Eight Things

8. Yep. Pretty much the cutest and fluffiest little fluffybuns in all of Idaho:

Ok. Now. A few weeks ago or perhaps even months ago, the lovely Mona (who happens to have a brilliant and beautiful mind) gave me some homework and I’m just getting to it now! Sorry Mona! I’m supposed to let you know seven things about myself that you don’t know. There are a lot of you who have varying degrees of relationship with me so I came up with the seven things I thought very few of you would know about.
1. I used to have a thing for booby traps. Just writing this down is causing a resurgence of obsession. I like the sort where you dig a moderately sized pit and cover the surface lightly with grasses, twigs and hand collected brambles. When someone strolls down the path the trap is located on, they tumble right into it and then you can keep them there until they promise to purchase you a bag of twizzlers or wash your Vespa. I also like the sort where you tie fishing line between two trees directly outside your sister’s tent whilst camping…nothing really happens with this sort of booby trap but it’s fun to act like a malevolent individual or a spy, from time to time.
2. I have a thing about feet. I don’t really like it when folks touch mine or look at mine for too long. I can tolerate it but I don’t like to encourage it. That’s the main reason why I don’t paint my toenails. It draws too much attention to my chicken feet. This said, I really like being barefoot. All the time.
3. I really adore the scent of eucalyptus. It’s so fresh. When I smell it, it feels like my lungs are blooming open, soft and pink which would be a horrendous thing to see but a nice thing to feel. I like how I feel when I think about things unfolding (does that even make sense?). On the flip side, I loathe the smell of geraniums.
4. I eat macaroni and cheese almost daily but not usually the boxed sort (unless I’ve had Dakota mac and cheese sent to me by Caroline, the Queen of the Prairies). I like to cook up a cup of multicolored, twisty noodles, add some freshly grated extra sharp cheddar cheese and fresh ground pepper. Yum. I’m a gourmet’s worst nightmare. But it’s so quick…ish.
5. I love my name. But living in the USA has been tough on me. For some reason, no one in Arizona or Idaho has ever heard the name Jillian before. When I introduce myself, more often than not people get a funny look on their faces and think I’m saying Julien. Once, I was feeling especially name sensitive while acquiring a latte. The barrista wrote the name JULIEN on my cup. I snapped and informed her that “Julien” is considered a male, Hispanic name. Robert told me I was being snarky. Sorry, coffee girl. Lately, upon introducing myself, I’ve been getting a lot of, “Oh! Like Jillian Michaels???”
Um. Yes. Kind of. Name education comes in many forms.
My middle name is Susan. I’m named for my mother. Jillian Susan means youthful lily. I think that’s pretty. RW’s name means bright flame protector. What a man! Back in the day when our only correspondence for 2.5 years was letter writing, we used to address our international mail to each other using the meanings of our names. It’s so romantic it makes you ill. I know.
6. I take about 9 different vitamins, daily. I’m going to have to stop taking my Vitamin B Complex because it’s been giving me really strange dreams. I had a nightmare about a small but vicious orange spider, two nights ago, and I barely slept a stitch. A few weeks ago, in a dream, someone RW used to work with gave me neon green pistol tattoos for my birthday. That dream was so funny that each time I fell asleep again I tried to consciously return to it which made me very frustrated; I woke up once or twice biting the bed frame.
Vitamin B is botching up my REM state.
7. I don’t consciously collect anything but because I’m obsessively drawn to some stuff, I have noticed lately that I have a few collections. I have a vintage hat collection, a skeleton key collection, a coat collection, a scarf collection, a teacup collection and I’m thinking of collecting old doors, the sort with lead glass windows in them (something something mumble mumble garden landscaping…). I have a vintage brooch collection and a pretty extensive jam and jelly collection, though it’s at zenith in October. I have a small escarpment of shoes but above all, I prize my skirt collection. Its extensive, chromalicious and quite practical. Wheee!
So there you have it.
Seven or eight things.
Ain’t life beautiful?
Please take a second or an hour to give me seven in the comment section, if you feel like it and if you can take a moment away from internet shopping or changing diapers or baking…
Which is sort of like give me five
but interwebular.


