What a Wonderful Disaster!

I used the word disaster!
I’m home from Montana and feel great despite the d-word.  I’m going to take a second to break the trip down for you and then I want to take a moment to really tell you what the point of this whole Montana show was via video blog.
-driving through Idaho and Montana to Missoula (beautiful)
-excellent company on the drive as my friend Erin was my plus one for the weekend
-arrived in M-Town and visited with a lovely friend in her crazy converted-church-commune living space where we experienced great music, excellent cakes, mosquitoes and plenty of art
-slept in a big comfy king sized bed 
-beautiful weather 
-a spectacular outfit on Sunday (turquoise strapless dress, over the knee socks, Frye boots, brooches, necklace, earrings, great bed head, the original pink wheat ring and my belt buckle slung low on my hips) made me feel beautiful
-the soccer team at the hotel at 3AM romping about the hallways and women screeching about pizza (I refuse to share more details about this experience)
-the thunderstorm that arrived over top of Missoula at approximately 3PM on Sunday that actually washed my entire display away.  A torrent of water was flowing straight into my typewriter (poor Underwood) despite my tent, my platters were filled with water, all of my vases were blown over, I was sopping wet, Farley was cowering under the table and my antique wing back chair might never be the same
-I left the show 4 hours early because my table looked like an utter disaster as did the artist (me)
-I then struggled with awful feelings after leaving a show 4 hours early that I spent 2.5 months preparing for 
-I then left my phone in Deer Lodge Montana and realized where it was when I reached Dillon Montana and had to drive all the way back to Deer lodge Montana to get the phone when the girl at the gas station refused to mail it to me DRAT
-driving through spectacular thunderstorms on the way home
-a stop at the Patagonia outlet in Dillion, Montana where I finagled-in-an-honest-way (I just wanted to use that word) myself a spruce green article of clothing (a color that is very hard to find indeed)
-Erin playing DJ with her iPod 
-talking to She when I was 40 miles from home
-arriving home
-falling asleep and sleeping in until 9AM and then just laying in bed and resting until 11AM this morning
-feeling free of a massive weight, feeling like I might drift away up into the rain cloud to be kissed by lightning and shook by thunder (today marks day 17 of rain in Pocatello)
-welcoming summer with open arms
-roses blooming in the rose garden

More than ever, I have this intense sense of growing pains as an artist!
I have three options really when it comes to my work and appeasing you.  I can:
1.  Send my designs to a factory in China and have everything mass produced.
2.  Become one of those girls who just makes a lot of really crappy stuff without soul to keep cranking the numbers up and to stare googly eyed at my bank account.
3.  Keep pouring myself into one of a kind designs and make exactly what I feel called to make even if it means I sell less and get more emails from people who are frustrated and impatient with me and acquiring one of my designs.
I’ve been strong enough.  I’ve adhered my heart and soul to option three for a while now.  It takes a lot out of me though.  It’s hard.  It’s hard to face the demand for my work while consistently expressing compassion and gratitude for all of the amazing people I meet.  Working hard for you can be incredibly draining and overwhelming.  It can be euphoric and blissful.  It can be exhausting and uplifting.  It can break me and make me.  Sometimes I don’t think I can survive the demand placed on my soul and fingertips other times the demand pushes me into really new and wonderful explorations of metal and stone.  But one thing always remains the same and that’s the joy I feel flowing out of my mind and hands when I design and craft jewelry.  I love it.  I love the work of my hands.
I’m not going to quit.
I’m not going to retire until I’m 80 years old and have a pair of plastic hips.
I won’t fade away.
And you!  You dear woman, I promise that you WILL, even if you are frustrated beyond words, you WILL eventually get a piece of jewelry from me that was meant for you.  Thank you, as always, for your patience, love, kindness and encouragement.  You’ve got some of the most amazing qualities that I hope to keep fostering in my self.
What more is there to say?
Over and out,
PS  This video blog is really long but it encapsulates the Missoula show experience perfectly AND you get to see me cry!  Go get some popcorn and Kleenex and enjoy the ride!


  1. MrsLittleJeans says

    What an appropriate title, maybe? What a gorgeous display! What a splendid experience! What a non-monotone trip! What more could a chick ask for?

    Sorry about the rain and I will view the film later but aside from the negative part, you started with the beauty and ended with the beauty, and are pleased about you and where you are going.

    I would say what a wonderful discovery Miss Plume.

