Wednesday’s Soup (not full of woe)

Well, as you know, RW came home from a fire on Wednesday, quite unexpectedly. We celebrated his return by taking Farley hunting in a beautiful area up in our mountains.

I love the first snow because no matter the date, or the plummeting temperatures, it always manages to catch everything off guard. We get caught with our pants down, figuratively speaking. We realize we should have picked those tomatoes, we should have canned a couple more pints of plums…we should have….we should have.
Even the wildflowers are guilty of wishful thinking.
“I should have sowed more of my seeds. One more bloom wouldn’t have hurt.”

The aspens are lanky beauties as always, with their heads in a continual rush towards blond this time of the year.

Some are embarrassed to still be green, with the onset of snow though it will only cap the mountain tops for a few days before melting away and flowing down the hillsides in creeks that will join rivers that will meet the sea.

All things seem to wear the first, fine dust of crystals like crowns. Royal when caught in their natural state. Kings and queens of the forest crunch underfoot as I carry myself over the hill crest into the spruces (so serious and quiet with their snow loads).

The deer, somewhere, behind that tree over there, raise their small black noses from the forage and wonder why I walk on two legs instead of four.

And a long line of ladies wave me on.

Farley, wet with effort and snow spray from low branches, turns his face into the wind to catch scent as it flings itself off a handful of paunchy ruffed grouse.

He steps forward, with sureness, locating the scent. His stubby tail is the only indicator of how hard his heart is beating with excitement. And then he locks up, his body tense, not a muscle moving. I lean into my steps and listen to the long draughts of air he sucks in through his nose, that scent must be delicious. He drinks it like a thirsty man. “Right there,” his body says. He’s waiting for Robert who will walk ahead, through the brush, flush the bird and shoot it from the sky. Farley will hold staunch until he is given the command to fetch.

And then he brings home the bacon.

And holds it in his mouth until we reach down and command him to drop it, still warm, into our hands.

RW inspects the harvest and pops it in his bag. Farley hears the words, “Get on.” And he takes to the forest like his heels wear wings, to do it all again. For the love of birds. For the love of us.

In the meanwhile, my feet and hands are very cold. My cheeks feel wind kissed because it’s blowing cold up in the mountains, out of the shelter of the valley. In the distance, the trees have faded into old age, and the meadows are white lace on the edge of sundown.

But even in all this white, there’s so much color to behold and my heart is bold with RW nearby. I hear him call out commands to our dog as I stop to inspect nature.

Before long, it’s time to drive down the mountains, to our warm little home and our toasty little dinner plans. We load the dog, hop in the cab, turn on the heat and coast down the hills into town.

We reach home and warm up with a fresh batch of potato soup, toasted homemade bread, lavender tea and a nip of port.

Cold Weather Potato Soup:
1 tbsp butter
1 cup celery, chopped
1 1/2 cups green onions (white part and 2 inches of green)
4 cups potatoes (peeled and diced)
1 cup carrot (chopped)
3/4 tsp dried thyme
1/4 tsp black pepper (I usually do a full tsp)
1 tsp dried dill
1/2 tsp salt (skip this if you aren’t using a low sodium chicken broth)
4 cups chicken or veggie broth (best if you make this yourself)
1 cup buttermilk
Melt butter in a large pot, add onions and celery. Cook and stir for 5 minutes or until veggies begin to soften. Add broth, potatoes, carrots, thyme, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium low, cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Working in batches, transfer food to a blender and puree until smooth. Return to pot, stir in buttermilk and dill. Simmer for a few more minutes.
Serve with fresh baked bread or buttermilk biscuits. If you find the soup to be hothothot, cool it off with an extra drizzle of buttermilk.


  1. So glad your hubby is home safe and sound. We don't get much snow here, I am living out all my snow angel fantasies vicariously through your blog. Enjoy your weekend together.

