It’s Monday…

[south fork of the snake river, idaho]
Oh. And take a peek at THIS.


  1. sylvestris says

    Long slow deep breath. Exhale, slowly, with a deep huummm. Smile. Next best thing to being there.

    D 🙂

  2. Runs4fun says

    A beautiful view indeed…reminds me of my river here, that I have so often paddled in one of my kayaks…and we have wonderful class 5 white on it too!

    (psssstttt…didn't I tell you it would only be a few more sleeps…without your honey)!

  3. The Noisy Plume: says

    …you certainly did:) Thanks for getting me through! Now start the countdown again because he's gone like a freight train.

  4. Runs4fun says

    ahhh…sigh. yes…and you will both feel like a part of you is missing, BUT…learning to be apart is crucial…just as encouraging one another to continually work at strong, happy senses of 'self'…will carry you for a life-time! you are going to be fine. he is going to be fine.

    love you dear girl…

  5. lindsay michele says

    okay so when do we book a party at that place?

  6. Jenn-with-2-n's says

    I love tht purple wall colour, I painted our apartment that colour when we lived in wpg. I think I'll do that again.

  7. MrsLittleJeans says

    Reminds me of somewhere….

    Muchos Gracias for the LINK!


  8. oh I want to lounge on that plum settee and eat plums until I turn the color of the wall.

    *sigh* thank you. I needed that image!

  9. mme. bookling says

    holy jesu christo.