CUTENESS OVERLOAD with a pinch of the serious…

RW and I have been making many trips to our local
ranching supply store so that I can hold all of the fluffy baby things.

At the moment, they have rabbits (yes, I know I look like a gleeful 12 year old in this photo).

They have baby ducks.

They have a million precious little waggling chicken butts.

I want to take everything home.
RW reminds me we can get two little chickies as soon as the coop is finished being built.
Then I say, “WAHHHH.”
And we leave with steer manure and a couple of bales of peat moss instead.
Life is unfair.
I must say, on the serious side of things, I feel like I’ve been HERE but mildly absent lately.
From the blogosphere.
From the interwebs.
Besides hosting company at The Gables and being generally, very busy, I realized last week that I’m losing RW very soon to the Northern Cascades and parachutes and airplanes and in a fit of pure panic I’ve been very conscious about taking a lot of time to hold him close, kiss him every time I walk past him in our house, dance with him, bake him treats, cook him delicious food and spend every spare moment I can muster with him before May hits and I find myself without my best friend. Again.

That’s just the way things are right now.
That’s just the way my priorities are lining up right now.
I’m zealously loving my man in the moment before I have to tell him good bye.
Before long, I’ll be wrapped up in a solo summer
wherein time will be full of other things:
*personal growth
*sterling dreams
*running and extending my mileage on the mountain
trails, foot after foot, long strides, wind in my hair
*traveling by truck in The West
*fishing, hiking, climbing
It’s a dreadfully fantastic thing, being the wife of a wildland firefighter.
I’m learning, year by year, to look at the summertime as an opportunity
instead of a sum of time to be passed as quickly as possible.
I know it’s only springtime
but I’m looking ahead and preparing myself.
It’s the only way I’m sure I’ll bounce, when the time comes.
In the meanwhile, I’m all heart-akimbo
for my manly-mano
and I thank you for your gracious-excuso
for my quiet-itessmo.
Happy Sunday to you all.
I hope your heart and soul are well rested and ready for a new week!
Grab the next seven days by the horns
and hold on tight.
Love to you,
PS Awesomeness alert:


  1. CrowNology says

    Those photos are IT. The ones of you and he…
    Awesome. Beautiful. Beyond words really…
    How could you not be absent from HERE?

  2. Desiree Fawn says

    I can't wait to meet the two little henlets that you will be bringing home soon! I think you'll be a fabulous chicka-mama and they'll follow you around just like little Penelope!

    Enjoy your time with your man — the blogosphere and I completely understand ^_^

  3. Those lovely photos of you and your man make my heart squee and my eyes tear. You two are some of most amazing spirits I think I've ever seen. I hope you guys can share the most romantic of moments while the next coupla' months last.

    Those duckie butts are too cute. I think you should get two chickens and a duck. I don't really know why you need a duck, but I know that you need a cute little duckie beak to pet. (methinks I"M the one that needs a beak to pet, actually…)

    Enjoy the remainder of your Sunday!

  4. Lara Lewis says

    those adorable chicks and bunnies and little ducks make my heart go pitter pat!

    thank you for sharing, as always, i love reading your blog…and completely understand your need to be absent for a while. 🙂

  5. MrsLittleJeans says

    Glad you can think of it that way…love those bunnies!


  6. MrsLittleJeans says

    PS-forgot to say LOVELY MOM

  7. as IF baby ducks aren't the cutest babies around. SO FREAKING CUTE!! and i love the dancy pictures.

  8. sylvestris says

    Marvelous heart-sing photos. Sounds to me like your priorities are right on time, J.

    Hmmm…yes, just imagine, if you got a coupla ducks you could build a little pond in your yard!

    Love that ring. I know it's a saddle, but the term "carapace" also comes to mind.


  9. Justine Urbikas says

    you two are too cute! and so are the fluffy baby things! those make me wish I didn't live in the city!

  10. angela walker jewelry says

    I love the photos of you and your hubby! They are beautiful… totally priceless.
    What a special, special post. I would print it out and sneak it into his suitcase : )
    Health and happiness,

  11. Abigail Jasmine says

    Aw..such cuteness indeed! I'd love to take a baby chick home…or two or three..

    Love your dancing photos as well..too cute!

    You are a strong woman! Such a great way to look at your solo summer..
    Happy soul searching and truth findings..and of course, beautiful jewelry making!

    Love, love!

  12. Oh darling! I do understand the pinch of seriousness you touched on. While my husband doesn't leap out of helicopters to fight raging fires, he does travel. a lot.

    I try to live my life the way Tim McGraw suggests in his song…"live like you were dying"…

    When my R is gone, I use the time to explore, create, write, read, and eat cereal for dinner (yay!). It's a great opportunity to focus on yourself…


    P.S. Thank you for sharing your extra special photos. They're simply enchanting.

  13. Elly Rarg says

    Love the photos of you and RW, I've seen alot of posts at the moment about appreciating the here and now, and I think its a brilliant idea! Sometimes we forget to take the time, so I'm glad that you have been. Also? Nothing wrong with wanting to hold the gorgeous fluffy little creatures with such delight. <3 posts like this muchly, lady!

  14. OMG! OMG! Could those babies be any cuter? I take the kids every year to this farm day, and we never leave the baby ducks and chicks. Sigh… my dream is to have a chicken coop!

    The dancing photos are really just too sweet, and even though my hun doesn't travel much I just gave him a little smooch.

    Enjoy your man-love. 🙂

  15. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks for these really sweet comments, chickadees!
    Your the gracious-est
    and loveliest
    and kindest
    and nicest
    there ever could be.

  16. Lynsey Phelps - VerreEncore says

    your perspective is so lovely 🙂

    distance is not easy… but there's ways of framing it to make it on opportunity.

    thank you, jillian 🙂

    p.s. hoooray for the cuteness overload and future henlettes!