    Heartfelt love and kisses.

  2. Nancy*McKay says

    …your table was gorgeous & i'm bowled over by the total inventory you managed to create & bring to the event…

    I am oh~so happy you experienced first-hand the ooohs & aaahhhs & OMG's from people…in person…

    how confirming…how glorious…

    and just as Joel said he needed to come back to you throughout the day…i feel the same way too…and I know that there are manymanymany more ladies feeling the same way too…


    and I can't wait to come back to you…to visit your blog & visit your shop…i feel @ home…i feel so good with a piece of you adorning me…

    through&through…& i'm so happy to have found you…

  3. Ann from Montana says

    I sent an email…I owe U an apology…was a day early and too tired and racing ahead of the bad weather and so sorry I missed seeing you.

    Love the wonderful parts and your gorgeous table.

  4. I admire you for sharing so much of yourself in that video and this blog. All of our hearts were with you yesterday, and when it comes to weather, I guess there isn't any way to explain it except that it was meant to be. Perhaps you made an even stronger impression by being the brave one that had to weather the downpour. And that your jewelry could last through it as well.

    My boyfriend asked me the other day for an explanation of why I loved your jewelry to bits. (Not in a demanding way or an accusatory way…just curious, as myself and others were compiling things for your Palooooooza yesterday) I realized that I couldn't give him a straight answer. We just love your art. It's infectious. It makes us feel pretty all the time, even if we're wearing the tiniest ring. And I think no matter what you decide to do in the future, that fact will always remain the same.

    Sorry for the long comment. Enjoy your lazy day at home and the official start of your summer! <3<3

  5. Michaela Dawn says

    Dear lady, you are that of love and one cannot help but love that about you!

    Tears are cleansing, so wash your soul with them, and iron it smooth again…


  6. If you saw my HOLY COW face every time I sneak a peak at your blog (or the sold section of your etsy shop) you would probably snort with laughter! My friends call you 'that girl I stalk' (I read your blog before I check my email) because its true that you are a special lady whose life and art inspires so many of us out here in cyberland! Everyday!

    And I will wait patiently for my perfect ring!!

  7. What a treat it is to see your display and envision what a Plume boutique might look like!

    I love your work because it is genuine; it is unique; it is strong; it is vulnerable; it is you.

    I admire your many talents, but even more so the fact that you constantly challenge yourself. Congrats on your amazing journey!

  8. #3 most definitely toots!

  9. don't sell out to china. nothing would ever be the same. you'd never be able to do it anyway, we all know that 😉

    also, you put forth an AMAZING amount of product – unreal. you are so freaking productive it consistently makes me feel like a lazy ass 😉

    lastly, i hope you can relax yourself over the next little while – and i'm so looking forward to our little date!

  10. Awww, Jillian, you TOTALLY DID IT!! You sound like a weight has been lifted!! And so proud! Your display looked beautiful sweetie and I only wish I could have been there! 🙂 So sorry to hear you got washed out early but, hey, you are a class act and look how good you are at balancing life too!

    PS-I confess I needed a lil' bit of tissue for that one 😉

  11. Sunny Rising Leather says

    Of COURSE they were blown away – I am just sorry that you got blown away in a very different way.

    That book I promised IS on its way tomorrow.

    Please take your time and please know that when a high end couture house makes a line they make a limited number (it's the only thing I can use as a comparison, bear with me) of high end pieces and lists go up and if someone doesn't get one they don't get one.

    You are the creator of your miracles: no one should ever bully you into making more than you feel comfortable making: hopefully your newfound treasure trove keeps the shop stocked so you can concentrate on other things, a rounded life.

    I know this is all good, all meant and I am super excited for you.

    Love love love,

  12. I could have sent you the EXACT same comment as Jessie! I love your work and love how you share your art and life's ups and downs with us out here in the whispy ether that is the internet. I can wait, I know one day my finger will be adorn with one of your perfect creations.
    keep on truckin'!

  13. Oh how I wish I was visiting my sis in Missoula this last weekend. Your display looked beautiful, and I am sorry about the rain/wind/mess that sent you packing early. Keep doing #3. As someone who admires you and your talent, I wouldn't want to buy a mass reproduced anything originally designed by you. The fact that everything you make is unique and intricately designed is a marvel. Keep at it and never quit pouring your soul into what you love. That way you'll never go wrong, right? How could you?

