Good day to you all!
It’s my Birthday Boxing Day today (lucky me, it also happens to be Valentine’s Day)!
We’re laying about the house in the early morning light
sipping on Earl Grey, listening to quiet music and simply taking time for ourselves.
Robert planned a really wonderful birthday for me.
We woke up, took the dogs walking to the dog park across town, popped over to our favorite breakfast diner for eggs benedict (my favorite) with some friends, and then proceeded to the local ski hill where I spent the first day of my life learning to downhill ski on black diamond runs (that’s the easiest option on the mountain). It was shockingly fun and actually quite easy and purely hilarious to watch the boys tumble about in the powder. Between my zooms through the snow were some incredibly beautiful rides on the chair lift through stunning snow laced timber and the view of our valley was breathtaking. I had such an overwhelmingly wonderful time. I’m so glad RW dreamed up the date in the first place and was even happier to spend the day with two other wonderful friends (who are EMT firefighters, thank God).

Additionally, we loaded Talulah (the ’73 VW bus) up with our warm bodies and ski gear and she was a complete riot to drive down the highway on the way to our snow adventure. What would a birthday be without Talulah. Huh?
After burning a great sum of calories while toying with the elements, we returned home and whipped up some pizza, which was delicious. RW baked a pineapple upside down cake (I know, I’m so lucky to have a domestic god as my spouse) (plus, he’s tremendously cute in an apron and rubber gloves).
It was scrumptious.
It held 28 small flames.
I made a big wish
and extinguished all the
candles in just one puff.

We sat around the kitchen feeling lazy and happy until someone had the brilliant idea of getting into bed and watching the Olympics. So we did.
We cheered for the Americans.
We cheered for the Canadians.
We screamed with fear when athletes crashed on their skis
and sleds. We gnashed our teeth when the judges gave poor scores.
I thought the bed would collapse.
Penelope slept in the crook of my arm.
I felt full and warm.

And it was quite cozy.

28 arrived yesterday.
I looked it in the face.
I liked what I saw there.
I’ve never known myself better.
I’ve never been happier.
I’ve never counted myself more blessed.
Thanks for being there in spirit, to help me ring in the new year.
Now buckle up, it could be a wild one.


  1. Jillian!

    Let me be the first–just because I'm a day late wishing you HAPPY BIRTHDAY–to congratulate you on a 28th year very well-lived indeed!!! I'm so glad you had a singularly fine birthday-boxing day.

    May your 29th year be rich and peaceful and challenging and satisfying and hair-raising and unruffled at all the right times.

    (That is, just the right mix of Woohoo!!! Ahhhh… EEK! )Sigh( Mmmmm GUFFAW!!!!)


  2. happy belated, dear jillian! what a wonderful way to spend a birthday. sending you love and everything wonderful for this year.

    (and happy valentine's day! and year of the tiger!!)


  3. Mountaindreamers says

    glad everything is in it's balanced space and perspective, Happy Birthday ! xx

  4. oh what a FANTASTIC way to spend a birthday!! and the bed-in looks heavenly. love you. all the best

  5. A beautiful day for a beautiful soul.

    Happy Birthday, darling dear! I wish you a year filled with love, laughter, good health and prosperity…

    Happy Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year too!


  6. Oh! Happiest birthday Jilly-Billy! 🙂 Sounds like you had a brilliant brilliant time (I'm SO JEALOUS you spent the day at the snow!). Here's to another amazing year – can't wait to see what grand adventures you get up to 🙂

  7. Nancy*McKay says

    let me tell you the BEST part…

    is sooOOoo much better than…
    twenty seven…



  8. Desiree Fawn says

    what a lovely birthday!!
    all the best for the next year, of course <3

  9. Lynsey Phelps - VerreEncore says

    Happy Birthday! sounds like a most wonderful day 🙂

  10. The Perkins Family says

    Happy Birthday again Dear dear Plume. You have given me far much more than I could ever give you. Thank you for sharing your generous heart with the world. You have been such an inspiration!

  11. Happy Birthday, dear Jillian! It sounds like you had a fantastic day, and I'm so glad that Robert spoiled you. That cake sounds heavenly!

    28 is such a great age, it really, really is. I wouldn't actually want to go back and revisit it (we have to keep moving forward, right?!) but I remember feeling so confident and positive in my late twenties. Enjoy every single moment of the year ahead. And I look forward to seeing all of the jewels that come from your grown-up girlie studio in the months to come. 🙂

  12. Blessings Flow Down says

    What a beautiful Birthday Jillian…enjoy!

  13. MrsLittleJeans says

    I am with Nancy again…Happy Birthday Madame Plume! : )


  14. AWWWW…many happy returns of the day, plume!

    sending a zillion warm wishes.


  15. Wishing you joy the whole year through.

  16. Alice Istanbul says

    Happiest of Birthdays to you, dear Jillian. I hope this year brings you everything you wish for and more.

  17. Jillian,
    May the ahead be wonderful for you!
    Happiest Birthday!

  18. Good Girls Studio says

    Sounds like the most perfect of birthday celebrations! Happy 28th Jillian, may each year be as poignantly happy & special as this!

  19. Redbonegirl97 says

    Happy Birthday, glad to see that you had great fun on your birthday.


  20. happy happy birthday…

  21. thewindhover says

    My dear Mrs Plume: Happy Birthday! beautiful one! Your day sounds positively wonderful with just the right mix of everything (outdoors frolicking, baked goods, lazy bed), Wishing you every good thing this year through the wild and testing days, may you (always?) soar like a magic dragon! Love x

  22. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks for all these lovely notes, chickadees!!!

  23. Michelle - Revelate says

    Happy Birthday! We're both '82ers. 🙂

  24. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thank you!!!! Wheeeeee!!!! Rock the bubblegum pants:)