  1. Good Girls Studio says

    You are soo adorable I just have to play along!

    ~Alas, time is of the essence so I if I may, I'm going to cheat šŸ˜‰

    No1. I have boobies (sans traps)

    No2. I am always barefoot (except when I'm wearing shoes). My toes: always painted (Marooned on the subway OPI right now)

    No3. I'm a sucker for anything that smells remotely of peppermint, basil, red wine & steak (in that order)

    No4. I am a gourmet cook(ish). I whip up thee most amazing meals with nary a recipe (if I do say so myself!)

    No5. Johanna Noelle…God's Gracious Gift (thank you for my name mom & dad, even though no can pronounce it..ever!)

    No6. I sleep like a rock. {side-note: my boy child has hysterical dreams & I can hear him giggling in his sleep from down the hall! *loves*}

    No7. I am a collector of flights of fancy. 'Tis quite an abundant collection of life šŸ™‚

    Hope you have a lovely weekend!


  2. hahah on the feet!

    We would get along fine in that dept because I LOATHE looking at feet (except for my children's of course)…I'm not sure why but I just think they are the ugliest (and perhaps dirtiest??) part of the body and I just don't like looking at them. So you wouldn't have to worry about me looking at yours and I wouldn't have to worry about you showing them to me! LOL

  3. HAHA! Fun! Love the booby traps!

    1. I grew up with a bay gelding quarter horse named Joker, and I miss the smell of a barn so much.

    2. Never paint my nails.

    3. I read this blog at work!

    4. I make my children state that they are the kindest and most amazing children every night before they go to bed. It's my belief it will help bolster self esteem! šŸ™‚

    5. Secret of Nimh is my favorite book, and I own a vintage copy of it. Love, love the smell and feel of old books!

    6. My husband bought me a Lost doll as a gag gift, and I went out and bought more! i have a collection of Lost dolls! Eeekk….

  4. The Noisy Plume: says

    My gosh, girls!
    You're fascinating!!!

  5. Jeweled Blossoms says

    One. I experience each day in a particular color. I know that sounds a bit weird, but I do. Most days Iā€™m a plum-y shade of purple, other days Iā€™m a tomato red, a serene cerulean, a vibrant olive green or a delightful tangerine. Today I am decidedly plum.

    Two. I have tried to like avocados for a number of years and have finally relinquished the idea that I will ever enjoy them. Ironic, as Iā€™m from California and I always, always get this appalled look and a *gasp* ā€œYouā€™re kidding, right? How do you not love avocados?ā€ Thereā€™s not one thing about avocados I enjoy, except perhaps the texture of their skin. Other than that, their pasty evil gooeyness can be saved for other mortals, I shall pass.

    Three. I secretly love to count things. I find myself counting all sorts of things, the people in front of me in lines, the petals on each rose in my vase, the squares in my carpet, the shoes in my collection and cabochons in my drawers.

    Four. When I find an article of clothing I absolutely love, I buy it in multiple colors, even if itā€™s just a tiny shade off. I canā€™t help it. I think I have a dress in five different colors, a skirt in three and multiple sweaters or cardigans in five or six shades. And if I find something I really really really love, I will sometimes buy two of the same color, just in case I have a accident and stain it, or if I accidentally shrink it or if the dryer eats it (I have a terrible dryer that keeps making pinprick holes in my clothes that end up making them unravel, itā€™s absolutely horrible).

    Five. Iā€™m obsessed with perfumes. I have a lovely vintage mirrored tray upon which I keep my collection of perfumes. Some are in decadent little bottles Iā€™ve had for years, others collected from my travels across the globe. I love smelling differently, each perfume I choose to keep reflects a different personality, a different life for that day. I always keep the bottles when Iā€™m done and display them on shelves around the house.

    Six. I make my bed every single morning. Thereā€™s nothing I enjoy more than coming back to a neatly made bed (even though I know my mini dachshund Bella sleeps in it while Iā€™m gone).

