Dear Everyone,
I am officially the wife of a smokejumper.
And I love him.  Dreadfully.
Please God, keep his chute out of trees.


  1. stregata says

    Adding my prayers to yours. We need our loved ones to stay safe.

  2. Congratulations and may God watch over him and his team and keep them safe!

  3. dimestore says

    Congratulations…I think.

  4. amen.

    oh, and may jillian be kept safe and healthy….
    may she be reminded to keep her mind's eye and heart on all the joy around her in every passing moment.
    amen to that one, too.

  5. Ann from Montana says

    Congrats and prayers to both of you!

    And what beautiful words marie!

  6. Snailentina says

    Wooohooo! Congrats to you both and many blessings for Mr. smokey and of course you, too! I hope he lets you share his adventures with us.

  7. such awesome news!

    no doubt your RW will exceed leaps'n'bounds (no pun intended)
    and his fearless spirit will be protected!


  8. Desiree Fawn says

    Wishing him all the best & much safety!

  9. again…big congrats to you guys – rob's the man 😉

  10. UmberDove says

    I'm so proud of him. I know I said it once and I'll say it again.

    But even more, I''m here for you.

    Any time, day or night.

    p.s. my word verification is "baloon," just one letter off of balloon. heehee.

  11. MrsLittleJeans says

    yes, yes, amen…congratulations to both of you!

  12. ::mari:: says

    Big congrats to RW and big hugs to you!

    I am so pleased and proud that I could burst.

    Amen indeed! xo.

  13. i'm so glad to read this here! i had no idea! not that i doubted him for a moment…

    well done robert!

  14. akamilby says


  15. Yippee!

    I love my husband but seriously … your answer to "What does your husband do?" is way cooler!

  16. Congrats you guys! Sending prayers and thoughts of safety to your newly minted smokejumper!
    You two have the most awesome life adventures…

  17. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks so much for these sweet missives, everytweeter. We appreciate your love and support very much!

  18. Taddyporter says

    An incredible feat!!!! I KNOW how hard those boys train! will that dark and handsome hunk of a man be coming home anytime soon? hope so. take care flaxen maiden……love to you.

  19. The Noisy Plume: says

    …I wish:)

    I think he's bound for Alaska.

  20. Congrats and we'll be thinking of him and hoping for his safe return!

  21. jaunebleu says

    Congratulations, dear Jillian and RW! Sending lots of prayers and warm thoughts your way!

  22. I just saw this post! Congrats to RW! Im wishing him a very safe (but adventurous) summer! Hugs to you sweet girl. xx

  23. Congratulations Miss Plume, it is now official, you are married to a BAD-ASS, YEPPP. And give him thanks for all of us, we will keep him in our thoughts.

  24. The Noisy Plume: says

    He is bad ass.
    I agree.