Updating My Life

Oi vey!
I have a plethora of life details to share with you!!!

I’ve missed you. I’ve missed my home. I’ve missed Idaho. I’ve missed Mister Pinkerton.
And land sakes! I’ve missed my princess and the pea bed!
RW and I are finally home, for at least a couple of months, in Pocatello, Idaho. I cannot tell you how good it feels. We figure in the past 6 weeks we’ve been away for a total period of about 4 weeks and it feels like it! I’m so relieved to be off the road, out of the airports and back to my homespace on this enchanting piece of property we’ve named Plume Gables.
This morning, I woke very early to the sound of Pinky knocking some potted plants off a shelf in the laundry room — the poor fellow is a bit feral after this last jaunt of ours and so I couldn’t be angry with him for breaking some pottery and making a horrendous mess this morning. In fact, I was somewhat glad he woke me up so early. I showered, put my hair in a cute-little-war-bride-bun at the nape of my neck, popped on a pair of heels and had a gloriously hot cup of tea in the quiet morning light. I watched the sun rise. I reflected on life. I evaluated the accomplishments and happenings of month of January, 2010 and then I moved on to computer work.

When I’m away, I don’t do any computer oriented upkeep so it’s been a bit overwhelming this morning. I won’t go into those details because they are heinously boring but I DO have two other details to share with you:
1. We’re up for another life change as RW has been hired on as a smokejumper at the Winthrop Washington smokejumping base!
I know what you’re thinking right now:
Officially, I want you to know that I TOTALLY support him in this job change. As a couple, we’ve always believed in helping each other chase down huge dreams and life goals. Smokejumping has been one of RW’s dreams for at least a decade now. He’ll still be fighting forest fires, but he’ll be jumping out of planes to do initial attack fire fighting instead of hiking in with a crew of twenty dudes. I’m really proud of him because smokejumping is for the best of the best of wildland fire fighters. I can’t stress how incredibly elite this job is and how difficult it is to get into smokejumping in the first place. I believe in him, his abilities, his leadership skills, and his ability to work independently and I think Winthrop picked an incredible man for the job. Robert’s the bomb and the best man I know. Let’s hope he’s good with a parachute.
We aren’t moving to Washington. Yet. RW needs to make it through rookie training which has a 40% failure rate! Fingers crossed that he makes it through and gets to live this dream. I’m so proud of him, I feel so close to tears as I write this, I’m just that darn proud.
It’s going to make for a bloody tough summer for me, tougher than the past two I’ve made it through while he’s been hotshotting. But I know this is something he needs to do and I don’t want him to have any regrets in life. So we’re all going to make it through. I know that already.
To be quite, terribly frank, I would rather have RW smokejump for ten years straight than
stay on his former hotshot crew for one more year for reasons I shant disclose here.
2. The Rumors of the Sea series is going to hit the Etsy shop tomorrow. I have had a heap of inquiries about this design series so I’m going to set the listing time for 7PM MST. Be there or be square! And thank you so much for your interest in this series. I’m still so excited about it, the concept does not yet feel finished so if you miss out on one of these designs, not all is lost! I’m still dreaming of all the different things I can do with metal, glass and stone when it comes to recreating the sea with jewelry designs…
These necklaces are SO cool and are built entirely from scratch, including the enameled focal pieces. The only things I didn’t make with my bare hands are the pearls, coral and iolite components. Obviously! I’ve worked so hard on this series, I can’t wait to see where they fly off to!
Now I’m off to eliminate the remainder of my computer duties and then out to the studio to swing some hammers!
Loving on you birds something fierce,
PS Thanks so much to all the amazing guys and gals that took the time to meet up with RW and I on our journey to and from Tucson. It was such a pleasure to camp, eat, drink, laugh and love with you. Thanks for your friendship and for being part of our lives!


  1. MrsLittleJeans says

    A huge welcome back, and everything will be fine! But most importantly, Happy Birthday, in 3 days you said?


  2. The Noisy Plume: says


  3. MrsLittleJeans says

    A happy and most merry one dear friend and congratulations to the bestest fireman!

  4. Oh, good gracious, Jillian! Robert must be so thrilled, and I know how proud you are, but I'm sad that the two of you will be apart. You are two peas in a pod. 🙂 But its the true love you share that allows you both to encourage each others dreams and talents in such a huge way. Praying right now for Robert's continued success and safety though all of the exciting challenges that lie ahead, and for you to be happy and at peace through the whole deal.

    I can't wait to see your new designs. Those stones you posted a few days ago were absolutely breathtaking in their unadorned form, let alone with the Jillian flourish! I'm sure I won't be zippy enough to snag one, but I'll sure be peeking in!

  5. Lindsay Knapp says

    welcome back jillian! i feel as if it's been forever since i've commented on one of your posts. congrats to RW…that is AWESOME. my husband and i watched a documentary about smokejumpers a while back and it is crazy!

    glad all is going well and that all of your jaunts were fun and successful. i can't wait to see what's coming up in the shop, although i probably won't be purchasing for a while as i have a bun in the oven due mid-may and we're trying to save some coin 🙂

    take care!

  6. The Noisy Plume: says

    A BUN!!!!!!!!

    Congrats Linds (and oh how I've missed you!).

    Thanks Belinda! XO

  7. Holy…

    Give RW a huge hug and congrats from me – because Lord knows the man IS amazing (and for that reason I'm not even surprised)!