    Seven. I never feel guilty about buying books. I am utterly addicted to buying books and even though Iā€™ve a nightstand piled high with books Iā€™m in the middle of or yet to read, I canā€™t help but get more at the local bookstore every time I go. Theyā€™re books ā€“ how could I possibly feel bad about adopting one?

  6. Jeweled-I LOVE and totally agree with your book buying creed! I have mounds and mounds of them!I have tried to be good and just use the library, but I can't do it.

    The best book buying experience is the Mennonite book sale in Lancaster if you ever get a chance to go! My jeep had 8 boxes of books, and if it wasn't for those darn baby carseats I could have had 10!

  7. MrsLittleJeans says

    Wow…Mlle, this was worth the wait! I am trying to process the information, match this against that, or that against this!

    I am bogged on number 1 but I used to like to play cowboy and Indians or re-enact Hitchcock Crows episode, so maybe that is the same.

    I do love going barefoot but also love to do toenails…my toes are very orderly!

    Love the smell of Eucalyptus too!

    Cooking and moi- I cook things in my head! However, my first college roommate would tell me that the best food in the world was macaronic and cheese and donuts!

    I miss not having a middle name and often add something for fun!

    Things stick to me so I am a collector but intent on decollecting ever since I married my sweetheart whose belongings all fit into one box!

    Your dreams crack me up- are you sure that is Vitamin B and not pizza! An orange victorious spider!!!

    I have said enough about me but cannot say enough about how thrilled I am that you remembered…you busy gal you.


  8. oooh lovely post..here me goes:
    1.i have a mild obession with clogs, own them, wear them, want them, collect them…that is my shoe fetish.
    2.ever since i got athletes foot from my yoga studio, i don't like my feet and it bothers me to look at others…but i do love to be barefoot and try to hide my feet in the grass/sand/dirt…hmmm.
    3.i am in love with the scent of grapefruity/lemon/citrus…
    4. i insist on encouragement feasts once a week with my wee ones and hunky man…makes us all feel so awesome.
    5. i think i should take more vitamins and eat better, enjoy wine less and maybe do more cardio.
    6. i love the dirt and grow succulents everywhere i can, i can spend hours in the soil.
    7. i am constantly perplexed by what to cook for dinner, thus the multitude of salads consumed in this household.

    that was fun!
    bon weekend.
    Still Lily

  9. 1. I'm the one who has been picking out all of the black jellybeans and eating them before my husband can (I blamed my 4-year old).
    2. I read at least two to three books a week, and I order books daily on our local library's web site. My hubby and I race to the phone when the library calls to let me know my books are in because my husband has a crush on the computer voice lady who calls.
    3. I am a sucker for anything lemon scented.
    4. I fixate on musical groups and listen over and over and then toss them aside for months and months (right now I have a weird thing for Gordon Lightfoot, particularly the song Sundown).
    5. I have a life long fear of escalators.
    6. I hate when people call me Sue.
    7. I also fixate on food and recipes and obsess on a particular item until I find the perfect variation on a recipe – right now I'm on carrot cake.

  10. lindsay michele says

    1. Red is my favorite accent color when accessorizing my wardrobe.

    2. I like when it rains because it gives me an excuse to use my umbrella, which I love.

    3. I'm tickle-ish all over. Really. It doesn't make for fair fighting with the spouse.

    4. I love everything about my hair and wouldn't trade it for anyone else's, even on days when it curls all over in the humidity.

    5. I gave up Facebook for Lent and I'm considering not going back.

    6. I lived in a convent for a semester, with actual nuns. It was great. If I hadn't fallen in love, I'd think about being a nun.

    7. I get great enjoyment out of throwing things away. When in doubt, throw it out!

  11. calamityjane(t) says

    Okay, Iā€™ll play along. Since NO ONE out there knows me, it will be a simple little matter to come up with seven unknown facts about myself:

    1. I was born in Japanā€¦ Army brat.

    2. I have sailed the entire breadth of both the Pacific (once, see above) and Atlantic (twice) oceans. Thatā€™s because I also got to live in Germany for three years as a kid. I get V E R Y seasick.

