Notes On Being A Legal Alien:

Some days, I feel like a stranger in a strange land:
I have an accent.
I take my shoes off at the front door.
I complain about the potato chip flavours in this country.
I spell flavor like flavour.
My friends make fun of the way I say garage.
I know what icing is in a hockey game.
I get my five, ten and twenty dollar bills confused, because they are the same color.
I can’t find the dill dressing at the grocery store, because it doesn’t exist.
On days like these,
the only thing that can help me feel better about being so far away from home,
the only thing that makes me feel better about being the strangest little
stranger in a strange land,
is this:




  1. Oh I have to know where you found that shirt! I LOVE it!
    I also ♥ every minute of being Canadian 🙂

  2. Can I just say as a typographer, I love that shirt. Very nicely done.

    How do you say "garage?" My grandparents lived in Canada for a long time, I bet you guys say it the same.

    Also, continuously intrigued by the work you posted today. It's like a weekly art exhibit and I really enjoy it.

    Enjoy your Sunday, Plume!

  3. thebearaffair says

    And that's the truth-hugs, Sally

  4. Jenn-with-2-n's says

    What's wrong with how we say garage??

  5. I've always wondered if Americans *really* leave their shoes on while in their homes….and how do they say "garage"??? You now have me intrigued.

    And, oh yes, we tried to find ketchup chips once when we were in Hawaii (our first time in the states) and lo and behold…NO SUCH THING! ackkk! I hope you can atleast get a double-double!! 😉

    PS-That shirt is deadly!

  6. The Noisy Plume: says

    Jaime: The Bay (Olympic Wear Section — second floor if you're in Saskatoon).

    Marina: Ga-raj. Or Garrage (like carriage).
    Thanks for loving the exhibit:)

    Sal: HEE HEE!!!!!

    Jenn: Nuthin.

    V: Most do. I had to put a sign on the front door here and I enforce shoe-less-ness in my home with an iron fist (sometimes).

    AHHHH ketchup chips. Sigh.

  7. Ditto my friend. Top o' the world to ye.

  8. MrsLittleJeans says

    That is one kool shirt you Legal Alien you!


  9. Desiree Fawn says

    LOVE that shirt! Represent Canuk sista!

    (I have to admit I first thought that shirt said a rather obvious swear — I guess that's where my mind goes, ha.)

    Also — ketchup chips for the win.

  10. jessicajane says

    people here in california say i have an accent. i say pop instead of soda. i say sweep instead of vacuum.

  11. YAY Canada eh! we are so very blessed (all of us on both sides of the border) to have great neighbours. the shirt is great…

    i have a red and white racing suit (swim) that has a small canadian maple leaf on one butt cheek and just above it…it reads, "Canadian eh"…

    (it's my favourite and makes me feel very patriotic)

  12. Woohoo I will be looking or one tomorrow at the Bay! ( hope they aren't sold out here in Vancouver!)

  13. Round Rabbit says

    Dill dressing! Yes, please!

    And now I have Sting's song Englishman in New York in my head – but I'll change the title to Canadian in Idaho just for you. 🙂

  14. Mountaindreamers says

    I understand feeling strange, having traveled, but isn't it the best to have so much diversity to revel in? I love different perspectives and cultures, let's hear if for open minds and wonderful experiences . xx ( PS I love Canadians )

  15. looooooove it!

  16. Michelle - Revelate says

    Even more Canadian then Ketchup chips…. GRAVY.

    Try and get some good gravy on your fries… it's an battle that cannot be won.

    And sem-ee, not sem-i truck.

    Jewellery with TWO Ls.

    These darn red squiggly lines mock my correct spelling daily.


  17. Not Canadian, but I do have a fantastic shirt that says "So you thing you're Canadian, eh?" on the front and has a "Canadian Quiz" on the back. Must find and send you a picture.