  14. Two Bees says

    Darn, Iv'e got work to do and items to post. I'm going to watch this when I have uninterrupted time…but can't wait for the feature film!

  15. Dearest Jillian,

    Not only am I blown away by your strength, and talent, but the EXTENT of how you inspire us all.
    You bring out the warrior goddesses in us all!

    Not only do I spend any of my free moments checking your blog and shop…
    But truly grateful and lucky enough to have a few pieces of your work that I wear on a daily basis.
    My Ruby Selah Ring has been worn every day for over a year!
    I receive NEVER ENDING compliments on your ring. I can literally say it's been worn to DEATH and is still as brilliant as the day I got it. (God forbid if I ever loose this baby)
    Your soul obviously comes through your work, and it's beautiful, elegant, unique and powerful. And we all want a piece 😉

    Thank you for sharing your work and life!

    Almost two year supporter of the Plume,


  16. 1) Titanium….. Titanium hips are much better than plastic.

    2) Farley looks pissed.

    3) Your 1 2 3 business models aren't your only options… but you know that. I'll help if you'd like.

  17. Oh <3. I love your integrity, and that you do put all your talent and skill and love into your pieces, which is what makes them so fabulous I think. And yay for the Joel Affirmation 🙂

    And oh <3, strong lady. Your video blog was really touching. I can't imagine having to pack up everything that took so long to create, while people watched on. I'm glad that you came through with your head held high, knowing that you can do what you thought you couldn't. That's really wonderful, hey. 🙂

    Also? Yay for a spectacular Sunday outfits that make you feel beautiful 🙂

  18. I wish you could see our faces every time you unveil something new we've never seen before. The fact that each piece is dreamt up, designed, and fabricated with love shines through tenfold. To a job well done.

  19. mme. bookling says

    My Jillian Susan,
    Your luminescence continually sets the highest example for how EFFING beautiful a vulnerable and soft woman is. Your emotional courage is venerable indeed.

    I felt your fatigue and wanted to be sitting with you, tucked up in hoodies and hot tea, hearing you verbally process all of this heart-breaking month.

    I am sorry I complained about not being able to grab up those earrings I loved. You were so gracious and I really had no idea how at your end you really were.

    The 15th was big for us both, as my deadline was last night. I sent it in at 2am and felt like calling in a four-way conference call and demanding some bubbly. Though you are happily melancholy over the euhphoric disaster that was Montana 2009, I will send the long, lazy summer breeze of tranquility to the east…on it's gales you'll find the words, "you have done good. now rest."

    You are not allowed to video blog with tears anymore, for its simply unfair to feel you so and not be able to touch you with hugs and pats.

    Rest well tonight my wee chickadee.


  20. Jeweled Blossoms says

    Oh Plume! I'm so proud of you for putting yourself out there for the show (both emotionally and financially), as I know how delightfully scary it can be (I rarely ever do shows and did my first big one last Christmas). I must say I can only imagine the stampede you are going to cause when you finally unleash your craft-show-excess in the Etsy shop. From the looks of it, your adoring public will have to stalk your shop to claim some of those delightful goodies.

    Keep your chin up and enjoy the rest of your summer 🙂 Your adoring public will be here when you get back.


  21. Jillian,

    your work is absolutely original and absolutely fantastic. It is wonderful that there is such a demand for it! I don't care if I never get to own one of your pieces – just looking at your photos makes me quiet happy. Take good care of yourself!!!!

  22. MrsLittleJeans says

    Now, I am home and had a chance to see your video, without popcorn. What can I say? The people at the fair were morons and they should have jumped to help you move your table or at least apologize for placing you where they did. That is what I say.
    Sounds like your expectations were not entirely met but what mattered most did happen. Nothing like getting acknowledged by a pro. I know that we ooh and aah, but coming from a pro it has to be different.
    Sounds like you have pushed yourself a lot and now is time for rest.
    Must be a great feeling that your jewelry clears your shop almost immediately.
    Sounds like I should not say anymore…you already know.
    Good to have you back!

  23. Miss Crowland says

    Yes, miss plume, in the short time I have followed you, your work has evolved so much. It's nice to have affirmation from those you respect.

  24. Miss Crowland says

    ps…LOVE the new selah ring you posted today…

  25. HomeMadeOriginals says

    Your display looked splendid! I'm sorry our little tent couldn't hold back the flood waters better than it did for you. How nice to be able to connect with a fellow silversmith and see the reaction of customers to your work, though, and I am so impressed with the volume of work you have done.

