Rolling into Northern California…

…and straight into Kelly’s arms.

[Please click on this for a larger image… beautiful…this is a perfectly PERFECTLY captured moment…the world looked exactly like this from where I stood on the Mendocino County coastline.]


  1. UmberDove says

    Let's do that all again, but longer this time.

    I don't know if I've told you this but I really adore you.

    And Farley is welcome back to baby-gopher-feast in the back yard any time too.

  2. UmberDove says

    Eew, that was grody-gross.

  3. The Noisy Plume: says

    Oh……..noooooottttttttt the baby goffffffers……


  4. kerin rose says

    these photos are beautiful….(actually am wishing that you would print and sell the ones from the previous post with the water droplets!)….

    but felt most compelled to leave a comment that you two are the most beautiful petite coneheads I have ever seen! ( and they spoke French too! )

  5. stregata says

    A whole beach full of sea glass – incredible! On our beaches, they are such rare gems…

  6. Miss Crowland says

    what a magical place

  7. the beach shots give me itchy fingers…my sis-in-law just finished bringing me back ocean-smoothed beach rocks from washington. i haven't got my hands on them yet, but i CAN'T WAIT.

  8. I know it's nothing compared to being there…but I must say, these shots have captured a certain 'light'
    so awesome!

    makes me a wee bit (okok, very) jealous.

    so wonderful, you two!


  9. Michaela Dawn says

    You both are wonder and awe.

  10. sylvestris says

    Can't find the right words–or words that begin to encompass what the images convey. So good. You two. Could be There.

  11. sylvestris says

    My dog Uumaa is deeply jealous about the baby gophers.


  12. Nancy*McKay says

    …EVERYONE…should have a friendship like THIS…

  13. What beautiful harbor is this? What beach?

  14. Brooke Medlin says

    That sand is unbelievable!

    And I love the cairn.

    And the hat.

  15. MrsLittleJeans says

    You guys are a hoot… : )

  16. So wonderful! The pictures tell such an amazing story. LOVE the post with the hats – you two are HILARIOUS! 🙂 Thanks for sharing with us!



  17. Shell (aka Songsmith) says

    I'm so glad you two have been near one another!