    I'm looking forward to updates galore and photos abundant but first, PLEASE, allow yourself to just be home. To lay on that bright sofa and just soak up home. Do it for me. Promise.

    p.s. my schedule is open this May… let me know.

  8. Nancy*McKay says

    …BIG news…& more BIG life…ahead of you…

    there's a magic in dream catchers…in the night air only the best dreams flow freely through & glide down soft feathers so gently that even the sleeper doesn't know that she is dreaming…

    …you weave a dream life of fire & stone…smoke & silver so naturally…with strength, courage & passion…and whole lot of SPIRIT…i'd call YOU a hotshot too…XOX

  9. Desiree Fawn says

    Missed you lots & lots
    And happy almost birthday and happy smokejumping to your man!

  10. Oh hurrah for RW! It sounds super exciting (if not a little scary and brave!) and hurrah for YOU and your amazing series. You are brilliant, dear lady 🙂

  11. So happy to hear of your main man's big exciting career change! I'm very excited for the two of you and I love hearing how supportive you are of each others' passions.

    Glad you're home and getting back in the swing of things, even if your kitty kat is being a bad boy.

    Like many other ladies, I will be camping your shop tomorrow evening. My neck is aching for some Rumors of the Sea! Have a great day Mrs. Plume!

  12. Michaela Dawn:Windy Woman says

    I'll hold on tight to my prayers for you and RW and send them when you most need them:)

    Your strength abounds every time you test it,
    a spiritual giant I tell you,
    Jillian of Ark!


  13. i think it's amazing you both have such courage and determination to go after your respective dreams.. even though it is certainly hard work! you are lucky to have each other and i wish you much beauty and clarity in the studio today and enjoy re-rooting in your little home.

  14. Miss Crowland says

    i love it. that sounds like the coolest career ever. here's hoping everything works out.

  15. missed you lots, love you lots, and a very VERY happy early birthday – hope it's grand ;). and huge congrats to RW – i'm off to wiki to look up this smokejumping business…

  16. thewindhover says

    I think you're brilliant Mrs Plume, do you know that?

  17. Mountaindreamers says

    glad you are back, one must follow the brave heart, or life is naught.xxx I will be taking a leap of faith soon, fortunately for me it won't involve a plane.

  18. There's something so poetic and daunting about the dawning hours…

    & Hooah! on the RW-front, fingers crossed!

  19. happy home arrival …
    breathe that Idaho air in 🙂

    Congrats to RW too! Sounds like an incredible feat, and more challenges to come.

    Glad to see you back!


  20. Kelly Reece says

    I'll guess I'll stop following anonymously 🙂 Hey again, so glad to have you back. The stones from Tucson look incredible, and bumpy. I'm curious to see what you create.

    P.S. Go get em RW!


  21. Suzy ~ lorenzstudio says

    i like your color combo

  22. Exciting news indeed. Congratulations to RW…and the VERY most positive wishes his way as he embarks upon this new, and much aspired to, challenge! Of course…a great, huge, 'hip-hip-hoooray' to you for supporting one another as, together you navigate LIFE! And…oh my! A birthday too! Not around much…so, just in case—a VERY happy birthday to youuuuuu!
    With love,

  23. mme. bookling says


    (sent off your bday package today. i hope you flip upside down with raucous joy).

  24. thebearaffair says

    Congratulations again and again…It was so much fun to spend the evening with you both and enjoy the excitement in your lives. Hugs to you all and Penelope – I miss you so much 😉

  25. Taddyporter says

    NOW I can be so very excited for you and that precious man of yours…..fingers crossed, prayers of hope being sent your way! and OH it is so very good to have you back, little flaxen sandpiper! your ensemble is just the perfect balm for mine eyes on this misty midweek evening, legs the colour of golden sunshine lovelovelove that and those shoes!!!! sweet!

  26. heidi haugen: days with clay says

    my husband is a fire lookout in glacier park…we have had summers mostly apart for 14 years and fortunately have adapted quite well. gotta do what you love..congrats to him, and best of luck during training. fire folk are a unique breed…smoke in the bones.

  27. Brenda McGowan says

    Wow! My husband and I lived in Winthrop recently for about 6 months… it's a really beautiful place! Best wishes for the both of you :-).

  28. Congrats to Robert on his new position, wishing you both nothing but the best.

  29. CarolynArtist says

    Jillian welcome back! You are so cute with your hair in a bun, love the description of said bun.

    Congrats to your hubby!!!

  30. Sigh. This all just sounds so terribly exciting and well.. kinda of scary too! Of course, I'm a "no hard candy in the car, don't even think about crossing the street without my hand" kind of Mom. And probably will be until they are 40.

    Congrats to your honey. 🙂 And Happy Bday!

    Our internet is monitored where I work. Does it make me brave too that I keep pulling your Etsy store up to see if I can snag a custom listing? 🙂 I keep thinking I need a necklace made with a Canadian quarter (with a Caribou), not a deer. 🙂

  31. The Noisy Plume: says

    Oh my gosh!
    Lovely people, thank you SO SO SO much for these comments and your support and your well wishes and your prayers and your kindness! It means the world to me, my friends! We'll keep you updated on how things progress on the smokejumping front!


    PS Yeesh…how did you all find out it's almost my birthday??? Sneaky sneakertons:)