Sterling, Pearls and Getting Pentecostal

I just finished this ring and I am excited to show it to you!
It’s built of sterling, 14 karat gold, chrysoprase and pearl.  It’s a simple design (as in it didn’t take me HOURS to create) but it’s loaded with various textures and a quirky pearl setting.  The face of this ring is concave so it catches a beautiful amount of quality light that manages to lift the texture up and out of the metal work.  I’ve set a delicious little oval cut of chrysoprase off to the side with a brightly polished stream of gold on one flank.  I love that little smear of gold.  It warms the sterling up so beautifully.  On the backside of this ring I’ve bezel set a pearl which makes for a gorgeous ivory glimpse each time you turn your hand.  Clever.  This piece wears gorgeously on a pointer finger so that the pearl is completely exposed when the hand is turned or upside down as in this last image.  Whoever takes it home is going to knock the socks off of people every time she reaches out to shake a hand.

A note about pearls:  
I love working pearls into sterling designs.  I think they add a refined and classic spirit to most pieces and the contrast between an oxidized and satin finished slab of sterling and a pearl offers this kazZZZzowwa-pow-pow of glimmering and soul lifting virtuosity and ruggedness.  I liken it to sitting on the back of a horse on a rocky mountainside while listening to Chopin.  There’s a complexity in the pairing.  A pearl is a high note! It’s perfume for the eyes.  Add a smudge of gold to the picture as well and you’ll see me swooning all over the church floor like an overwhelmed Pentecostal.  I get it.  Sometimes the beauty in things really is too grand to stay on your feet.

While I’m currently pressing out a handful of folksy designs (think buffalo with me now and feel the thunder of their hooves)out in the studio, it was really lovely to have something moderately modern pour out of me today.  Oh boy oh boy.

This morning, something fell out of my pen tip on the topic of fire and fish and Robert — it’s going to romance your socks off — so I have to take myself fishing this evening on the upper Portneuf on the backside of Pebble
just to connect with the spirit of my man
and the story of the moment I first fell in love with him so I can better write it and explore the root of the tale.
Man oh man, it’s going to make you weep.

I wonder what he’s doing right now.
I wonder if the smoke is getting in his eyes
up there on the tundra of Alaska?
Sometimes I think the reason I’m able to fly this summer is because he and I are so darn connected that I can’t help but feel the force of the wind and be lifted up each time he jumps out of a plane…

A most blessed afternoon to you all,
The Plume


  1. now this is simply gorgeous. not like that's unusual. but really. so pretty, friend!

    [p.s. my word verification is "uninal" which looks WAY too much like "urinal". gross.]

  2. calamityjane(t) says

    kazZZZzowwa-pow-pow. that's a mighty fetching ring accompanied by some mighty fetching writing. niceky done. those fish have no idea what's heading their way!!

  3. can't wait!

  4. TesoriTrovati says

    Love it. Love pearls (absolutely my favorite gem). Your ring that looks like the flash of a golden fish in a ripple of cool green water. Lovely all around.
    Thank you for your inspiration.
    Enjoy the day!

  5. Oh J…

    The ring is a knock out! Love it…!!

    and the last bit about being connected and being lifted on the wind – made me tear, take a breath and be happy to know you and RW. Thank you.

  6. resolute twig says

    I LOVE this ring. and I agree pearls used in unexpected ways are wonderful!

  7. Delightful. Pearls of wisdom (a Sunny quote if I may…). Pearls are my birth(stone?) and I always feel a connection to anything with them.

    Go sweep yourself away in connection with your man 🙂 It's uncanny the spirit that can exist between two people – the seemingly oddest things can happen, but just as they are meant!

  8. stregata says

    Simply absolutely wonderful – that ring. Unexpected. Gorgeous.
    You should definitely connect with the magic that binds you to your man. In each and every way. Love is a divine power.

  9. Dearest Plume,

    First thing's first, this ring SCREAMS goddess!
    Though, I can't help but adore gazing upon my birthstone 😉

    Twu Wuv (double sigh)
    can't wait to hear the tale!


  10. LaneA_Rub智文 says


  11. Nancy*McKay says

    …oooooh…i'm sooooo in the mood for romance…and buffalo…falling/flying men & fire…& a smoky pearl or two…

    bring it on, sweet thing…bring it on!

  12. The Noisy Plume: says

    I'll bring it.
    I'll bring it.