At The Cabin

If you take yourself North of Saskatoon, it only takes an hour and a half of driving before the wheat fields end and the water begins.  The further North you travel in this province of mine, the wetter and rockier it becomes.  Over half of Saskatchewan is brimming with chain lakes and rivers cutting through Precambrian Shield.  
Rocks.  Lakes.  Rivers.  Boreal forest.  Whitewater.
A canoeist’s dream come true.
And so,
it is easy to be a babe in the woods
strolling barefoot beneath the jack pines and birch trees
dipping in to cool dark waters
restoring the soul.

For many years I spent my entire summer at Christopher Lake, up North.  I know it well.  The lake is bright and cool (as all lakes are in Northern Saskatchewan), rimmed with thick forest and chock full of that great Northern sky.

In the morning, the loons call out.
At midnight the forest floor is lit by the big dipper and the Northern lights.
The water laps against the shore.
The clouds scrub the sky clean blue.
In Canada, we call places like this: The Bush.
We refer to the location as:  Up North.
There’s no talk of cottages in these parts.  
In the bush, up North, Canadians go to the cabin.
NOTE:  This is not my cabin.  My cabin is on Deifenbaker Lake.  You’ll see photos of it on July 1 when we head there to celebrate Canada Day.
PS  If you doubt the greatness of Northern Saskatchewan and think I’m being overly romantic about the whole thing, Jordan and Kate will certainly testify.


  1. you KNOW i will. the best part of these photos is that they look like they could have been snapped 30 years ago. i really really love that timeless quality.

    and, for the record fellow readers – northern saskatchewan is nature's gift to those of us who are hardy enough to live in this climate – the smells up there and the feel of the cool CLEAN water against your sweaty skin is really the best thing on earth. bar none.

  2. You make me want to take off to the Great White North. You also make me want to read my photoshop instructions, buy a boat, don a bikini, and dip my toes in the water (in no particular order). Thank you for these lovely blog-postcards.

  3. ooohhh laa laa

    Cold water and skinny men don't mix.

  4. I like how Penny P. is the only one hamming it up for the camera in that shot of your whole brood by the boat. She says, "Cheese! I like pine conesssss."

    Your amazingly beautiful blogs about your homeland are giving me something lovely to look forward to every few days. I sincerely hope this trip is doing your soul some justice and giving you some great inspiration! Enjoy the rest of your travels!

  5. Melissa-Ann says

    wish i was there.

  6. katevp-a says

    oh indeedy!!!

    i have not experienced enough of northern SK in the past 7 years.

    but back in the day i spent all of July leading a canoe program up in rocks and rivers and rapids… and it was heaven on earth.

  7. Looks like loads of fun! You're making me very……. jealous!
    I think I know where my next trip will be… ;o)

  8. akamilby says

    Oh I'm also jealous. Being self-employed does not leave a lot of time for vacations, but your pictures are making me long for a quiet lake to teach the kids canoeing–like I had as a child. Hmmmm, I might be feeling inspired. It's not saskatchewan, but a tahoe weekend might fit the bill. Thanks for the beautiful pictures!

    Oh and I'm with Susie, I'm going to have to read my photoshop instructions one of the days, if only for the curved edges on your photos. Thanks for sharing such wonderful pictures.

  9. MrsLittleJeans says

    Don't doubt that it is beautiful there…i love how the clouds scrub your skies blue, and love how miss penny seems to be enjoying herself…

    lovely blog-postcard as susie put it so accurately


  10. What precious time to connect with your roots and nourish them to dig deeper, in the bush, up North. I'm soaking up the beauty vicariously…

  11. Michelle - Revelate says

    This ——

    "In Canada, we call places like this: The Bush.
    We refer to the location as: Up North."

    —— is so true! Especially because I LIVE in the bush, up north.

  12. Good Girls Studio says

    Looks so dreamy! Glad you're enjoying your time off!

  13. thewindhover says

    I'm enchanted by your world, completely and utterly..