    After weeks of rain, I'm thinking of either building an ark or fleeing to the desert. I think I'm growing moss between my toes.

  26. Jenn-with-2-n's says

    I want to give you a big bone crushing hug right now!! Go and have your fabulous summer – I love you!!

  27. Dear Ms. Plume…Option 3. That's why we're all so addicted to you! We get a little piece of the heart and poetry you put into each piece. Options 1 & 2 would diminish what we love…

    And once again, even though you're suffering growing pains, your "grace under fire" is evident. That's another reason we enjoy what you do and will patiently wait for the perfect Plume Jewel.

    And you came back with an inventory? Me-thinks it won't last long in the Etsy shop…

  28. Nancy*McKay says


    i love your chair…my new favorite color…

    & if i had been there…with you…& all the others…

    i would have given you my umbrella…

    we would have tarped the tables, let down our hair, kicked off our boots & watch them stare…we'd stomp in the puddles, then sip some tea, watch everyone scatter as we sat in our bi~ki~ni's…let it rain, let it pour, let nature do her thing…cuz even she couldn't resist parting the crowds…so she could buy a plume ring…

  29. thewindhover says

    I love what you create. I love that it is unlike anything else, even if too many people know it and buy your beautiful things before I get to your shop. I love your honesty, your quirky thoughts, your beauty. I have never met you but I know if I did I would love you more than I do now (this is saying something). I know you'll get through this hurdle and be all the more brilliant from it. "Joy has come it rises with the sun"

  30. I cried too! Chin up fair lady, your time will come when you can relax and just enjoy the sun and the fruits of your labour.
    Doesn't it just make you gasp how talented you are and how loved you are!!

  31. Linda Minou says

    Oh, how I missed you… I'm so sorry that the show ended that way for you; I had tears watching the video… Maybe the rain was there to wash away all the doubt and stress you'd been feeling prior? We are all so so so so proud of you and all that you create. Others have said what I think and feel much more pretty like so I just want to tell you how much I adore you and your work. All your stuff you brought home will be gone in no time, "ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO!!"…. I think I'll have to be quick to get some of the goodies I saw…

    Enjoy summer and enjoy going home for a visit!


  32. The display looks beautiful! We all love your work because it is so full of love, life and extraordinary talent and passion. Don't stop doing what you are doing. I get just as much joy out of looking at your work as I do purchasing a piece and wearing it daily. I will certainly be patient and I know something I was meant to have will come my way.
    You most certainly deserve this nice summer break. I hope you enjoy yourself and take time to breath and recharge your batteries.
    Thank you for sharing so much of your life with us..
    Take Care

  33. Aspen Wear says

    Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry to hear of the torrential rains….and after all your hard work. 🙁 Your table and jewels look gorgeous.


  34. i was tempted not to comment, for what can i add to the already-massive cloud of happy and adoring witnesses? but then i realized no one can be happy or adore just like me, so here i am.

    i heard about this as the lights of pocatello rose in your heart and you neared your train-tracked home, but it was just as great to hear it again and live it again with you now. i can't believe how sweet your table looked (wait yes i can) – it looked just like something you would create. beautiful and inimitable.

    it's true – you work your fingers to their very bird bones to work for us. and i thank you. even when you tell us, it's possible none of us will ever know just how hard you work for us.

    all my love,

    p.s. please forgive my ranting messages, if and when you remember you own a cellular telephonic device again…

  35. Lindsay Knapp says

    jillian, your set-up in montana looked beautiful and totally you! what i would give to have been there, met you in person, and bought some of your wonderful jewelry.

    good thing i watched your video by myself b/c whoa…tears were shed and i really feel for you, but it seems as if a weight has been lifted and you can keep on keepin' on!

    you're the best, your jewelry gets me through each and every day (that's probably b/c i wear something of yours everyday), i am proud to wear your silver and i hope you know that i heart you with all my heart 🙂


  36. Taddyporter says

    oh! as we drove westward home from Missoula we could see(and experience)heavy torrents of RAIN and knew you were probably getting the worst of it! I am so sad for you; I completely would have helped you as best as I could to pack up, and your chair!!!! I hope it dries out…..nothing like the smell of wet upholstery…

    well MY mind was blown completely at the beauty of your wares, of your grace and charm(and most gorgeous ensemble complete with rosey pink jewels), of your most spectacular and dazzling display of glassware and vases with vibrant bouquets. you are one in a million you sassy sweet thing and I am now happy for you that it is finis! good good work and now you can rest for a spell oh how you deserve it.

    and so wonderful to meet you in PERSON and squeal with delight! you are pure magic JSL!