    3. The place that I will always consider ā€œhomeā€ is the Monterey Bay. That is the place where I spent the greatest single chunk of my growing up years. #ā€™s 2 and 3 will explain my fascination with your ā€œRumors of the Seaā€ series.

    4. Didnā€™t do booby traps but LOVED building forts in the woods behind our houses.

    5. I believe that dreams come true, largely due to the fact that after five years of begging I finally got a palomino mare who turned out to be one of the best friends I ever had. After 25 years of wishing I got my old house in the historic old town neighborhood of the city I currently live in. I am not easily deterred from my dreams.

    6. Speaking of dreams, I have been known to awaken from them numerous times laughing hysterically. (Really surprised a couple of husbands that way!) The only one I remember very clearly is one in which a group of friends and I were all sitting in a circle sneezing in foreign languages.

    7. Of my three daughters the youngest one is your age, and her nameā€¦ is Jill.

  12. Whoops I did eight…
    9) I am HOPELESS with all things math/numbers-related

  13. Also I messed up the original post.

    10) I am ill-equipped for this technological age.

    1) I was named Amy for the youngest in Little Women and, though I love being named after a literary character, I've always wished I was named after Jo instead. She's who I am – a rough and tumble writer with no grace and a love of the outdoors. Plus, how great to have a guy's name and be a long-haired girl, right?

    2) The annual event I look most forward to -more than Christmas, or birthdays, or summer even- is Canada Reads.

    3) The thing I am most afraid of is my body breaking down – not being able to walk, run, ride, climb, hike, paddle, swim, shake it.

    4) I love letting my hair air-dry after swimming in a lake or ocean because it makes me feel like a mermaid. Salty and strong and free.

    5) I always pick the hunks and chunks of treats (cookie dough, brownie bits, peanut butter cups, etc.) out of ice cream and end up throwing the actual ice cream away once it develops freezer burn. Why don't I just buy cookie dough, brownie bits, or peanut butter cups to eat? I don't know. IT'S AN ILLNESS.

    6) Speaking of geldings (as Laura was earlier), I'll admit here for the first time that I like the smell of horse manure. So fresh and barn-sy!

    7) I've toured BC, Alaska, Yukon, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island on my bicycle. Pedal power.

    8) I have brand loyalty to nothing (no chapstick, deodorant, shampoo, hand cream, dishwashing detergent, etc. etc. etc.) EXCEPT The Body Shop's Oceanus perfume. I started using it 12 years ago and they discontinued it last summer. Oh my fresh, clean scent! What will I smell like without you?

  14. 8 things:

    1. The smell of Sweet Grass is filled with nostalgia of childhood summers in Vermont.

    2. Winter, Summer, Spring, Fall, I can't sleep without a Fan on.

    3. I constantly second guess myself.

    4. Art History Geek

    5. My nickname Lulu was given to me at Birth by a family friend. It means 'what a girl'

    6. I have one girlfriend and many-many guy friends.

    7. I've traveled Europe alone for a month.

    8. Coffee Addict.

  15. Lizzy Derksen says

    1]I am nineteen
    2]and engaged to be married
    3]I am very interested in computing 4]and evolutionary biology
    5]I work as a maid
    6]I write
    7]and publish the zine Tom-Tom

  16. This is fun.. 7 things you didn't know about me…

    1. I was born In Sunny California, on Travis A.F.B.

    2. Eggs…. If you talk about them, in any way, while I am about to eat one, I will not eat it then. If I fry one, it has to be fried to death, if I scramble it, it has to be flattened with the spatula, and fried to death. I can not look at them while cracking them into a bowl. Usually D. does it for me.

    3. My kitty Sabre passed away almost one year ago, and I still miss him so very much, it hurts my heart, and I burst into tears often, just thinking about him, or seeing a photo.

    4. I love to fly.. I used to work at a sky diving drop zone, and I didn't really care so much about jumping out of the plane, I just wanted to fly in it, and I did, alot!

