Summer in the City of Bridges

Summer in the City of Bridges
makes a girl forgetful.


  1. Melissa-Ann says

    lovely pictures, as always.
    I need to learn some of your editing tricks.
    Beautiful bridge. When Mike was in training in Regina I visited him there and we walked around this lake by the Parlaiment buildings that had a old bridge like that one.

  2. oh my city. how i love thee…

  3. mme. bookling says

    i keep having dreams about you.
    your soul must be flapping loud and clear.

    last night, you had the top of your hair burned off because you wouldn't marry who the dragon king chose for you (which consequently happened to be my childhood sweetheart, Carlos.) I told you not to marry him, that you're heart belonged to only one man (I assume I meant RW) and you agreed, but then got wicked burned. I felt bad.

  4. akamilby says

    Oh lovely!

  5. Desiree Fawn says

    Beautiful & so sweet.

  6. Nancy*McKay says

    …and that gorgeous bird dog…of yours…


    looks to be right at…home…

    doesn't he…!?!

  7. MrsLittleJeans says

    Thanks for the pictures…very familiar scenery though I have never been anywhere near there.

    take care…

  8. We were looking for a farewell gift for someone and I was complaining about those "damn boring bridge pictures" and then you manage to surprise me with new, beautiful, bridge photos. I thought that I had seen every possible bridge photo but I was so wrong. I especially love the one with Farley.

    Thanks for visiting us! The girls loved meeting you and I was so happy to have a chance to chat again.

    Safe journey.

  9. Ann from Montana says

    Beautiful photos and the title had me looking up why it was a city of bridges – so interesting and fun!

  10. lovely photos, makes a girl jealous…

    in a good way 🙂

    hope all is well.

  11. EmeliaRo says

    Have as much more fun as humanly possibly but then please hurry back home. 🙂

  12. just look at that bird dog. i can't wait to meet him. i can't wait to meet YOU for the 4th time.