Happy Friday to you all, my sweet sugar beets!

I’m so glad of spirit today!
This weekend, I have to “work” a little bit.
But it will be worth it…for secret reasons:))))))))))
Yesterday, RW and I agreed that I should take today off. So I did.
I drove about town in Talulah with the dogs in the front seat beside me (Far-Far-Binks is an excellent co-pilot). I went shoe shopping and found a delightful set of grey wedges with blunt toes. I went area rug shopping and found a cute little botanical carpet for our spare room. I went wine shopping and selected a handful of tasty pinot noir bottles. Oof….I sound like a serious consumer! There’s nothing so pleasing as stimulating the economy! I ate sushi for lunch. I got down on all fours and washed the living room floor, vacuumed the entire house, cleaned the kitchen and did a bit of laundry. I rearranged the living room. I weeded out some old pieces of clothing in my wardrobe and sent them to Goodwill. I purchased some feathers from the fly fishing section of our local Ace Hardware (the BEST little hardware store in town…..I also bought my wine selection there!!!!!!!!!!) I played with my dogs and purchased two new toys for them. I bought white flowers, cut them and arranged them in vases around my home. I talked with the mailman. I had breakfast with Sue (avocado benedict). I smooched my man between the kitchen and the back porch and I liked it. Then I smooched him on the front steps and I liked it even more!
Right now I’m baking bread. Hey Rosetta! is playing on the stereo (perhaps my favorite Canadian album of the year — there’s something so achingly Canadian about this music). RW is cleaning the floor in the spare room and in a few minutes we’ll move the furniture back into that space and our home will be normal (finally) again. I’ll snap some photos of the finished renovation job for you! I’m sipping some cool Fumé Blanc. I feel relaxed. After dinner I’m going to draw a hot bath and watch something on my laptop while I soak.
I didn’t realize I needed a day off until I took a day away from my studio.
Sometimes, that bone crushing muse really takes over my life and I forget to rest.
Days like today remind me that resting is good.
And new shoes are good.
And cleaning and wine and Robert are good.
Bless them all.

And bless your bones.
Have a beautiful weekend, my sweet friends.
I’ll see you on Monday.
The Noisy Plume


  1. mme. bookling says

    you just blessed cleaning.

    you ARE in good spirits, my little fume blanc. glad you grabbed that "bone crushing muse" and told her to chill the EFF out today (in your more eloquent words, though).

    off to gobble up some lentil and sausage soup then to the family's house to smooch the baby!

  2. The Noisy Plume: says

    I miss you.

    I feel the gap.
    Between here and there.

  3. Miss Crowland says

    yes. i had a weird week, and some new flats made it better. have a nice one, lady! ps…the canadian semi final hockey game is on tonight…

  4. The Noisy Plume: says

    Watching it.
    I'll see you there…

  5. Sunny Rising Leather says

    Here's to taking a day off from bone crusher.
    She is the best and the worst 🙂

    You, though, are the bestest and I miss you.

  6. wait… you did all this… in ONE day?!

  7. yay for much needed days of rest! isn't shoe shopping the best? 🙂 glad you had a fabulous day, J!

  8. Desiree Fawn says

    A well spent & well deserved day of rest!

  9. Redbonegirl97 says
  10. …sounds like a very sweet day…
    Hope your work runs smooth and fine.
    The local boys on your radio…Saw them…way…way…back…tiny venue…before the record…was nice.

  11. I LOVE the necklace you're wearing here….I'll have to get you to make me something like that…but don't worry, it won't be for a while. The babies get all my money right now! Glad you took a day off and consumed…wow, you got a lot done! It's been almost exactly three years since I had a day that productive (Anna is almost exactly three now)

  12. Your words and wine make me smile.

    clinksies miss!

  13. MrsLittleJeans says

    You are funny, in the cute way…made me laugh that you got down on all fours to do the floor after all that shopping and … I spend a lot of time on all fours picking up after our two trebbles, so I know.

    I do wish you would show some of your shopping, I love looking at pretty things.

    And I am glad you took the day off for yourself… : )

  14. Melissa-Ann says

    Lets see you pic of the new shoes!

  15. Changing with Time says

    I wish I could be that productive on my days off.

  16. Mellisa - Chinook Jewelry says

    Wow, what a day! I'm not sure there was any "rest" in there until the wine, was there? 🙂

  17. The Noisy Plume: says

    Restful Friday + Extremely incredible weekend = Happy Quillian!!!

    Thanks for these lovely comments, sweet birds!