
For your consideration:

Rumors of the Sea Ring
[copper, enamel, sterling, pearls]

Fortress Ring
[sterling, moonstone, amethyst, chrysoprase, ravenwing pearl, ivory pearl]

Rumors of the Sea Ring
[copper, sterling, enamel, pearl]

[tube agate & sterling]

Fox in the Snow Necklace
[sterling & amethyst druzy]

Limu Ring
[sterling & red jade]

Glitz Ring
[sterling & bartlett jasper — mined in Idaho and cut by a local lapidary artist in Pocatello]

[sterling & pearl with custom chain]

[sterling & agate]

Throat Flower Lexical Charm Necklace
[sterling, pearl & coral]
You know, to be quite honest, I am really struggling with letting
one or ANY of these pieces go today. It’s ridiculous. I’ve had them in my home for a handful of weeks now and I should feel like I’ve bonded with them sufficiently (I do that, you know, I bond with these pieces when they are finished…I put them on and sometimes wear them for a few hours at a time so that when the moment comes, I’ll feel like I can let them go…). But not today. I’m feeling a little of heartache, at the minute, when I think of listing them all for sale.
I love each one of these pieces.
Each one.
They’re a part of me.
Thank you, eternally and exponentially, for your consideration, for looking at these photos and enjoying the aesthetic of these designs, for reading what I write and for supporting me as an independent artist.
These are my offerings.


  1. JBentley says

    Oh my! Thease beauties are going to make a lot of people very happy!

  2. Christina J. says

    I can understand why you are having a hard time parting with them. They are all lovely!

  3. MrsLittleJeans says

    I would have a tough time too..these are super duper lovely in my eyes!


  4. Mandy Saile of Bijou's Whimsy says

    No wonder you don't want to part with any of these creations of yours, they are all so beautiful…I do that too, I keep my paintings and drawings for awhile too before putting them up for sale:D Good Luck in the parting:D

  5. …But you craft wings into each of these pieces, strong enough to send them forth…and that's a part of who you are and loving what you do ….

  6. Dallas Ann says

    Oh goodness. They are SO lovely. You put such soul and heart into your pieces. They can't help but go to loving homes where they will be well tended and cared for.

  7. Good Girls Studio says

    It is so hard letting go of work we have poured our souls into! I'm sure they will be well loved & cared for in their new homes!

  8. Kelly Reece says

    What kills me is as follows: I check your blog daily. When I see your new pictures up I think, "SWEET! New stuffs!" I click over to your shop and they're all gone! Every last one. I mean, honestly, I think you should tell us, how long does it take for something to sell in your shop? 2 mins?! It's always so cool for you and such a bummer for me 🙂

  9. Taddyporter says

    2 minutes?? Kelly: we are talking blink of an eye here!!! You. have. to. be. supah. diligent. watch facebook, our gorgeous friend Plume is always giving us hints when the event will take place. you have to pay close attention and believe me it is so worth it.

    (Now, I need to make this clear: I love Jillian with all my heart EVEN if she ceased making another jewel right this moment)

    When I feel a piece calling my soul, I have learned (as many of her feathered friends have)to sit tight at the laptop hitting that refresh button like nobody's business. do not pee. do not leave the premise until you are really done. and it is still difficult but gosh the piece does serendipitous-ly find its owner.

    Oh man. I just gave my guarded secrets away sheesh!!! well good luck to you, *in a huddle, hands together, GO*

  10. mme. bookling says

    this whole update hurts my ever-lovin' heart.


  11. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks for these lovely comments, chickadees!

    Kelly, I'm afraid Taddy is right. Things have been flying off the shop shelves in mere seconds lately! There's not much I can do about it, I'm sorry!

    She did give you a handful of great tips though!