  37. EmeliaRo says

    I am so proud of you.

  38. Two Bees says

    Jillian, you are so right about why some of us do shows. For me it is connecting with a community of people, this is why I only do local shows. It is the feeling you get when someone finds a piece that touches them, not the dollars that come from it. You saw the silver lining (excuse me, pun completly intended)and it touched you. Please do not let weather discourage you, here in Florida we end almost every event in this manner! (So it is "just weather".) The first time this happened to me someone told me "we have to have days like today to apprecicate the good ones", and I do! You've done an amazing thing, be proud!

  39. I often wonder why things in life continue to come up and make us feel "like I'm going to die and I'm not going to make it", so I've been right there with you! And all I can say is, good on ya!!
    Nice work, getting to the top of that pitch. Awesome!!

    You are an articulate, beautiful woman and a gifted artist! Take care of your heart …and take a nice long sweet roll in the fresh warm grass of summer. 🙂

  40. Reconstructing Sarah says


  41. Oh my that sounds dreadful!! Just dreadful!! So, do you have any of those lovelies left over from the torrent to share with your etsy peeps?

    Just keep doing what you're doing. If we all want jewelry enough we'll commission something from you, or we'll wait until the right moment dawns.

    And it is Titanium, not plastic. My hubby has a brand new one as of last June and it's doing very nicely thank you very much. WE went with Titanium because *it doesn't have to be replaced*… The first doctor wanted to go with something that would probably wear out. Sheesh. Time for a second opinion.


  42. what a beautiful video blog.

    i'm holding you to coffee – i need a friend in pocatello with as lovely a perspective on life as you have.

  43. Although I gasped when I read about the torrential rain, the rest of your Missoula tale makes me smile. You are so honest and optimistic and true to yourself it's awe inspiring.

    If I were you, I would hoard a bit of that inventory and list it sporadically in the Etsy shop. You will have a buffer for those times when you need a break but want the shop to keep buzzing along.

    And now it's time for relaxing.

    My daughters want to meet you. And have I mentioned that I bake killer cupcakes?

  44. The Noisy Plume: says

    Ladies and Gents,
    Thanks for all of these wonderful comments and also for the amazing emails and convos you have sent me after the past couple of days! You're all amazing and just blow me away with your support!
    Don't worry,
    option three is the only option I would
    ever consider.
    Thanks for telling me not to go in any other direction anyway.

    Jillian Susan

  45. Michelle - Revelate says

    "Working hard for you can be incredibly draining and overwhelming. It can be euphoric and blissful. It can be exhausting and uplifting. It can break me and make me."

    Then… my advice is (take it or leave it)…

    Why don't you work hard just for YOU, silly-beautiful-talented-creative girl.


  46. The Noisy Plume: says

    Well I'll take that!

  47. The Noisy Plume: says

    You know I don't have it all figured out right?
    I'm just doing my reckoning as I live it.

  48. Michelle - Revelate says

    Any person who SAYS they have it all figured out HAS NO IDEA what they are talking about.. they just happened to open their mouth and words came out. 🙂

    It is very interesting (and confusing) to me the way that a human life (yours, mine & everyone in between) can be shaped through the words used by said human.

  49. Michelle - Revelate says

    … and to relate… my first big show was the Winnipeg Folk Festival last year. For the first two days we had 70+ km/hr winds, sideways rain, constantly overcast and chilly. The winds were tossing tents and garbage cans around like dried up leaves. The rain poured down the middle of the big tents the WFF sets up for the "Handmade Village" so my set up had to be squished into the middle of our 10'x10' so it wouldn't get soaked… the ground turned into mushy and slippery muck.. it was very, very cold and I forgot to pack rain gear and socks…

    The weather was a disaster except for the third day which was perfect. In the end, though, the weather didn't matter. It was the people and their reactions that made it a success for me… and thanks to that experience I feel I've grown tenfold since this time last year 🙂 I wish the same for you… as a fellow artist and person who creates to feed the soul rather then the pocketbook.

  50. Elisa Shere says

    Poor thing! Rainstorms at shows destroying displays suck!! Big time. Your display is adorable, next time will be better.