Morning Has Broken

I woke up feeling like I’m a different person than I was yesterday.
I crossed the street and meandered up into the hills this morning. I was actually in search of a sunrise. With a perfectly blue Idaho sky I knew the sun would pierce the night with certainty and clarity.
I wanted to pierce the night in the same way, so I sought the sun, young in her nest, winging her way high.
And she did not disappoint.
Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning…
Up in that holy blaze with the mountains in the distance and the sage at my knees I did a bit of thinking, a bit of singing, some strolling, some smiling, some praying, some glad hearting…
…and still the sun came on strong.
It became tangled up at one point
until I reached down and set it free once more.
Smooth sailing in endless orbit again.
Oh sigh for the sun the wind the rain the earth the
even keel of the universe.
Keeping on.
Keeping on.
Up in the hills, I’m part of something larger than my little plot of earth; my solitary prayers.
I’m untouchable when I’m part of the greater whole.
I’m under a wing.
I’m on the back of a bird that carries fire in its mouth.
I’m poured out on the earth in a sad stream.
I’m lifted up on the hands of the wind.
It’s all apparent.
My hurts and bruises fade to pale white and I find myself unscathed.
I’ve been inoculated against the woes of this world.
Baptized in tree sap.
Washed in holy rain.
Broken down and raised up again fresher and finer than before.
Clean and glad and pink enough to have the frost of morning settle on my cheeks and hands.
Joyful enough to spot Talulah wagging her tailpipe at me, begging to be started up and warmed out of her chilly October nap.
Cozy enough to stroll in my front door and into the arms of the
best fellow I know.

It’s going to be a very good day.
The sun said so.
I’m going to make it so.
Love you,


  1. love you. i love seeing what transformation occurs after a night of sleep and a morning in your hills. i really mean what i said: who/what do you have to fear? NOTHING. you're free as a bird and just as beautiful. i can feel the beating of your hummingbird wings from here!

  2. MrsLittleJeans says

    'she' is a splendid friend…you dear friend, painted a beautiful picture…last night was a special spectacular starry night with meteor showers and all kinds of stuff…we are all only a speck of evanescence with nothing but glory in us all…so perfectly captures, so beautifully told….


  3. Stepping into the sacred for a moment is always a good choice…a choice far too many of us bypass when we have the opportunity.

    Thanks for sharing your morning.

    And I'm sending MUCH admiration for Penelope making that trek–I expect Farley to join you for those hikes, but Penelope amazes me. She's like the 5'3" basketball player who acts 6'7" on the court and gets away with it! 🙂

  4. thebearaffair says

    Penelope is much like her Mom – unafraid, tall, and proud. We love you all so much and big hugs for a new day. Sally

  5. Sunny Rising Leather says

    Love you. Love this. Ate toast this morning with jam.
    Thought of you the whole time – did YOU feel it???? 🙂


  6. sensitiveartist says


  7. BlueButtonwood says

    Thank you for that Jillian. I know it's what you needed this morning, but it is also JUST what I needed. I'm stuck in the house with 2 sick kids and a sick kitten, so it was a relief to get some soothing words, a glimpse of the sun and a breath of fresh air.

    And I'm glad you're feeling better this morning too. What a crazy day yesterday! Thank goodness today is a new start. It's amazing how having and embracing our connection with the heavens and earth can be so healing. It changes the perspective on everything!
    Take care you and here's to a day full of bright, happy, uplifting moments 🙂
    xoxo Shannon

  8. sylvestris says

    Sometimes the everyday miracles are the best–such as the one in which the earth rotates so we all get a chance to see the sun rise and know it will do so again in a predictable number of hours. I'm so glad you embraced and were embraced by so bright and soft a dawn. Thanks for sharing it!

    Love you,

  9. Dale Smith says

    … a perfect day.

  10. The Happy Sparrow says

    …what a beautiful way to start the day…seeing the sun rise on creation…thanks for sharing your beautiful walk:) Martine

  11. Looks like a wonderful day!!!!

  12. Shell (aka Songsmith) says

    I too am an early morning hill walker (though our springy evenings are also wonderful here right now) – a hilltop meditator, a sunshine explorer and a fan of such wonderful sentiments to start a day.

  13. Mountaindreamers says

    there is something so perfect about the early morning and the sun peeking over the horizon, you captured it beautifully.

  14. Nancy*McKay says

    …i…too…was with yoU…for just a moment…this morning…& it felt so good…the sun said it would…& i made sure of it…

  15. CarolynArtist says

    Jillian, i love your line about the van…perfect

  16. I have that song stuck in my head now, morning has broken, that is. And not in a bad way, just humming along as I check e-mail and sip coffee. Thanks for posting your uplifting morning. It made mine cheerier.

  17. "baptized in tree sap"

    I know no purer feeling, no more cathartic experience, and I will carry that phrase on my heart for a long, long time.

    I love you too.

  18. I want to live where you live…

  19. thebearaffair says

    Jillian, We love you so much…….you bring so much delight to our lives….how can we say thank you?????

  20. Lovely, Jillian, though am still wondering how do you take photos of yourself? I would dearly love to know <3

  21. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thank you all SO much for your kind and lovely responses to this post. When I set out to find the sunset, I was seeking some divine healing for myself — for my bruised heart and soul.

    I'm a human and you're all human as well so I know that you must suffer some of the same emotions I had this week and I wanted to show you my experience of letting go of hurts — the grand sharing of a holy sunrise managed to take it all away.

    I imagined you all up in the hills with me, seated in the sage, wind on your cheeks, watching that sun come up with me. I imagined you all raised your hands in the air to try to touch the fire. I imagined you all laughed with me when Penelope leaped in and out of the grasses. I imagined you there with me.

    Thanks for being here. Thanks for being there.
    Thanks for your love.
    Thanks for understanding.
    The fact that you read these words and support this work is more than enough thanks.

    Joyful: I set my timer on my camera, put my camera on a rock or a stump or fence post and I leisurely walk or stroll into the frame, depending on the terrain:)

  22. Nancy*McKay says

    re: joyful…i always wondered about that…too…

  23. Dear Jillian, you give so much love & so it is easy to love you in return. Your warmth comes through in all your photos, words and craft. We adore you xx

    Thank you for letting me know about the way you take photos of yourself. They are always so wonderful. I pray your soul is healing well.