I Want Candy

I’m sure you do too.

This is a quick glance at just a few of the stones I have purchased this week
whilst down in the sun and sand of Arizona.

I’m exhausted and ready to come home. I’d actually liken a trip to Tucson, Arizona in February to spending seven months at Ikea. You leave the city exhausted, overstimulated, and starving. I have bulging bags and a color hangover.

I reacquainted myself with some of my favorite lapidary artists and met a few new newbie stone cutters. I also must mention that I met and supported TWO lapidary artists who are located in Idaho — one of whom happens to live JUST down the street! Fancy that! I’m especially smitten with their work (they own the claims their jaspers and agates originate from, prospect the rough and cut the stones themselves) and I pillaged their show booths gladly.

I was on a quest for some serious candy…this is a pinch of what I found:

What do you think?
Let me know what turns your crank in this batch.
We’re headed North again on Monday morning. I can’t wait to go home. I’ve been away so much in the past two months! The thought of finally returning to Plume Gables feels a bit foreign. I’m really ready to sit in my living room, fill up my fridge with fruit and veggies, consume some elk steak and crank the studio up on ultrahigh.
I’ll meet you there.
We’ll fall into the rhythm again, you and I.
I’ll swing hammers until my palms blister.
And we’ll watch the snow fall with big eyes.
Idaho never looked so good on a map.
Big wheels, take me home.
PS Go HERE and wish my best girl a happy birthday and let her know that she’s beautiful and wonderful and creative and imaginative and more alive than you could ever convey with the English language (and the French language….). Tell her that when she sings (for her voice is very beautiful indeed) it sounds like the sky is opening up and raining doves.
Tell her:
If you could, you’d round up a band of wild ponies and let her choose the most beautiful mare of the bunch — the pony with the best splotches, the longest forelock, and sterling hooves that spark as they meet the ground at a gallop. Tell her that there’s no one like her in the world and that if her soul gets any bigger, she’s going to have to relocate to a bigger solar system because it’s going to throw Earth’s gravity out of whack.
Remind her that she and I own February.
Remind her that her heart is out of the
ordinary, remind her it’s made of amethyst
and is bezeled in place with pure gold.

Let her know all of that.
And tell her I sent you.


  1. wowzers, can't wait to see what you do with all that yummy rock candy!

  2. I thought that photo WAS candy for about 1.5 seconds. Those pink druzies…simply amazing. I'd say those turn my crank pretty well. And those turquoise ones. Oh if I could snatch one for myself…

    Glad you've enjoyed your trip down south. I miss getting to visit AZ since my grandparents moved away. Come home safely and rest up in your cozy home. Take care!

  3. Ohhh, yummy yummy yummy. My birthday is on Monday (somehow, I don't think anyone is getting my any of your jewelry…sadly) – February is definitely an underrated birth month. 🙂

  4. you want to know what moved me?

    those blue druzies — the perfect pale oval, and the dark, deep one above it, both. they took away my breath at a glance.

    also what moved me: your sending people who love you to wish someone you love a happy birthday. 🙂

    glad to see you are enjoying your trip … welcome back to your nest soon and safely!


  5. Shell (aka Songsmith) says

    Beauty to my eyes and soul is this posting. I love the yellows and the purple stones… and I'm only stopping by for a minute, why? I'm off to see She and tell her I love her too!

    Meet you at your house for a cuppa when you get there.

  6. Desiree Fawn says

    Haha, I totally missed the title of this post and by the end was thinking OMG CANDY CANDY! Haha, figures ^_^
    So in love with all this colour, ah!

  7. I love it all, but I'm partial to all the druzy candy!

    mmmmmmmmmmmm, mmmmm!

  8. Oh, these stones sent me swooning! You picked some lovelies!

    Hmm…I think the dark blue one is serenely pretty because it reminds me of Tucson's star-strewn sky (I used to live there). Also, I like the pink druzy near the bottom of the group that looks like it has fine sand on it. But I'm a real sucker for pyrite, which I think that other stone is. I like the geometric, almost mathematical structuring that nature is responsible for forming. Sigh. Yep, that's what does it for me. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to see what you do with it all! Have a safe trip home!


  9. 'Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.' – r.w.emerson

    those are first rate jaw-dropper- gems!
    (i want them all, just to admire and study) though, we all know these babies have a much finer destiny!

    you worked your 'eye' well, very well indeed!

  10. ALL OF IT but most particularly the lime green guys and the turquoise druzy. can't wait to see what they end up as!

  11. DRUUUUUZZZY!!!! i love i love i love. i need to have i need to have i need to have! (the blue/turquoise ones, especially. and the fun green/yellow/chartruse stone is yummy)

    now that i'm done being selfish: i'm glad you had a fabulous time. woohoooo!

  12. I causally popped open my reader and saw that topmost picture and SQUEALED HOLY CRAP! (BC almost dropped his tea. But he's used to that living with me).

    Be careful leaving those stones out.

    I might eat them.


  13. Mountaindreamers says

    I love the jaspers! very nice they remind me of wide open scenery. xx

  14. Oooooohhhh… neon, and druzies, and titanium! I don't want to typecast these little beauties, but they already seem so racy, exciting and dangerous–living on the fringes of "decent" cab society… Can't wait to see what you do with these!


  15. Sunny Rising Leather says

    nom nom nom!!!!!!!!!!

  16. heatherfly says

    Omg, that chartreuse is amaaaazing! And the sparkly blue ones! Those are the colors I want the world to be. Can't wait to see what you do with them!

  17. Teal and yellow. MMmmmm.

  18. I loves the new candy you fetched us from Arizona (some of which was from next door in Utah). How cool is that??? I'm smitten with their stones! I'd love to hear more about their work sometime.

    Can wait to see what you make us with your new beauties. (My faves are the blue ones in the bottom right corner of the last pic.)

  19. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks for loving all the candy, chickadees!

    I'm just about to shut my computer down and hit the road! I'll see you in a couple of days!

  20. The Noisy Plume: says

    PS Thanks to everyone who paid She a birthday visit!!!

  21. MrsLittleJeans says

    I love your string of green jellies and all the rest! Happy Birthday to you two Feb gals and I will visit her pronto, as soon as I finish THIS sentence!
    Lovely seeing you again!


  22. beautiful!! i lived in tucson for about 6 months once, so i know exactly what you mean. i now live in chandler, right outside of phoenix, but the further south definitely has more flavour, if you know what i mean.

    great photos, i can't wait to see more!

  23. thank you everyone…thank you jsl…thank you thank you thank you.

  24. I like whatever that is that looks METALLIC!!!! *drool* Someone above me mentioned titanium?? Whatever it is, I LIKE. I like the others too but I would be way too tempted to eat them. Safe voyage home, sweet Plumerella!

  25. Good Girls Studio says

    I can almost taste the tangy lemon of those golden yellow stones! Delish!

  26. indigorhino says

    My heart is aflutter over all that candy!!

  27. Pretty Things says

    Looks pretty awesome, and that's all fat free stuff, and guaranteed NOT to cause indigestion (as long as you REALLY don't eat it!) 🙂

  28. The Noisy Plume: says


    Totally fat free and sugar free.