  18. I used to travel for my job and the *nicest* people that I met… were always from Canada!

    So I say "Go Canada"! eh?! 🙂

  19. I used to travel for my job and the nicest people I have ever met… were always from Canada!


  20. Sorry for the multiple posts… just having a little too much fun this morning! 😉

  21. CarolynArtist says

    I'm still giggling…
    We just had new carpet installed, you should see the pile up of shoes near the entrance. Not sure how long it will last.
    Okay folks, for this American (who grew up in the US and Europe) please do give a link or description to ketchup chips…
    please? 😀

  22. sylvestris says

    Brits also say garrage.

    Naja (Nahyah), I DO know, being quite strange over here in Austria with my accented German and American guffaw.

    Folks take their shoes off at the door here, but I'd already been doing that for years in the U.S.

    Oje (Oyay)…I shall miss the chocolate here as much as I now miss the abundant fresh seafood there.

  23. kerin rose says

    oh, they used to smack me in the head for saying "eh"? in elementary school here!…my momma told me to tell THEM I was speaking the Queens' english!

  24. I know exactly what you mean but vice versa!

    I want mashed potatoes at KFC … not fries. I run upstairs wearing my shoes whenever Alex isn't around. I can't find Hormel chili. Ketchup chips disgust me. The Hershey's candy bars here taste funny. I'm laughed at when I call them "candy bars" instead of "chocolate bars." My word processor mocks me with the red squiggly lines for NOT adding "u"s at random.

    I bought a USA shirt from Roots (ha!) and wore it to cheer on the American World Jr. hockey team when they won the championship.

    I found my Lululemon Cheer Gear American hoodie on eBay and it made me deliriously happy when it arrived!

    And two of my favorite Canadians don't even live in Canada!


  25. yaaaay canada! nice shirt. you know how i love the great white north as you call it – today it's pretty great and REALLY white. we had to drive 70-80 (kph) all the way to wakaw last night due to the blizzard. FANTASTIC!

  26. sylvestris says

    And oh yes, I remember when a girl from Canada whose family had just moved to our town joined our elementary school class. The word she got during a spelling bee was "puzzle". When she said, "p-u-zed-zed-l-e", we were totally befuddled until the teacher explained.

  27. too cute.
    love THE shirt.

    (want THE shirt!)

    betcha say garage the way i do 🙂

    have a lovely rest of the weekend, you!

  28. Dale Smith says

    … now, what about poutine and beavertails??????? If you know about those you are, no matter where you live, definitely a Canadian!
    (recipe coming Jillian, don't despair:))

  29. I love the shirt. And I sympathize (sympathise?). I will never completely feel like I belong here or anywhere. Even though my accent has mostly disappeared. I am still a weirdo.

  30. Alice Istanbul says

    He he, cute post, love that shirt. I got Grace a bunch of little "Canada" shirts from Roots on our trip to the True North over Christmas. We observe the take-the-shoes-off-at-the-door custom here in Atlanta. But, I don't say ga-raj (must be a prairie thing…) Ketchup chipssss mmmmmmmm 🙂

  31. The Noisy Plume: says

    These comments are all SO funny!

    For the record:
    I love being Canadian. My nationality is a part of my individuality and personal identity. That said, I love living in the USA. This is a great nation full of great people — even if there aren't any ketchup potato chips.

    XO to you all!

  32. The Noisy Plume: says


    AND the ultimate prairie phrase:


  33. Does my Lululemon hoodie count as a bunnyhug if it has a zipper or are bunnyhugs only the pullover hooded sweatshirts?

    That's how literal us Iowans are. We just call them "hooded sweatshirts."

  34. The Noisy Plume: says

    Hood +Pouch = Bunnyhug.

    Zipper optional.

  35. mmmm… I'm somehow craving ketchup chips even though I've never had them.
    And gravy on fries? Sounds like heaven!

    Have a great weekend Jillian! 🙂

  36. gravy AND cheese on fries. delicious.

  37. my canada flag mittens and i, in Boston, know exactly what you mean.

  38. CrowNology says

    I shall send you a truck load of potato chips any FLAVOUR you desire, and dill dressing too!
    I bet they'd get a kick outta' the Newf accent down there…

  39. so I know that being in a different country isn't quite the same as the north/south divide, but I think it has got to be kind of close because I absolutely know what you mean! some things just aren't the same when you're not at home. and generally speaking things at home are usually better!