With The Lupins

To my American friends:
Happy Independence Day!
I hope your view was just as grand!


  1. CrowNology says

    I counted 9 different shades today in my neighbourhood…They are quite spectacular and unusual. I've come to appreciate those flowers that bloom everywhere without nurturing. There is something special about that…Independent. Empowered.
    Pretty photos Plume.

  2. Beautiful photos!! Hope you have a lovely week! 🙂

  3. Elly Rarg says

    The Lupins are lovely. 🙂

  4. Lovely photos!! I thought I had left you a comment awhile ago, but I certainly don't know what happened to it 🙂

    But you have taken very lovely photos here..

    Hope you have a wonderful week!

  5. stregata says

    Gorgeous photos – a real dreamscape. I love lupins – the wild ones here are deep luscious purple.

  6. greetings, jillian.
    *thought about you* on the 1st – canada day.

    lovely photos.
    four friends honouring the sunset.
    so wonderful.

  7. sylvestris says

    Those lupins are the soft fur of the earth.



  8. The Noisy Plume: says

    I'd agree. A patch of heaven. I took a moment to lay down this a pile of lupins and their honey scent wrapped me up in lucidity and grace.

    I live for moments like that.

  9. Lynsey Phelps - VerreEncore says

    super lovely and warm 🙂

  10. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks Lyns.

    By the way, to the other ladies who left comments on this post, I DID NOT DELETE THEM!!! There must be some sort of Blogger glitch because you're kind and lovely words have disappeared into the ether! I read them and appreciated them very much!