Are you up for the task?

I have a small assignment for yee.
A lovely lady contacted me last night asking if I knew of any great books about rocks and gems. I think she was looking for an informative book on the topic instead of an entertaining read. After pondering her question for a stint, I realized I’m after the exact same thing!
For all I know, you might be too!

We’re looking for something like THIS book.
If you happen to have a copy of Rock and Gem please let us know what you think of it. If you can recommend a different and superior title, go ahead and shoot from the hip!
Thanks chickadees and chickadudes!
PS I know a couple of lapidary artists, from whom I happen to procure cabochons, read this blog of mine so if YOU happen to have a trusted field guide that you take with you whilst prospecting or shopping for rough, spill the beans, brothers. XO
PSS If you don’t have a google account of any sort and are unable to leave comments on my blog at this time, please feel free to email me at:


  1. Silver Sparrow Designs says

    i DO actually have a copy of that book. it came highly recommended from a sweet little old rock and gem shop in estes park, co. i think it is a very good overview, and i do find myself using it quite often for looking up different stones that are new to me.

    the photos are great, but mostly shots of rough rock, and i wish there were more pictures of cut stones and cabs. (they do this cool thing where they show an image of a hand in relation to the stone so you can bet a good idea of the size of the specimen.)

    the information seems to be intended a bit more for a geologist or scientist than for a jeweler or collector. for each stone, it gives origin, scientific properties, history, ways that it is used, and usually a couple of photos.

    having said all of that, since acquiring this book, i have tried to find other, more comprehensive books and haven't yet. i would also be very interested in discovering some other good rock and gem books!

  2. I have two copies of this book and I highly recommend it!

  3. elegantrockart says

    Plume, Check out Agates & Jaspers that was published in April 2009. Very informative and GORGEOUS photography that'll blow you away. Ron's website is chock full of great info. too.


    Website, start here….
    Hope this helps 🙂 CaroL

  4. whoops…forgot to add this

  5. Hi Jillian –

    My engagement ring came from a Japanese jewelry design house, Suwa Gem. Though their website, which also has a neat video of the diamond cutting process, I found the book Gemstones: Quality and Value, which is supposed to be pretty definitive on gemstones. Pricey, though! The book is in three volumes, the last is one about the design of jewelry:

    You can get a peek of the contents here:

    They have some (probably not meant to be) humorous notes like: "It is sometimes said that when hosting a gathering, one’s jewelry should be subdued. Diamonds have a tendency to be compared by their size, but surely, beautiful colored stones like this jadeite can be worn to liven up the mood without feeling uneasy toward your guests." Well, I've never really thought about that! Don't want my jewelry to make the neighbors jealous at my next party!

  6. Michelle - Revelate says

    You can browse that very book on….

    It sits on my bookshelf as well and it is wonderful.

    Also- the National Audubon Society field guide on rocks and minerals is great and full of info too.

  7. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks so much for being SO helpful, birds! And thanks to the handful of people who emailed me with information as well! Happy reading and learning to you all!