Handsome but good for nuthin?

Methinks not!

Last night, while in the midst of a dinner party at Plume Gables, I opened up the door to the laundry room to see Mister Pinkerton crouched over a dead mouse on a rug. Of course, I screamed. He picked the rodent up in his mouth and leaped out the doggy door into the night.
This was perfect timing for him to prove his hunting prowess to RW since the man tends to go on about how worthless Pinky is when it comes to seeking and destroying rodent populations around our property. I always knew the great white beast was hunting in the night and lazing about in the day. While he is getting rather corpulent these days I like to think it’s because he’s eating eleventeen meecies every single night, in the bewitching hours, when we can’t see him.
This is all to say, if you have an outdoor cat that sometimes lives in YOUR laundry room during the day, have a little faith in the fellow when it comes to the rodenticide. Just because he’s not bringing his dinner in for you to see, every single night, it doesn’t mean he’s not slicing and dicing with his killer claws under the grapevines or over in the raspberry patch.
Happy Saturday to all!
We’re getting a Christmas tree today and you know what THAT means!!!!
That’s right. I’m gearing up for the second annual Christmas Tree Photo Contest right here at The Life and Times! Get your cameras out and start taking a few photos of your Tannenbaum!
To entice the few of you who are photographically lazy, I’ll let you know
in advance that the individual with the winning photo
will get a superfluously lovely care package from
Mister Plume and I! You can never tell who might win! It depends entirely
on how the vote goes…which could be in any old direction!
Fa la la la la,


  1. Oh my goodness! When will the deadline be? We can't even buy a Christmas tree around here yet!

  2. annabananahead says

    Photo Contest! I'm always in……..

  3. jessicajane says

    yesssssss, cant wait! i loved last years entries.

  4. The Noisy Plume: says

    M: Fear not! I'm going to leave the contest open while I'm in Canada so that I can start building and editing the blog post up there (it takes a heap of work). You should have until the 16th or 17th…Or perhaps we'll do the official unveiling on the 21st…oh…wait. I'll be in Hawaii then. I'll figure it out. Perhaps you could decorate a cholla cactus?

    Anna: I'm looking forward to your entry. Has anyone ever told you that you resemble Bjork in your photo? I think Bjork is SO lovely.

    Jessica Jane: WHEEEE!!!!!!! You'd have a BEAUTIFUL tree! Your entry photo last year was SO sweet! I remember it well:)

  5. Desiree Fawn says

    Oh yay! I was hoping you'd do another tree contest!!

    Also, when I was in first year university, my little gray cat, Kitten, and I moved into a new apartment and BAM she caught 5 mice the first week and then they were never seen from again. She's QUITE the little huntress!

  6. fluttertothesky says

    supremely excited. imma try and take the schnazziest photo ever!

  7. thebearaffair says

    Yahoo, another contest. I am definately photogenically challenged -(is there such a word and did I use it correctly??) but I will do my best…..cats rule!!

  8. Willow Branch says

    Mister Pinkerton has such mesmerizing eyes. I think he lures the little rodents closer to looks deeper into his eyes then ZAP!!!! He's got them.


  9. Taddyporter says

    Earning his keep, good work Pinky-Pinkertonpinknose! what a handsome young mancat he has become…. Yes it is Tree Contest time again! Well, I may have to bring out Ye Olde Tinsel number today, the Christmas Spirit has not yet taken over. I believe I hear a tasty tumbler of nutmeg-sprinkled eggnog calling my name.

    did I mention there could be rum involved? NOW we are talking festive…..

  10. MrsLittleJeans says

    Good going Mr Pinkerton…our city cat hunts mice and birds, and takes a whack or two at the neighbors' dogs; however all work must be done before 10 p.m. because when curtain call comes they must be in. BTW, Pinkerton looks like a lightweight compared to our beast. : )


  11. CarolynArtist says

    CrunchcrunchCrunch, my cat eats the head first, he's a good boy! Yay for Mr Pinkerton!