The Friday Dance

Good evening ladies and gents!
This marks the end of Friday! I encourage you to put on a little
bit of music and shake it all around your living room because
it feels good to be a little bit wild. Pull of that pesky power suit and
do it in your underpants….invite the kids and the dogs to join in.
RW and I are blazing trails for Moab, Utah in t-minus one hour. Don’t worry, I’ll take photos!
Happy Friday to you and thanks to every lady and gent who came out to support me today! I want to buy you all BLM mustangs as thank you presents.
Happy Weekending!
Over and out,


  1. Yee haaaaa! Shake and go! Nice shakin' music.

    Have a lovely weekend.


  2. MrsLittleJeans says

    Fancy dancing! And, if you are taking orders, I want a burro!


  3. thebearaffair says

    Happy trails to you and RW…..

  4. jilly girl…you are just too dang CUTE…& i really dig that tune…you can trot #9184 over my way…yee haw…a little wild thing in the city…with me…is always a good thing…

    way too hilarious. can i come join in? i do love a good dancin'…particularly if steve is nearby so i can sing and dance 'at' him. this is something i partake in regularly at weddings. it makes me laugh 😉
    happy weekend

  6. Gabriela Hughes says

    You're AMAZING!!!
    (I love the way you dance!!!)
    Enjoy the week end!!!

  7. reconstructing sarah says

    over and out 🙂
    friday 10/4!


  8. adorable! 😀

    safe travels to you & the mister! xoxo.

  9. Melissa-Ann says

    ahaahaha!!!! love it, you dance like me.

  10. Those are some pretty sweet moves…I hope that it was accompanied by an even sweeter "dance face"!!! Have a FAB weekend!!! 🙂

  11. Mountaindreamers says

    A mustang would be fine, I love the horse energy, happy weekend, enjoy the desert.

  12. The Perkins Family says…or i guess i should say canada. haha! i do that too but only when no one is watching. loved the jump at the end. it was a real heel clicker! Ãœ

  13. melissadc76 says

    Oh, I had the worst day ever.

    Except that.

    You're adorable, Jillian.

  14. Michelle April says

    Awesome moves, Jillian! Great song, too! Who is the artist and what's the name of the song?

  15. The Noisy Plume: says

    Hardline by Jill Barber….sorry so short. I'm in a car somewhere in Utah…

  16. This made me laugh and smile and shake off all of my too-busy-Friday-ness. Thanks!

  17. mme. bookling says

    Dear Jillian.
    Thank you for wearing pants.

    For no bootie, you surely do shake it well, my wee leprechaun.

  18. Jenn-with-2-n's says

    Hey, tell RW he'll be happy to know that New Moon was FANTASTIC!!!!!

  19. CarolynArtist says

    WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOo this made me giggle a lot! Thank you for posting this Jillian, it put a huge smile on my face! (i've read it's good to air your house out with loud music you love at least once a week!)
    I'm going to dance too!
    have a fun time
    …cute little jump near the end btw…

  20. …it's Saturday…and i just got home from work…had to listen & view your jilly~BIG~jig…again…i love it so much…it makes ME so happy… :))) ~~~ :))))

    if you ever tire of smithing…just know…you make the BESt eVr MOTIVATIONAL~feel good~DANCin'~set me frEE~friday night or any day or night…music video…

    yes, you really do…

  21. lol, I just finished putting these two quotes on Facebook before I saw this:
    "We look like fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance."
    -old Japanese proverb
    "You don't stop dancing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop dancing"
    Yay to dancing! And you do it well, no fool there! 😉

  22. lol, I just finished putting these two quotes on Facebook before I saw this:
    "We look like fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance."
    -old Japanese proverb
    "You don't stop dancing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop dancing"
    Yay to dancing! And you do it well, no fool there! 😉

  23. indigorhino says

    Looks like you're in your "happy place." What a wonderful little Friday dance, Miss Plume. What kind of camera did you use to take that??

  24. Loved that! Love you.


  25. The Noisy Plume: says

    While I was away, there was a comment party!

    Thanks for your sweet words dear chickadees!
    I'm glad I was able to make you laugh and smile!

  26. VerreEncore says

    big smiles, this one 🙂

  27. bounce and bop a licious

  28. Fashionably Adorned says

    your funny and a wonderful jewelry maker and writer!! 🙂

  29. Gabby Rogers says

    That was the most awesome thing I have ever seen. I thought I was the only one who did just that! You have to break the energy apart and spread it around!!!

  30. I love the friday dance…this is something I will institute immediately in my home….with my children—they are very good dancers all days of the week

  31. Suzy ~ lorenzstudio says

    You look like a jiggly carrot stick! HA! I love it!

  32. The Noisy Plume: says

    Well apparently, some people liked the jiggly carrot stick butt dance:) I'll be sure to share more moves with you in the future!