And we were drawn into the rhythm of the sea.

Portion of Journal Entry from May 27, 2010:

…There were beautiful solo driving moments on this segment of highway, headed North through the leaping green of Humboldt County and up into the timber of Oregon.  On one bend in the road, with the sun to my back, I swept smoothly around a curve, rushed along the flank of a painted white dot asphalt spine, and directly into a heavy sheet of rain.  I felt the truck hesitate under the weight of the weather and then stumble onward.  Blindly.  I could feel the slow thickness of rubber on wet road through the steering wheel and the fortress of forest around me seemed to bow down so calmly in the rage of the moment…


  1. angela walker jewelry says

    Thanks for sharing such lovely photos! My husband is from Oregon and we drive across the states (we live in Pittsburgh) every two years to visit his folks… I love the journey. It is so healing and magical!
    Health and happiness,