    5.I love archery, I own 2 bows, a Parker and a Hoyt.. My Womens team place 3rd at the Midwest Archery Championships.

    6. I love the the smell of herbs, I grow them in the garden, in the house, in the side garden, in the yard…

    7. I will not eat pickles, unless I can dip them in ketchup.

    Hope you have a super duper lovely weekend. xo Juli~

  17. Kate Carpenter says

    I'll play:

    1. My favorite foods are salmon, artichokes, avocados and peanut butter M&Ms.

    2. My mom and I share a middle name (Blair), which is an old family sur-name. My name is one of my favorite things about myself, and should I ever have a daughter, her middle name will be Blair, too.

    3. I started playing acoustic guitar when I was six. One of my only major regrets is that I've let my skills slide in the past few years.

    4. I hate keeping appointments. I'm a ridiculously responsible and generally otherwise reasonable person, but if an event is scheduled beforehand – even if it's something truly wonderful, like shopping with a friend – I drag my heels getting to it.

    5. I hate being cold.

    6. My very favorite time of year is apple picking season. I love getting to wander in orchards and pluck juicy apples from the trees. Then I love eating apple pie. August – and my birthday – is a close second.

    7. I'm a voracious reader, and I love going to Friends of the Library book sales to find well-loved copies of the classics.

  18. I haven't left a comment in ages, but this post is too fun to pass up!

    1-I'm orginally from Idaho. The skinny north part, near a huge lake, and an hour from Canada.

    2-I love the smell of horse poop. Really. When I was a kid, I would roll the window down when we passed the local horse ranch so I could get a whiff!

    3-That must be why I get all my best ideas when I'm cleaning stalls. Manure fertilizes my mind!

    4-I'm jealous that my horses get new shoes every 7 weeks.

    5-That must be why I'm obsessed with boots. Tall boots, short boots, suede boots, water-proofed boots. My shoes are even boot like. And I only buy one brand. I think it must be a sickness.

    6-I avoid vacuuming at all costs.

    7-I am fasinated with bats. I don't know why. I just think they are super cool. I love seeing them at dusk doing their bat thing. (when I'm cleaning stalls, smelling poop, and getting all those creative ideas!)

  19. Hilarious post Jillian!

    And can I just say, all you gals are SO AMAZING I want to know each one of you!!!

    #1 for me:
    I'm terribly mischievous and love to play harmless tricks on people or my pups…
    So of course I've been positively twitching with the urge to post my photo of the late Miss Horton spider (who was very orange and large) that lived above my basil last summer. hehe šŸ˜‰

    #2 I eat a PB&J sandwich for breakfast every morning. Other than that I'm a total foodie.

    #3 I purchased a HUGE trampoline just for me (nope, no kids at all).

    #4 I'm obsessed with everything English… having "high tea" is on my "list" as is having a "full English breakfast". LOVE Jane Austen.

    #5 I'm afraid of heights though I've been to two very high, peakish places: Everest and Macchu Picchu (the latter where I discovered this)

    #6 I'm 6' tall and would love to give a couple of inches away!? …I would wear heals every day!

    #7 me llamo Rebekah Janell

  20. dailycoyote says

    1. I've moved 13 times in the past 15 years and the only thing that's made it through every move are a number of boxes of rocks. (and the number of boxes of rocks has grown with every move….)

    2. Sometimes I wish I were the lead in an underground rock band and fantasize about fleeing my town of 300 to return to the grimy underbelly of a huge city. But then I jump on my horse or kiss my cow in the moonlight or howl with my coyote and think, "nah…."

    3. I had seven body piercings before I hit highschool.

    4. I treasure having beautiful hands and right now two of my nails are smashed. This affects me more than it probably should.

    5. I don't like talking about myself ~ to such a degree that I've contemplated erasing this many times already. (HOW did I end up writing a memoir???)

    6. I'm sipping a shot of fine mescal right now and quite enjoying it.

    7. Stockton is not the last name I was born with. Nor took because of marriage.

  21. I needed to share with everyone…

    tada! http://tanglesandmud.blogspot.com/2010/03/taking-que.html

    And I even have a feet one!

