrels if I could. Best of luck at the show– we'll all be there in spirit!

  11. oh man, do i have a treat for you upon your visit…home-made dairy free lime sherbet…i ALMOST lost my fuzzy mind yesterday after making it. SO delicious.

    the jewels are delicious too. you're going to rock missoula's world.

  12. Best of luck to you. I know the show will be a success!!! Take a deep breath and enjoy!
    Wish i could be there!

  13. Reconstructing Sarah says

    oh Jillian, you have outdone yourself! Eveything looks splendid! I wish dearly that I lived in Montana for the weekend. As much as I'd love for you to bring back some of your goodies, I hope (and know) you'll sell every stitch of jewels! enjoy a sweet and victorious weekend…ROCK ON lady!

  14. EmeliaRo says

    LOOK at those BISON!!!!! OY VEY!!!!!

    I still think you need to lay it all out in one place and snap a shot of the whole lot of loot… whether you ever show anyone or not – you'll have a visual reminder of what can be accomplished – what YOU are capable of!!! You are SO amazing my friend. SO amazing.

    Oh how I wish I could go with you to Missoula… I would be the most grandest of sales ladies you ever did see!. Next year – I say we PLAN on it 🙂

    PS Little Miss Sophie is wearing a pair of big girl undies today… PRAY for me…

  15. Charlene says

    Between the weakerthans music in your last post and the bison rings in this one, you are causing a fierce yearning for Manitoba!

    If you happen to have some bison rings left over (which I absolutely know will not be the case), I certainly would happily bring those gorgeous bison to roam with the rest of my jewelry….

  16. Hurrah for icecream for breakfast! 🙂 That's brilliant.

    And your creations are gorgeous, hope the show goes well!

  17. Carrie Phillips says

    Oh most lovely bird! Beautiful things! I'm sure you'll take Montana by storm!

  18. TheGingerCat says

    What pretty pretty things! Best of luck for Montana! Not that you need it, but I'll be thinking of you.

  19. Linda Minou says

    Jillian, seems your bison rings are quite the hit even before you leave!!! I think you'll just have to make some more when you are back to work!!

    Your bison bonkerness is going to pay off!!


  20. Aspen Wear says

    I honestly have the urge to get in my car and head to Missoula right now. If I leave now I could get there just in time for Sunday…

    Best wishes and safe travels!

  21. These are beautiful.

  22. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks for all the love chickies!