Truth Be Told

I didn’t expect to have such a feeling of coming home
when I set out to visit Parker, Arizona.
RW and I lived in this little reservation town, alongside the Colorado River,
for four years, nearly.
Coming back to visit dear friends and
to stake a claim on some sunshine
has been soul balm.

…despite the prickles.

It helps that it’s not 130F at the moment.
It’s easier to love the sky, the earth, the wind.
It helps that despite the directness of the sun,
the light is gentle.

The wind is cool.
Cool enough.

And then there’s that Colorado River;
that wide spine of blue rushing through
the thirsty red of weathered stone

Desert dogs lick up the light,
contented by the feel of the wind in their ears and
sand under their feet.
They catch the scent of bird on the breeze,
strap wings to their heels
and follow their noses;
there’s a steady rhythm of:
bird to hand
bird to hand
bird to hand

Pene and I lean out the window and watch
the reservation roll by in a rush of alfalfa, irrigation canals, dove wings and
rusted souls
(mine’s just been polished up with a careful, foggy breath
and some divine elbow grease).

…despite all of her prickles.
Oh that bending, wending light, just as ubiquitous as the fine
dust that itches my eyes
and coats the dashboard of my truck.

I wander
up canyon
into the cool of thirty foot vertical walls
and the crumble of red, conglomerate earth
wearing away beneath my fingertips (AM I ELEMENTAL HERE?).
The wind toys with my skirt.
I kick a stone.
A quail calls out.


  1. Mountaindreamers says

    There is something elemental about the desert. Perhaps it is the history the red rocks carry ,perhaps it is stripped down to the essential, nothing should be taken for granted in this environment. There are no distractions in the pursuit of life. Thanks for sharing the pictures , they help me remember

  2. MrsLittleJeans says

    Described most beautifully and I have to say also most accurately! One of my favorite parts of the world! Thanks for the photos and the reminders…


  3. missed you. glad you had a good trip!

  4. Lovely, Lovely, and Lovely SUN!
    I can almost feel it on my skin…almost.

    beautiful shots.

  5. When I look at your photos (the things your eyes catch) I feel the most intense longing for space, for distance, for uninterrupted sky. I miss the feel of wind I've never felt, the heat of rocks I've never touched, the dry, hot air I've never breathed.

    This must be an after-effect of the siamese situation. Feel it for me. Bring me back a spine. A long one.

    WOAH! Word verification: Windeste… like this is the Windiest post ever!

  6. Nancy*McKay says

    …i love that you're a…trippy…girl…

  7. melissadc76 says

    I grew up in the desert. It still holds magic for me when I go back. Your pictures almost let me taste it for a minute.

  8. Michaela Dawn:Windy Woman says

    The sweetest letter flew from the south to my home today, your words of writing were something quite kindred and kind, and it added to the sunny spirit of my day…

    Thank you kindly Jillian,


  9. The Noisy Plume: says

    My pleasure.

  10. breathtaking photos and words, my love.

    the desert is a most magical place.