  22. indigorhino says

    1. I lived 18 years of my life in Terre Haute, Indiana…the center of these United States if passing through on the way to somewhere on I-70.
    2. I twirled a baton for four years and LOVED it!
    3. I've ridden horses for too many years to remember, and yet I remember each horse I've ridden. Mariah is the latest
    4. I had monkeys as a child. Two of them. Squirrel monkeys from South America. My mother smuggled them from Rio under her plane seat
    5. New Orleans is my favorite city and Wyoming my favorite state.
    6. I like my steak rare and I crave sushi daily. In fact, my dog's name is Sake.
    7. I suffer from terrible math anxiety.
    8. Jewelry makes me swoon and I own over ten Noisy Plume adornments.
    9. My math anxiety makes me ignore the "eight things" rule.

    Addendum to #8. I'm a fast clicker.

    Thanks for reading. Ciao.

  23. thewindhover says

    Oh Mrs Plume, the more I learn about you but more I love! I too love the smell of ecalyptus (ah makes me think of tall grey tree trunks and playing barefoot on dad's farm) and find the scent of geraniums irksome! As for RW's name… I think he should have it like, officially changed… "Mr Bright Flame Protector Plume" has a certain ring to it :p

  24. studio.delucca says

    I loved reading these! Here's a few…

    1) my feet are especially beautiful (well decorated with lotus tattoos)

    2) name recognition RULES – nobody could ever pronounce my name {{Khobe}} & now it's always "… like Kobe Bryant?"

    3) I am positively addicted to Weleda Skin Food (hand balm)

    4) I collect furniture & art made in California in the 1930s & am OBSESSIVE about researching newspapers & advertisement of the period. My sweetie-pie and I also have a collection of exotic dried bugs.

    5) I need to eat yogurt every single day. I get really squirrel-y if I skip a day

    6) I will tell you anything I know (but you have to ask)

    7) I adore fried green tomatoes…. and though I wasn't born one & don't live in the south, I feel in my soul that I was meant to be a southern lady

  25. I'm a little late to the game but here are my thingies.

    Thanks for sharing a little bit of you Mrs. Plume!

    1. Digitally, i'm a very organized person. Matching icons, dock icons, clean folders, clean desktop (no more than 3 icons!!) etc. Outside of the computer world? Not so much. I guess it's not as easy as dragging and dropping piles of clothes in real life…

    2. Kyle calls me RB, which is an abbreviation for Rinabina my screen name since 1997. Rinabina is one of my oldest nicknames…but no one ever calls me by it anymore. I have a nickname for my nickname.

    3. I lust selfishly for a Chanel flap purse in caviar black leather and a pair of Christian Loubouton shoes. I'm ashamed to say that I wouldn't have to think too hard about buying them…

    4. I played with my American Girl dolls and Barbies until at least 7th grade. I held on to my ability to slip into imaginary scenarios as long as I could!

    5. If I wasn't a Graphic Designer I would have been a Marine Biologist (I'm so used to typing my name that I always put marina bioligist…) If i wasn't a human I'd be a dolphin. I guess you could say I'm true to my name!

    6. I love cooking, i find it relaxing and romantic. I love the certain spices marry flavors and that wine can make a meal. I'm a foodie in the making!

    7. I love Harry Potter. The series means more to me than any book I've ever read, call me "unread." Ron is my favorite character, followed closely by Hermione. I wrote Harry Potter fanfiction for years, I'm sad to say…it may still be online somewhere…

  26. Jenn-with-2-n's says

    1. I've never traveled past Saskatoon.

    2. I'm a little addicted to internet shopping right now (just bought a unitart from american apparel, heheheeee!!)

    3. I'm pretty terrified of horses – I think they're lovely, but I don't know if I'll get back on one again.

    4. I don't shave my legs in winter….

    5. If I have a girl this time her name will be 'Tessa June' and for a boy 'Luke David William'.

    6. I love lemon juice…I used to sneak some out of the fridge every once in a while and my mom could never figure out why she ran out of it so fast….