  2. Sounds like a glorious time was had by all. The photos are scrumptious 🙂

  3. Blessings Flow Down says

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful life with me. The fall color of Idaho is just gorgeous, sprinkled with a lite feathery snow. Enjoy!

  4. Nancy*McKay says

    …i love where you live…

  5. BlueButtonwood says

    Mmmmm…I'm warming up just thinking about your soup. That whole scenario looks so cozy.

    I love your lichen pic. That would be me on the trail stopping to appreciate the smallest bits of precious beauty (don't you just ADORE macro?). Thank you so much for sharing it with us!

  6. jessicajane says

    i am going to live my winter through you. i miss the snow so much.

  7. MrsLittleJeans says

    What a great recipe!
    Why did not Farley wear his earrings, I like to know?
    I think the aspen are showing off their last green leaves, embarrassed…I think not.


  8. sylvestris says

    Delicious delicious delicious the snow the air the trees the views the anticipation the the hot soup the warming drink the camaraderie the day…

    So heartily shared, thanks!


  9. CarolynArtist says

    Ahhh your story took me away from the sound of my tumbler and suburbia for a bit. Your writing is so beautiful! Thanks!
    (oh and I will try that soup, it looks good)

  10. reconstructing sarah says

    you have a way with words. i love the way you see the world.

  11. great post.

  12. ohhhh my goodness! my mom had some surgery today…(angioplasty to her arm…for her dialysis access)…and i have just been with her for when my bro fetched her home…to help w / dinner. she was getting a bit sleepy, and i was JUST singing that old song about each day! ..Today is Monday…etc etc…Today is Wednesday…Wednesday sooooo-oop…everybody happy, well I….should…SAY!

    Looks delicious! I love soup. Make all my own from scratch…including stocks.

    Here is to heaping bowls of steaming comfort-soup to warm us to the very cockles of our hearts—ALL winter long!

  13. Melissa-Ann says

    I love that ring.
    Love that sweater behind it too.
    Love the Lichen growing ont he rock.
    Love the Farley pictures.
    My tongue says it would love your potato soup.
    It all sounds just lovely!

  14. Michaela Dawn says

    Dear dear Lady, I would love to knit you something for those capable hands… They just cannot be going out in the cold in their birthday suit on days like these:P

    The post was a treasure to read, thank you for sharing your hills with us, and I must say seeing the birch trees captured in all their glory sent me into pining for a winter hike and actually got me wishing for some snow:)

  15. I love this.

    So, so much.

  16. It all looks Divine.

  17. oh what a lovely lovely day 🙂

    (and YUM! i can`t wait to try that soup)

  18. Nancy*McKay says

    PS…is that thar a shot~o~whiskey…sitting pretty between the toast & the tea…hmmm…

  19. Beautiful.

  20. Nancy*McKay says

    …ooh…it's port…how romantic…

  21. Fashionably Adorned says

    That potatoe soup sounds delicious! I will have to try it. I love your pup, so pretty and just wants to please you and fetch those birds, my dogs fetch balls and snore but they love us! I'm really hoping that we don't have another winter like last yr. I live in Spokane Wa and we had like 10 ft of snow last yr. The most snowfall in the history of keeping snowfall record!! WOW, shoveling sucked!! but fall is one of my favorite times of the yr. everything gets ready for winter, the leaves turn, the air is crisp and hot cocoa and hot soup give us comfort! 🙂

  22. Willow Branch says

    That soup looks too yummy & made me all warm inside. You live in a beautiful place.


  23. i NEED that soup. now.

  24. Me and rob need to talk. I really want to go out again. This time I'll have a license…

  25. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks for all these lovely comments! Wish you could have been out strolling with us and souping with us! We could have huddled around the kitchen table like buffalo in a snowstorm.

  26. The Noisy Plume: says

    Sean: I can't wait to have you and Q parked on my sidewalk again!

  27. The Noisy Plume: says

    OH GOSH!
    Everyone has been cooking this potato soup! I'm thrilled that you like it so well! I'll be sure to share more of my favorite recipes with you!!!