Here and there:

First I was here.
Then I was there.
…just a few of my favorites from the road.


  1. kerin rose says

    I spy a Sunny Rising luncheon date…and a familiar pretty kitty face!…..hope you 2 are having a lovely soul-sister-y time!………

  2. sylvestris says

    Good road, J!


  3. road trip, road dogs.

    lovely photos, especially the first one, the pink dogwood.

    good to "see" you….

  4. Marina H says

    Have I told you that I love your bangs yet?

    I love your bangs!

    Glad to see your trip is treating you well. Lots of love to the long nosed Penny Pie!

  5. desperate for the road – to flee – somewhere. sigh.

    p.s. cupcake looks damn near dangerous! 😉

  6. BlueButtonwood says

    Oh favorite things!! Dogwood, Jones, P pie, and Brussel sprouts (for reals) :). Looks like a most wonderful road trip! Hope you enjoy the rest of your drive about :).

    I'll be road trippin to N. Cal (McK-ville) this weekend to see a dear Ggma- MAYBE we'll cross paths!

  7. MrsLittleJeans says

    I recognize the chipmunk cheeked kitty…ha ha…

    xoxoxoxo for the four of you

  8. UmberDove says

    I can't wait till "next."

  9. boltsense says

    Beautiful Dogwood Tree.

  10. Alice Istanbul says

    Looks like you girls are having fun 🙂

  11. Elly Rarg says

    Your here and there looks lovely, hey

  12. CrowNology says

    I recognize those sprouts!
    Ah…The key to your lovely collar bones…Half a dessert! Whilst I would eat two..

  13. akamilby says

    My son Jackson saw a small bird today and asked me: "Is that a chicken? Like Jillian's?" He's never even met you, at least not that he remembers, and you're a part of his life. That's pretty amazing. You are appreciated even by people far away. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

    And I've always loved pink dogwoods, although the wild white kind we have where we live now are magnificent also.

    I hope your transition to summer is progressing.

  14. Looks like so much fun! Love the picture of you and Penelope (your bangs are fabulous!). 🙂 And that dessert looks divine! Yum

    Looking forward to reading about your next adventure!


  15. Oh MY GOSH, the Dogwood is AMAZING!!!!!! that color and shapelyness is quite inspirational! Bruschetta looks delicious too!

  16. Redbonegirl97 says

    I love your photos, they are sp bright and beautiful.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate