Summer Begins

I don’t judge the start of summer by any particular date or outdoor temperatures. Nor do I claim it begins when my tomatoes are of a certain height or when the raspberry patch reaches a certain level of prolific productivity.  It does not start, for me, on some lingering solstice when the sky spins with an eternal twilight and the thick scent of wildflowers on the mountain slopes makes my lungs slow and romantic.

I mark the start of summer when he leaves. 
It ends when he comes home.

I just sent him to Winthrop, Washington to attend 2010 smokejumping rookie training — to jump out of air planes and fight forest fires. I just sent him on what might be the adventure of a lifetime and quite possibly to the most difficult physical (and mental) experiences he’ll ever have in life! But I won’t be outdone in this realm and I plan to have my own adventures this summer.  Lots of them.  My head and heart are in excellent spaces, I’m feeling light as a feather.  

I stake my claim on this season 
and will draw from it 
only the 

Bon voyage, best friend and lover.

My heart is steadfast.
And I believe in you.
Wish him luck!
Send him positivity, prayers and strength!
See you about, chickadees!


  1. jaunebleu says

    Best of luck RW!

    Jillian, your beautiful being will have many fantastic adventures this summer, by the end of which your spirits will delight in a glorious reunion!

    As my best friend always reminds me people with gray eyes "knoooow thiiiings", and I am one of those people…

    Many hugs,


  2. Victoria Grace says

    This posting is Beautiful. It is sad and lovely all in one. I hope the summer is an exciting adventure for both of you.

  3. (pout) so sad! But on a brighter note, you're a lucky gal to have seasons filled with pure-quality time with your man!

    Sending RW MUCHO physical and mental strength!

    Here's to a warm, exciting, peaceful, starlit summer-filled with Adventure!

  4. Oh I am glad you have peace as he goes. As hard as it must be, I hope this apart season cultivates mystique and romance between you. 🙂

    Love you both.

  5. owl and peacock : melina says

    Agreed with what everyone has already said. And beautiful photo!

  6. ….many meditative prayers for *both* of you.

    life is good and best spent living in the moment.
    right here.
    right now.


  7. akamilby says

    Thinking of you both . . .

  8. Many prayers for you and Robert as he embarks on his new adventure, wishing you both strength and safety as he follows his dreams in the clouds.

  9. sylvestris says

    For you both, two favorite quotes:

    "Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid."

    – Basil King

    "Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."

    – Goethe


  10. mme. bookling says

    I love you so much.
    I am so impressed with your love…it lets go while still holding on so tight. I've known it to a lesser scale and have been moved to the tippy tops of the tallest trees by it.

    And then I took flight.
    With your love…

    and so will he.
    i just know it.

  11. love to you and RW.
    i'm teary.

  12. Marina H says

    I'm sure your support for your brave super-hero husband means the world and will help the season go by quickly for the both of you.

    I look forward to reading about your exciting adventures this summer. Enjoy your first weekend of summer Plume!

  13. such a great summer plans with all beauty moment you caught of shot …..have a wonderful summer i might forward like you : )

  14. As said best friend of the above grey-eyed psychic Jaunebleu, believe me- she totally does!

    Just think of all of the glorious stories you will have to tell each other come fall!

    Lots o' love and prayers for safety and strength comin' your way:)

  15. MrsLittleJeans says

    Absolutely…I wished him luck and many lovely things for you too!


  16. thebearaffair says

    Oh, RW and Jillian, what an exciting summer ahead for both of you. We send our love, strength and best wishes to both of you. One question though – who watching the girls??? Hugs, Sal

  17. Elly Rarg says

    Oh! So many summer adventures, happy thoughts, strength and luck to you both! x

  18. Snailentina says

    I love this picture, and this post, and partners that help each other live out their paths, everyone deserves someone like that in their life. We'll keep you company while he's away, and… tons of blessing for both of you.

  19. Sunny Rising Leather says


    I send you my utmost faith: I know you're going to do so beautifully and I look forward to seeing you together again soon!

    In the meantime, your woman will have so much support 🙂


  20. stregata says

    Sending prayers for RW – may he be safe from harm while he is on his adventure.
    Wishing the same for you, while you are on yours.

  21. Nancy*McKay says

    RW…if at first you don't succeed…
    pull the… EmerGenCy…
    rip cord…&…pull it FAST.

    ~and we'll be watching over that special gal of yours~

    Plumey…i believe in you…& GOOD looks best on you.

  22. Redbonegirl97 says

    Ah, hope all is safe during hs journey away.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  23. Desiree Fawn says

    Lots of love & strength to you both! And a happy summer, of course! <3 <3

    (PS. Perhaps you'd like the company of some Fawns to pass the time…)

  24. big involuntary hot tears…

    sad for you both, proud of you both- for living your dreams and enduring the sacrifices.

    Good luck to RW and good luck to you Jillian- the world is behind you both as it always is for good people.

    Can't wait to see you in McCall and contribute to your summer of adventure!

    XOX (those are BIG hugs and kisses)


  25. You are so strong. And so brave.

  26. erteblomsten says

    Congratulations on the 17'th of may to you, the Norwegian Constitution Day (i think of you as half norwegian :)) i have used the beautiful earrings i bought from you today, LOVE them!!!!!

    best of luck to
    you both jillian!

    many hugs from rainy norway,


  27. I am so inspired by this post. It makes one believe in the power of true love and that even if you set your lover free to do what they do best, that love will still be there…supporting them and guiding them and keeping you strong. And then the whole summer to look forward to the wonderful reunion. So happy you are peaceful and will have adventures of your own. Can't wait to hear about them!

    Best of luck to RW! Sending him many positive vibes! 🙂


  28. Willow Branch says

    God speed to your wonderful RW. I know this must be such a sad time for you, mixed in with the wonders of the season. You have your girls, and boy to keep you company until your loved one arrives safe & sound on your doorstep once again.



  29. I love that picture! So sweet