    I'd give ya two more but I have to get dressed and go to brandon right away! TA!! Leave ya wantin' more, that's the key….hahaha.

  27. Mountaindreamers says

    1. The cutest thing by far were my kids dressing up like cowboys twenty years go, and where did the time go ?

    2. I think booby traps sharpen your mind. It exercises your white matter so you can think around corners without using your eyes. That said I have been given many booby traps by the universe and that has also shapened my mind.

    3.Feet are not up for grabs, too many people ignore these hard working parts that we stand upon daily. No nail polish ( altho it is quite grand ) as it encourages nail fungus which would be difficult to have on ones toes.

    4. Eucalyptus is totally cool, one of the neatess things I ever saw was the tree itself , very neat, other worldly.

    5. I have to eat veggies every day , mac is good too especially in the winter for comfort by the wood stove ; )

    6.I love my name too. I chose it . In 1995 I decided it was time to recreate myself and did , something easy to spell , poetic, and meaningful to me. My parents thought I was crazy and were a bit offended. I didn't do it to offend. oddly enough two of my closest long term friends did the same at the same time and we didn't preplan this. synchronicity?

    7. Totally into supplements. One of my favorite is Cod liver oil, ok waiting for the "icks " to die down. It really helps me move , My joints feel 20 years younger , woohoo. I use one that has no heavy metals or PCBs ; )

    8. Collecting? I suppose as I round this generation corner I am thinking of simplifying . It is really obvious that you can't take a lot of stuff with you , so I am collecting hugs and love and long conversations with those who are dear to me xxx

    Thanks Jillian , never once thought you were a Julien, haha , I love your name too, suits you, too cute.

  28. UmberDove says

    This has been beyond fascinating – I've spent WAAAAAY too long just reading everyone's comments, snickleing and snorkeling here and there.

    I'm a rebel so I'm only giving you "D" numbers of items.

    A. I like feet. I like my feet. They are rather long and my toes look like miniature fingers and I like to pinch BC with them.

    B. I DETEST the smell of Lemon Verbena on my body – I completely associate it with cleaning products and I hate smelling like a freshly washed toilet.

    C. I'm ruthless with buying and selling back books. I only keep art books, food books, poetry and novels that have seared my heart.

    D. I love pomegranates more than any other fruit. I buy them by the bagful and eat one a day (sometimes two) for as long as they are in season. I carefully extract every seed, corral them all in a big bowl and eat them by the spoonful.

    As a side note, I did a painting some years ago titled "The Scent of Eucalyptus." You would totally get it.

  29. Great posts!

    1. I loved candy more than toys as a kid. Although I try not to have too much now, my face always shows excitement when I see or hear the word candy.

    2. Spiders scare me. I think they are trying to get me.

    3. I have long eyelashes….thanks dad. I have to shave my legs often…thanks dad.

    4. My sense of smell is strong. I can smell silent burps.

    5. My husband and I have a stack of letters that we wrote to each when we were 15. They are terribly dramatic.

    6. I give a pretty great massage.

    7. I always wished I had a tan and despised my freckles. We are at peace now…mostly.

  30. The Noisy Plume: says


    It has been SUCH a pleasure to read through these comments and learn all about your wonderful quirks and passions and dislikes and feet and food and booby traps!

    You're all such incredible women.

    Actually, I think this might be the definition of mature womanhood — raveled and woven through the words that build your lists of seven (or eight or ten): a female individual who is confident in who she is and who embraces her individuality in every way possible.

    You're all so amazing. I always knew this, but now the rest of the world does as well!

    Thank you, with all my heart, for taking the time to share with me and each other.

    You've put the hugest smile on my face, on this snarly and snowy Saturday. Thanks for being part of my world and part of this community!

    Jillian Susan

  31. love the list, Jillian! I'm right there with you about feet. I hate it when people look at mine, and I also hate seeing other people's.

    oh, and Macaroni and Cheese? Win.