A Fearsome Friday

It’s amazing how sometimes it’s not enough, but most of the time, a telly call over the distance between here and there is just enough to mend up those tattered strings that build my heart, erase those insecurities I let take root, eliminate those fears I carefully tend in my mind and soul…  
RW has been extended, up in Alaska.  He was going to try to come home this week. Home to Idaho.  Home to The Gables.
The only thing that benefits from this extension is our bank account.
That’s an obtuse statement to make, but I’m feeling blunt as a soup spoon, I know you’ll forgive me!

A rough day.
An infuriating day (for so many reasons).
A tough week.
A long week. 
My eyes are tired.

Tonight I’m going to treat myself to a hot bath and a glass of wine when I’m finished with all of these small solders in the studio.

Tomorrow I will treat myself to coffee before I update the Etsy shop and then in the afternoon, I will pick up one of my very best friends from a local airport and we’ll minister to the heart and soul of each another for an entire week.

Happy Friday to you all.
Thank God for best friends.
Thank God for you.
We made it.
Everything is going to be ok.


  1. Desiree Fawn says


  2. stregata says

    Oh sister! Come here, let me give you a ((((((hug))))))!!!!

  3. The Noisy Plume: says

    Love you back Fawn. Thanks for being there tonight.

    Stregata! Who ARE you! Where does you ineffable kindness come from? Your arms are strong. I'll stay here a while. xx

  4. Desiree Fawn says

    Anytime, girlfriend.

  5. thebearaffair says

    ((((((((hugs)))))))) and more ((((((hugs))))))…….enjoy your weekend and your friend because you deserve a break!!!!! Be good to yourself and soak in the bubbles and sip on the wine for tomorrow will be another day. XXOO Sal

  6. Well, I completely understand the rough week part. I too, have had a very hard week emotionally and spiritually. yucky, negative, hurtful and heart wrenching pooh. I can say that in my circle many were dealing with many of the same feelings. It's helpful to talk it out with those who are willing to listen and let you cry it out. I think I would hate Alaska just a little right now. 😉 But alas, work is necessary. For financial stability yes, but also for happiness. So going forward into today and thru the new week upon us, let's stomp those negative voices down and replace them with positive ones. In our hearts, the sun will come out, bet your bottom dollar. Let's not wait for tomorrow though!

    Best friends and time spent is the best heart medicine.

    Love to you sweet lady! Sending you some sunshine for your heart!

  7. Oh, darling girl. Sending you lots of love. The heartstrings are so tender and delicate…Infinite and complex, twisting, crossing, changing colors.

    You have so many who love you. Today is a brand new day, run with it, dearest!


  8. Good Girls Studio says

    {hugs} Have fun with your gal pal, nothing like a friend to nurture our wounds & breath some life back into our souls 🙂

  9. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks girls!
    Woke up this morning with a fresh heart and a clear mind!