Outrageous. Oui?

Good day to you kittens and tom cats!
I’m home from Canada.  I feel like I was away for an exorbitant amount of time.  But it was a very good exorbitant amount of time.  I feel well rested, fat and lazy.  I need more vacations.
Top five things about being home in Idaho:
1.  THE ROSE GARDEN!!!  Oh good gracious.  I’m gazing at it while I type this.  It’s so delicate and feminine.  I’m caught off guard when I go to clip bouquets for the house and I’m prickled half to death by their testy little thorns.
2.  RW.
3.  Having my little sister, Toby Beth, in my Idaho home for the first time ever.  What a delight!
4.  My neighborly friends dropping in for coffee and hellos.  How nice.
5.  Those green mountains and that lush garden of mine.  Perfect companions.
6.  OOPS.  I have one more thing for the list!  I arrived home to the perfect mountain of snail mail from some of you.  Good grief.  I’m working my way through it.  It’s like peach pie that pile of mail; I’m savouring it bit by bit.  Thank you! XO
I opened up the Etsy shop late last night and will be listing this and that as I slowly off-load my Missoula inventory as well as the things I’ll be crafting this week.
Heading for the shop today is this outrageous ring I made a couple of months ago:

It features dendritic opal of the snowiest persuasion as well as a hand cut snowshoe hare.  I had a dream about a rabbit on the tundra and built the dream when I awoke the next day.  Some dreams exist to be made — this is one of those.  You will find this little fellow in the shop today!
I hope you are all well!  I missed you so while I was away.
Hope your Canada Day and Independence Day were well spent in the company of friends and family!  What amazing countries we live in!
Smoochie smoochie,
Jillian Susan
PS  Thank you for your kind and wonderful comments on my photo blog posts from Saskatchewan.  I’m going through flatlander withdrawal today.  Le sigh. 


  1. EmeliaRo says

    YOU'RE HOOOOOME!!!oh how I've missed you like a crazy. Welcome back lady 🙂

  2. MrsLittleJeans says

    Welcome back Miss Plume, and what a beautiful sister name, Toby Beth. YOU WERE GONE FOR AN EXORBITANT LENGTH OF TIME…really, but glad you are rested and cheery.
    That is one cute hare, and I saw hares like that in Australia.


  3. Nancy*McKay says

    …missed you like i missed the sun…

  4. Marina H says

    Not to skip over the whole "WELCOME HOME!" bit or anything…but I nearly fell off my chair when I just saw your Hola Pistola Brooch. Oh Em Geee.

    Now that…is a serious piece of Plumage. I'm smitten with a pistol, I'm afraid.

    Your creativity astounds me.

    Welcome home, by the way. 🙂

  5. The silversmith guy from the horrendous craft fair of terror was right, you are one very brave lady.The work you produce is exceptional and the way you do it is so graceful. Glad you're back plume, you brighten my whole day.

  6. CarolynArtist says

    Jillian, your art continues to amaze me!

  7. Michelle - Revelate says

    I can't decide if it is part blessing (save my pocket book) or part curse to miss most of what you will be listing in your shop this week. We are off on an adventure to the Winnipeg Folk Festival {to be a Handmade Village participant} on Wednesday… no luxury of a computer there!

    Glad your trip was wonderful. Your photos speak a million words, happy ones.


  8. Glad to see you are back! Looks like you had a wonderful vacation and the weather looked beautiful!

  9. So glad you are home safe and sound – I missed seeing your new work as you reveal it – like a little Christmas come to St. Louis each week.
    P.S. Your photos continue to amaze and inspire to me figure out my own camera (what I wouldn't give for an extra hour in each day)

  10. Happy to have you back! Work days are soooo long when you don't have plume goodness to distract you!

  11. katevp-a says


    I am living vicariously through your SK photos and also…..

    hurrah it's my birthday and I got a beautiful surprise!!!

    Thank you for taking the time to email thom and plan a most fantastic and amazing ring for me!!! you are love love lovely!!

    I absolutely adore that ring and am sad that I am working tomorrow and cannot wear it all day long!!

  12. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks for the welcome home lady birds!
    I missed you so.