Birthday Bumps (I don’t think you’ll know what these are unless you’re Canadian)




Happy birthday to the best man I know!
Yesterday RW received the best birthday present he could ask for: His last day of work for the year!
Whew. We made it through another summer.
We celebrated the end of the 2009 fire season as well as his birthday with a posse of 19 other men and a handful of my lady friends out at a local Mexican restaurant. It was a very entertaining evening, of course — good company, good food and lots of margaritas.
To further celebrate his 30th year we are headed for Wyoming tomorrow in our truck with the dogs to hunt antelope. RW is in heaven, I tell you. I can’t wait to unplug from my computer and hang out in a freezing cold tent (this statement is sarcasm free) on the plains of Wyoming, hike around in the day and take photos of all sorts of strange bits of nature. Hot tea in the morning and at night, cooking over a little stove, stargazing…it’s going to be a wonderful weekend away with my favorite person on all of the planet.
We’ll see you all next week!
Happy weekending!
Mister and Mister Plume


  1. ~My Rustic Soul~ says

    Happy, Happy Birthday to your Man, and I hope you both (and The Pups) have a super fun camping trip… and hunting for Antelope, and star gazing together, it sounds Wonderful! πŸ™‚

  2. jessicajane says

    i used to live in Wyoming, and we had antelope on our wall! It was such a beautiful place. Id like to go back someday.
    Have a safe and sound trip! good luck on the hunt!

  3. Happy Birthday to the Mister and congrats on making it safely through another summer! Enjoy your camping trip- good luck with the hunt!

  4. MrsLittleJeans says

    Happy birthday to RW and happy birthday celebration to you…Have a great weekend!


  5. you really have such a lovely hubby. such a happy, handsome man! hope his birthday is excellent!! and hope you have a fantastic trip to boot. can't wait to see pictures.

  6. Those are fantastic pictures of the birthday boy! How exciting for you both that another cycle ends and a new one begins. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the Birthday boy and happy hunting πŸ™‚

  7. Happy Birthday Mister Plume!

    I don't know if this is strictly a Canadian thing or not but have you heard of the paddy-whack machine?

    Have a great and safe trip!

  8. CrowNology says

    Fellow Canadian here…
    I was always afraid when the "bumps" part of the party came around…How much do these people really like me? πŸ˜‰
    I've recently "found you" and I love your words.
    Happy Birthday to Mr. Plume.

  9. dailycoyote says

    Hope you have many layers of silk – it was 13 degrees F this morning!

  10. sensitiveartist says

    Your man is so gorgeous. Just sayin'.

  11. Michaela Dawn says

    Enjoy, lovely lady! Happy B-day RW!

    Best bring some dark chocolate for calories to burn at night and keep you toasty warm!

  12. CarolynArtist says

    Happy birthday to your young Man! Hope you find many interesting ways to keep each other warm!
    I'm only a tad disappointed there are no pics of hot fireman accompanying your blog entry (<—-insert sarcasm!) where are the other hotties? πŸ˜€
    …oh right, what's a Canadian Bump?

  13. Happy Birthday to RW! Did the 19 other firefighters attempt to administer the 30 birthday bumps? If so, pictures please!

    Best of luck in Wyoming! Stay warm!

  14. Willow Branch says

    Happy birthday to RW. .I hope y'all have a wonderful time.


  15. sounds absolutely lovely! a great way to spend canadian thanksgiving!

    have fun!

  16. Happy Happy Birthday to RW!! Are "birthday bumps" like birthday punches? πŸ™‚ I wish you two (and the doggies) a happy weekend and wonderful trip!

  17. PS. Your pictures are always amazing. What type of camera do you use?? πŸ˜›

  18. Desiree Fawn says

    Happy Birthday Mister Plume!!!!

  19. Being Canadian, I sure do know what birthday bumps are…stinky part is, you start getting older, and you get so many, it makes you dizzy! πŸ™‚

    Congratulations on 30 fabulous years Mr.Plume…..may you have 100 more!

  20. Linda Minou says

    hahaha, getting the bumps…so funny that whole idea!

    Have a wonderful weekend, extended birthday wkend to the the Mister.

    Be thinking of you as I gobble turkey (and stuffin' and cranberries and ham and smashed potatoes….and meat pie and and and..)

  21. Happy and Congrats and Hoorah to you both – my two favorite Idahoians! Have an amazing weekend!

  22. Good Girls Studio says

    Happy birthday to the Mister! Have fun camping!

  23. thebearaffair says

    Happy birthday Mr. Plume. Have a wonderful trip with the cutest lady I've never met:)

  24. Michael and Jeanette says

    Happy Birthday Robert! ! ! I'm sure your wife will get this and pass the well-wishes along once you two get back. And no, me posting here does NOT mean I follow this very girly blog. : ) -Michael

  25. whee! BONNE FÊTE monsieur plume! hope you lucky love birds are having a fabulously spectacular weekend – it sounds delightful.

  26. i love and miss that smile.
    happy birthday, tarby.


  27. A very happy birthday to RW and a WONDERFUL happy thanksgiving to your whole family (furry bits and all) πŸ™‚ I smell stuffing and pumpkin pie wafting through my window, after being thoroughly stuffed on lamb.

    CHEERS from West Coast Canada!

  28. First time here, happy birthday to your mister!

  29. The Noisy Plume: says

    The Mister says:

  30. The Noisy Plume: says

    …oh yes. Birthday Bumps:

    Well everyone at your birthday party grabs one of your limbs and they all lift you up in the air and then bump your bottom on the floor…one bump for each year you've lived!

    Totally a weird Canadian thing…