The Launch of the Rumors

Good morning, sugar beets!

Happy Rumors of the Sea Day!
I’m so excited! I’m living on the very edge of my seat today
preparing to launch this series, photographing on black and white backgrounds, editing snapshots, stopping for snacks, gazing out the huge window I’m sitting beside and looking at the fresh blanket of white that fell silently in the night. It’s a very good day. I’m spunky and spry. There’s a feeling that has come to me out of this series, a feeling that I really do like exactly who I am as an individual and as an independent artist! I love the work of my hands and the outpouring of my heart and soul.
There’s certainly a fierce sense of accomplishment for me, wound up tight and small, with the completion of this sea series. It may not be your “thing” and the designs may not speak to you and that’s perfectly fine — not everything is for everyone! Each of these necklaces are designs that I dreamed up out of experiences and imagination. I’ve sweat over them, I’ve even cried a little over them — what would be they without quick baptism in salt water??? To see them lined up beside me, seven in a row on my desk top as I type this, is a small miracle that I’m truly proud of.
The group of seven,
without further delay:

I love each and every one.
I’m somewhat nervous to see where they fly off to.
They’re unlike anything I’ve created in the past.
Each design is complete unto itself but when partnered with the greater
whole, they seem to thrum with the concept behind the series.
Know that when you own one, when you wear one, it is unique unto you and individual in it’s character but it comes from a bold and magical family with six other members
that will be cast out into different corners of the world.
If you decide to make one yours,
you’ll be part of a small group
of seven individuals who share in the ownership of this dream of mine.
If that’s not magic, I don’t know what is!
I’ll be listing all seven in my Etsy shop this evening.
I’ll be prompt and the update will occur at 7PM MST.
Thank you for your interest in and your consideration
of the Rumors of the Sea Series!
I’m delighted to share them with you!
The Noisy Plume
***More images available HERE.***
The Rumors are flying all over the world,
specifically to these places:
Florida, Hong Kong, Australia,
Vermont, New York, Australia,


  1. Kate Carpenter says

    Oh my. I thought nothing would beat out the fourth for its spot in my heart, and then I saw the sixth.

    By the way, have you read the Dark is Rising series? Something about your description of these being cast out into the world to find their owners reminded me of those books… 🙂

  2. Hope hope hope hope hope hope hope hope hope hope hope hope hope hope!

    I'll be there at 7pm (your time) to see if I can snaggle one up.

    Either way, they're lovely and unique and fantastic and look like they washed up on the shore of a pristine beach. Maybe with a little kelp tangled around the chains. Some barnacles stuck to the back…?

    Can't wait!

  3. Oh my gosh, you are too cute! And this series is extraordinary! Utterly unique in the history of creation.

  4. Kim Edmiston says

    i love the 4th, 5th, and 7th one! oh me, oh my! so amazing Plume!

  5. thebearaffair says

    Oh my gosh – what's not to love. You are just so wonderful and creative that I don't know when you find time to eat, sleep – to say nothing of everything else special in your life. Hugs and I can't wait to see these fly. Sal

  6. Michaela Dawn:Windy Woman says

    Looks like the lucky No. 7 has impressed upon our hearts…

    I should like to see whom these fly to also, it's quite a party to behold:)

    I'm here for the show!


  7. Oh <3, Love love LOVE these! I love how they wriggle up into your heart, dancing with your eyes. Hurrah 🙂

  8. these are very exciting! and I love that Farley poking his nose in.

    oh dogs!

  9. Are these thing edable?

    Is Farley available for a sleep over… Please.

  10. Redbonegirl97 says

    These are so unique and beautiful, I can't wait to see more.


  11. I look at those lovely creatures and my mind drifts away…
    visions of cephalopods and coral, warm aqua waters, and forests of kelp swaying in gentle ocean currents…


  12. God, I feel like a dope.

    Tranquil warm waters, living coral and vivid colors were life abounds…. Wow!

    I saw jelly beans that I wanted to role between my fingers.

    My imagination did want to put said jelly beans in my pocket before I ate them though. Soft and gewy is way better than room temp with a slight crackle to the shell.

  13. Miss Crowland says

    i have a feeling they will be a tad out of my price range, but they are very cool, m'lady.

  14. i want to kiss farley's snout. LOVE the new header. awesome.
    ps i've decided what i'm going to attempt to knit for you…we'll see how it goes 😉

  15. Lovely! Some of the enamel pieces remind me of the kodama in Hayao Miyazaki's Mononoke-Hime. Very striking.

  16. thebearaffair says

    I have sat here in front of my computer for a mere 10 minutes and watch your necklaces take flight one after the other – You should be so proud-What lucky recipients!! XXOO, Sally

  17. Well, damn, darling. I missed the shop update by this much". This makes I-don't-know-how-many that I've come too late for. Sigh.

    But let me say that your Rumors collection is calling to me. Just as the water element inspires me each and every time I immerse myself in it, this collection of yours is just as inspiring. I'm proud of you!
