Gilbert Ranch Branding Days: Volume II

[…they think her tractor’s sexy.]

[A rancher and his wife. A rancher and her husband.]

[Miss Lacey Gilbert gets the job done.]

RW and I spent Saturday out at the Gilbert Ranch, in the valley. I’ve shown images of this hard working ranching family before but none so action packed as these! It was an amazing day full of dust, sweat and blood — branding day at the ranch. One of the most incredible things to witness was the unified effort of a community! Horses and families were towed about in trucks and trailers to three different ranches throughout the day to get the work done in a single, skilled swoop.
The sociality was a thrill.
Lunch was a burly spread.
There was laughing, cussing and a whole lot of smoke.
Most of all, I loved capturing a few shots of men and women working side by side under the sun in the foothills of the Rockies.
And oh, those cowboys…


  1. sylvestris says

    Oh, this is just GREAT!!! I can just feel it in my veins and tendons, smell the smells, taste the dirt.

    There is nothing quite like people coming together to tackle big jobs like this. The cooperative action and communal eating, cussing, sweating, and laughing makes real work true play.

    Glad you two could be part of this.

    As for what I just saw on Flickr:

    Oh. My. Sweet. Lord!


  2. sylvestris says

    …Oh, and thanks for sharing the cowboys (of course)!!!

  3. Cowboy bums?

    You're killing me.

    How am I supposed to get any work done now?

  4. The Noisy Plume: says


  5. i love these photos!! thanks for sharing. : )

  6. These are beautiful photographs miss.

    Having sat in the dirt much like those gents in 12, 14, and 25 for a good part of my youth/everysummerstill, I have to say that the one flaw of seeing it in pictures is that you miss out on the smell. That is one terrible smell.

  7. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks for the photo love, dear chickadees and chickadudes.

    I think getting out to the ranch would be very very good for each and every one of your souls. Just ask Will. He agrees with me and I didn't even have to pinch him or put him in a headlock! Imagine that!!!
