Getting Free

Driving long distances can be boring and torturous for some.
I like it a lot.
Tres contemplative.
The rain did its busy washing between Pocatello and Swift Current, Saskatchewan.  All the spaces in between were filled with scrubbing, breezygusty wind, hail and obese raindrops.
I had to pull over and listen to it drum the roof of my truck in the pass above Helena.
I had to pull out a pencil and write.
I stopped in Montana on the Missouri River and sighed and strolled about.  I followed the tracks and set my bird dog free for a run in the hills.  He and I thought we might stay there forever and fish for a spell but the highway called us on.
And when I reached those Great Northern Plains I had to stop my truck, stomp through the stubble and open my heart up wide to let the last strains of the sunset pour down into my soul.  Summer sunsets on the prairies are the building blocks of dreams.  They also are a delicate liquid ghost in the quills of the flight feathers of most birds but I’ll share this hypothesis at a later date.
The light lasts late into the night.
The bewitching hours are nullified.
The fields fade into green in a solid gasp as far as I can see.


  1. EmeliaRo says

    That second shot of you is one of my all time favorite pics of you… of all time.
    I miss you and hope you're havin' a BLASSST!!!!!

  2. organikx says

    Welcome back to Sk! Hope you enjoy your stay/visit (in S'toon I think??), maybe we'll actually get some nice weather for you to enjoy!

  3. Marina H says

    Yay! I've been waiting for you to pop in and say how your trip was going.

    All your photos are lovely, and you seem to have a nice energy radiating from you. Seems as though the prairie is doing you good. 🙂

    Keep driving safe and enjoying yourself!

    P.S. I like how Farley is like *sneeef sneeeef* in the back of your truck. Bird?! Where?!

  4. thewindhover says

    It warms my heart to see you so free dear prairie soul

  5. Nancy*McKay says

    ….aaah…it's raining…

    plume drops…

    fill my empty bucket….

  6. ::mari:: says

    I love the line about obese raindrops. Perfect.

    Also, I love your wedding band. Is it, too, a Plume Creation?

  7. Aspen Wear says

    I LOVE road trips. Thank you for the beautiful photos and lovely words.

  8. let's drive somewhere someday.

    i feel the distance and while i miss you like the dickens, i'm so glad you can stretch your wings and fly.

  9. The Noisy Plume: says


    KJK: So funny, your reference to stretching wings and flying….I just ended today's post with a similar sentiment.