For Your Alabaster Bones

I like to pretend my bones are made of gypsum, laying stalwart and slender beneath my skin, like cattails in deep ditches alongside country roads. I imagine, when I was knit together in my mother’s womb, the hand of God carved delicate roses into my femurs, poppies on the wings of my pelvis, the profile of a horse of joy drawn carefully on my anvils, deep in my ears. Creeping up my tibias are curling and unfurling ferns and across my ribs, nasturtium; bright eyed and unfolding. It only seems right to see the alabaster bones of my body as art, created with imagination; dreamed up by divinity.

For your alabaster bones, I’ve created a necklace of organic decadence. It’s composed of sterling silver, pearls and enameled copper. The pendant is composed of a pierced and enameled cabochon, in the palest pink, that has been bezel set. Inside this bezel setting is a second bezel set pearl that peeks out through the pierced portion of the main cabochon. The pendant hangs from wire wrapped pearls that terminate at a hand crafted toggle clasp. The entire piece has been oxidized black for maximum contrast and the back of the pendant bears my maker’s mark.

The perfect accessory to your alabaster bones...


  1. my apologies. cold induced typo! must start again (blush)…

    OH Jillian! Yes, I agree…so very pretty…something special for a LADY to wear—one who is feminine but has a strong undercurrent of gentle pragmatism and strength about her.

  2. MrsLittleJeans says

    This is my absolute favorite NOW until the next creation comes along I am sure.


  3. mme. bookling says


  4. mme. bookling says

    i want it's demure lady-likeity round me neck.

  5. The Noisy Plume: says

    …just hang me there.

  6. The Noisy Plume: says

    HEE HEE!!!

  7. The Noisy Plume: says

    Actually, I won't do. I'm only demure on the outside…I'm a lumberjack pancake eating woman on the inside. Rawr.

    Runs4Fun: NO need to blush:) And I totally agree. 🙂

    MLJ: You're ALWAYS saying that! And it makes me happy:) XO

  8. Exquisite!

  9. MrsLittleJeans says

    I am always meaning it too…did you have to mention pancakes? Blueberries, maple syrup, coffee…


  10. oh, wouldn't it be loverly!

    (le sigh)

  11. Nancy*McKay says

    cattails & femurs, poppies & tibia, horses & copper & pearls…
    these are a few of my favorite things…

  12. Jillian I saw this necklace earlier today and my jaw dropped. Breathtakingly beautiful. I love the pearls on the chain. I'd buy the chain alone.

    Have a super weekend Plume!

  13. that is one of the prettiest necklaces i have ever seen.
    thanks for sharing your beautiful work with us.

  14. Mountaindreamers says

    the circus earrings wanted to come home with me. very sweet. I love purple. xxx

  15. Lovely piece.
    And all I got in the womb was nicotine! 🙂
    Your turnover of the sublime must be a record breaker in "Sublime Turn-over", not to be confused with sublime turnovers, of course.

  16. Claire Ellen says

    you make my heart melt. just thought you should know.

  17. Swoon! Over your poetry and your manifestation of poetry in a tangible temptationi of a necklace…

  18. The Noisy Plume: says


    Thanks for these wonderful comments, dear ladies! I have to tell you, I'm in the middle of writing a few letters and once they are finished and posted I'm headed out to the second chamber of my studio to enamel all day long. I dreamed up a new series (while running last night) and it's given me such an enameling itch that I'll probably work through the entire weekend…

    …there's a strong gale in my sails. It's called "Rumors of the Sea."

    Love to you all and have a marvelous Saturday!


  19. A stunning piece dear Jillian 🙂

  20. indigorhino says

    You are truly an "Alabaster Master." Can't wait to see your new creations. Rumor has it they will be glorious!

  21. My Grama's Soul says

    How in the world do I buy one of your pieces? I stop by your shop often and the shelves are always bare.

    Do I need to e-mail you or what???



  22. The Noisy Plume: says

    So sorry about the state of the Etsy shop! You need to be there first…it sounds like you've been getting there last!
