Bonjour bonjour!

I’m about to hop over to the Etsy shop to pop some new items on the shelves. This week has been a bit of a wash in the studio for me since I ran out of metal on Monday and have been working on leftovers since then. Leftovers are perfectly good projects that are left by the wayside when I find myself distracted by a totally new idea — my workbench is a maze of half finished projects which is a very poor use of resources but sometimes I have to drop what I’m doing and leap in a different direction or I’m afraid I’ll totally pass over the tip of a new idea. I should try to control myself more but I’ve found that the chaos of project tailings actually acts as a fertilizer for my right brain. All that sterling nitrogen gets new growth booming in infinite directions.

This is the saddle ring I made Monday afternoon, on a complete whim, with posting ladies in jodhpurs in mind. I imagined a ring with an extremely wide, sterling face. The band on this ring tapers into a really comfy fit inside the finger. I’m a big fan. I find myself trying this ring on repeatedly whilst in my studio. It’s so big and smooth and cold. I reckon there’s even a bit of a medieval edge to it which is what inspired me to make a pair of these rings:

This is my take on the Claddagh Ring, which in Irish tradition is a ring that is given as a token of love or is worn as a wedding ring. They usually feature a crowned heart which is held by a pair of hands. If you follow the link above, you’ll see that mine actually looks NOTHING like a Claddagh Ring but I kept thinking of the Claddagh design while sawing the components for these rings. RW is quite smitten with this design because the applique resembles a pair of kissing swans which reminds us both our segment of life lived together in Alaska. Tres romantique! (TRES MOSQUITOS)

I’ve also got a Soul Garden Ring with a beautiful slab of ocean jasper. This cabochon features slightly irregular orbicular patterning. They are quite ruffled and rather resemble poppies instead of the regular round, cosmic spots one can find in ocean jasper. Right pretty.

I have a handful of other goodies that will wind up in ye olde shoppe in a short while. Before I get listing I HAVE to find a pair of armwarmers I know I have some in my mitten basket by the front door…or perhaps they are in my bag of tights on the wall in the bedroom. At any rate, my wrists and fingers are freezing (not to mention really banged up after climbing last night). I might have to turn the heat up in the house — I HATE doing that in September. I feel like I should be able to tough it out and simply throw another sweater under my down vest and chug another pot of tea. I’ll not keep you from your daily duties by continuing this rambling! I hope you’re cozy, wherever you are. Adieu! Adieu!

I had this delightful little note arrive this morning!
The thought of people being accosted for their plumage made me smile!!!

Just thought I’d drop you a line to say hello and to tell you that I am wearing my “Up From The Earth” necklace today (and I do wear it frequently and adore it) and a lady stopped me in the middle of RUSH HOUR on the subway to ask about it. I gave her all the details, but it’s too funny, she came up to me and grabbed me by the arm and literally stopped me and demanded to know where I got it. I found that hilarious as I was rushing on my way to the office and she scared the @#$%^&* out of me! I just gaped at her and said: “Pardon me…?” I thought she was crazy (a very well-dressed crazy lady of about 50, too funny), so she repeated her question: “WHERE (insert emphasis here) did you get this gorgeous necklace?!” Finally I realized her passion for jewellery (it takes one jewellery junkie to know one), I laughed out loud and pulled her to the side to tell her all about Etsy and about The Noisy Plume. I hope she breaks down the barriers of shopping through the Internet (yes, it’s quite common that people mistrust the Internet to shop for anything, even in the Toronto Financial District) and pays you a visit.

[From M. in Toronto]
Thanks toots! You made my day!

Well it was a short and sweet shop update today over at The Noisy Plume!
Thanks to everyone who came out to support me — whether you took something home or not, your presence was felt!
Love to you all and happy weekending!


  1. MrsLittleJeans says

    What would you do if you had a lot of metal around? I apologize but I am drooling over the rings!


  2. The Noisy Plume: says

    I don't know!!!!!!!!!

    I'm telling you.
    I've had a few friends comment on the chaos of my workbench surface but all those bits and pieces are ideas that I'm nowhere ready to cast aside. The concepts are just on pause until I return to them:)

    Thanks for your sweetness!

  3. *GASP* I am LOVING the all-silver-finger-hugging new rings. Yowza. You are amazing…you turn out bits of drool-worthy adornments with "leftovers"….

  4. Love LOVE your version of the Claddagh Ring… It actually reminded me of one before I even read that that's what inspired it.

    I so need it.

  5. The Noisy Plume: says

    CLADDAGH FO-EVA!!!!!!!

  6. Nancy*McKay says

    …oh…claddagh me…claddagh me…

  7. Nancy*McKay says

    …and YOU DID…xoxoXOXOxoxo!

  8. The Noisy Plume: says

    Oh gosh. I love the Claddaghs. I'm wearing them both as I type this (infusing them with a bit more of myself before they ship out today)….they'e just SO big and warm and cold and sleek. That's it. I'm making one for myself this afternoon (when my hands thaw).

  9. The Noisy Plume: says

    …I'll make a few more for you as well!

  10. Nancy*McKay says

    …i've come to realize…just when i think…i have it all…i've gotta have…just…one…more…of yours…

  11. The claddaghs are a hit! This Irish gal…would love one at some point!

  12. MrsLittleJeans says

    Well, my pocketbook thanks you for not listing more saddle rings but please do please do again.

    Have a great weekend!

  13. Ok, I need more coffee, I just deleted this by accident, happy fingers. I had said: "Let it be known that you rock!"

  14. Oh boy, those rings are something. I think you should run out of metal more often 🙂 And yes please, make more! In Farm girl with big hands sizes!

  15. BlueButtonwood says

    Oh, so sorry I missed that Soul Garden ring! Dag nab preschool at the wrong time. And it was in bird size too! That one spoke straight to my heart with its watery, soothing goodness. What a luscious piece of jasper- hope you have more of that around! Next time the child might just have to be late 😀

    Stay warm and take care!

  16. you certainly need to run out of metal more often. what glee!!

  17. That's so nice that one of your lovely clients wrote to let you know of such a brilliant moment. That was really wonderful to hear that your work really is appreciated by the world at large 🙂