Prepare the Tannenbaum!

RW and I have been strolling around in a winter wonderland and discussing the
rules and regulations of the
right here at The Life & Times of The Plume!

We invite every single one of you to participate in the contest again this year not only because it’s fun BUT also because it bolsters a sense of community around these parts which is wonderful. Additionally, this is a democratic contest wherein you get to vote for your favorite photo! The photo with the most votes wins! Easy peasy!

We aren’t picky about the photos you submit! ANYTHING you enter will make it into the official contest blog post and it will be part of the voting.
Put any or all of these items in the photo:
*significant others dressed as Santa
HOWEVER, since this IS a Christmas Tree Photo Contest, a Christmas tree needs to be part of your overall photo composition. Please and thank you. If you would like to see some of the shots from the 2008 contest, please click on the link at the top of this posting.
Whatever you can dream up, if you can capture it in film, it’s good!
Official Rules:
1. Only one entry per person.
2. Only one vote per person.
3. Please email your entries as file attachments in tiff or jpg format to:
4. Please include a name for your photo, your location in the world and your first name!
(if you neglect to name your tree, I shall name it for you)
5. Enter with joy! This is supposed to be fun.

First place: A care package that will include a $100 gift certificate for The Noisy Plume.
Second Place: A $50 gift certificate for The Noisy Plume.
Third Place: A $25 gift certificate for The Noisy Plume.
Whew. That’s a lot of prizes. But it’s the season to share and give gladly
and I want to show my appreciation for your support.

Bonne chance et Joyeux Noël



  1. Dale Smith says

    Fa la la la la, la la la la:)

    Dog with Christmas tree coming soon!!!!!

  2. annabananahead says

    Oh Christmas Tree….Oh Christmas Tree…

  3. What a fun idea! I'll have to get some pictures going! Hope you are having a wonderful Holiday Season!

  4. Noisy Plume-

    First of all, I want to come out and say i have been an ardent lurker of your blog for quite awhile now, and really enjoy your writing and art! Many times I have been inspired in my own artwork by your words and fantastic jewelry.

    I would love to participate in the Christmas tree contest, but alas, living in an apartment in the city, have no tree (I go home to my parents for Christmas, where there is a tree- but wont be home til the 20th). Would it be alright to take a photo of the Christmas tree in the city, or does it need to be your own tree?

    Sorry, this is a pretty long comment. Mostly, just thanks for writing this blog!


  5. The Noisy Plume: says


    The Christmas Tree in your photo does not have to be YOURS!!! It just needs to be a Christmas Tree!
    Thanks for lurking and loving!!!

  6. i will be making arrangements with a dear friend who IS putting up a tree by the end of the week. and stalking stealthily… yay! how generous and gracious of you to have another contest! i can't wait to see the entries.

  7. Desiree Fawn says

    Oh I am so excited to get clicking away for my entry — in fact, my tree fell down today — I assume in anticipation of this contest! It got so eager it threw itself at the chance to be a star!

  8. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks for being part of this contest. I get contest anxiety sometimes. I'm afraid they'll flop and I'll look like an idiot…that's the honest truth!

    Thanks to the handful of girls who has zipped me a photo already! I can't wait to post them! I wait in eager anticipation for the snapshots to come!


  9. mme. bookling says

    Wow! You are really upping the anty for the photo contest this year! The saint and I will be back on the manor in a week and I hope to get a tree by then!