Bon Voyage

I’m leaving. AGAIN.

I plan on packing tank tops and bobbypins.
And maybe a pair of pants.
I know.
The packing plans sound awful but more importantly
it’s practically painful to be leaving home again so soon. I just returned from the tropics
and now we make pilgrimage to Arizona, just when I was
settling into work and life nicely. Just when a fresh layer of snow
fell in the night. Just when I had my new stationary arrive. Humbug.
I woke up this morning before the alarm rang, at 6AM. My mind was reeling. There’s so much to think about right now! So much has happened this week — and some I can’t tell you about, quite yet, it’s suffice to say life is so good and it’s amazing who will find their way up those twisty, turny paths of my existence and notice the work of my hands. I’m excited. I’ve got a steady breeze under my wings and the earth looks beautiful from this birds eye view.
I’m going to Arizona and I’m going to delight in the time away from my studio and my life in Idaho. I have wonderful friends to meet up with along the way and some lovely scenery will flicker past the truck windows as I make my way South. When I come home, I’ll have new fodder for the flame.
Before I go, in case I don’t say it, quite often enough:
Thank you so much for dropping by.
Thank you for inspiring me.
Thank you for pushing me, for helping me to blaze new trails and to test new concepts.
Thank you for reading my words, enjoying my photographs and most of all, thank you for wearing the jewelry I create.
Thank you for liking me.
I like you too.
Scratch that.
I love you.
See you soon with adventures from the road,


  1. Thank YOU for liking us and sharing so much of your Prairie Soul with us girls.

    Travel safe and enjoy the south. Who knows, maybe the Arizona planes will have a thin layer of frost you can crunch on and imagine the snow.

    P.S. I love your bobby pins. Are those buttons? Sewper cute.

  2. We love you, too, Jillian! You're very inspiring in your positivity, creativity, poetry, prose-etry. Can't wait for your new news!

  3. up'n'up'n'up, can't wait to hear more deets!

    By the bye, when you see Mr.Arizona Sun… tell him to mind Chicago's weather for once, we haven't seen him in weeks! 🙁
    this thin-blooded gal is trembling with jealousy.

    happy adventure, plume. toodles!

  4. The Perkins Family says

    Travel down so fast that you bring me a gust of Idaho as you enter the valley! I could use a refill. Safe travels!

  5. melissadc76 says

    I wish you a lovely adventure, but how could it not be? Everything you touch becomes lovely.

  6. Have a lovely trip and visits with wonderful places, friends and all things to fill the senses.

    Thank YOU for allowing us to see and read and feel everything you share!

  7. thebearaffair says

    Happy trails and in case you haven't noticed yet – our mountains are covered with a dusting of beautiful white snow. You might want to pack a sweatshirt just to be safe. Have a wonderful time and if you are wandering around the BIG white tents, I might just give you a holler;) Thanks for being a very important part of my journey into metalsmithing(((hugs))) Sal

  8. Wishing you safe travels and cool stones.

  9. MrsLittleJeans says

    No, by all means, I say thank YOU…Enjoy the trip, few things equal the feeling of being on a real road! We will miss u for sure…


  10. ~My Rustic Soul~ says

    Have A Wonderful trip, and be safe! 🙂 Hugs to You!!

  11. Glad to see you've got your essentials :)i love that pants are optional!..
    Enjoy the journey my dear–actually, you may be one of the only people i know that doesn't need that reminder. I love that you face the wind and eat life by handfuls…

  12. I have just started following your blog, and already it has been such a gift of inspiration. Thank you.

  13. and, in case you didn't figure it—you are loved toots! safe and happy trails to you. see you soon.

  14. Safe travels, hope you have a brilliant brilliant time!

  15. Desiree Fawn says

    Happy travels!

    Also, I definitely thought you were holding a finch of some sort in your hands!

  16. Victoria Grace says

    Have a wonderful trip. We will miss u.

  17. Do you know that I accidently spent a Canadian quarter that my 6-year old treasures? He thinks it's the coolest quarter in the world, and he even slept with it. He carried it around for weeks, and talks about the deer on it like it's his bff! He left it on our kitchen counter and I tossed it into my chain purse and SPENT IT! I was horrifed when I realized it!

    Do you know my first thought was huh…I bet Jillian would love his infatuation with Candian money! 🙂 It's funny how you have made such a strong impression on me through your art and words.

    Anyway, I've called bank after bank searching for a Canadian quarter! How hard can this be? Not even the airport carries them!

    Every day my son asks me if I found his special quarter, and I cringe and say no!

    Where O where can I buy a Canadian quarter?

  18. The Noisy Plume: says

    …I'll send you one. Zip me your mailing address at!

  19. Jeweled Blossoms says

    Oh Jillian, I do believe you're quite the friend crush of many of your followers. 🙂

    Enjoy your time in Arizona! I'll be there next week as well, enjoying the best parts of Tucson. Maybe you'll see me in a tent wearing the Alabaster Bones necklace (wouldn't that be a sight!)

  20. Mountaindreamers says

    Yummm ! sunny days ahead ! enjoy , soak up the inspiration . We love you too!

  21. Travel well and enjoy it! I wish a safe and lovely adventure in the south.
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