Serving Your Soul Since 2007

Since July 19, 2007.
To be exact.
Today The Noisy Plume is 3 years old!
Can you believe it?

Since I am playing host, gladly, to one of my best friends at the moment, we went out for dinner to celebrate my Plume-a-versary.  Dinner was tasty, we got a little hyper, there was much laughing about things mere mortals wouldn’t find amusing at all and even a bit of reminiscing about the history of 
The Noisy Plume.
This is all to say, wowee!  It’s been a fantastic three years!
I owe you so much thanks it makes my head spin and puts my tail feathers in a flap.
That’s the honest truth.

Without your support, I would be:
1.  A starving artist.
2.  Probably not an artist at all.
3.  I can’t think of what else to put here 
except I know how happy this work makes me and 
if I wasn’t doing it, I’d be half as happy or not really happy at all. 
So thanks for helping make my happiness a reality…

I should probably think of something to say about my goals for the next year…so…I’d like to:
1.  Write you that book.
2.  Continue to blaze bright trails with metal; I want to be the first to dream it up and the first to lay it down.
3.  I want to make exactly what I want to make which means I’m going to continue to dream big and take big design risks.  I’m going to continue to make jewelry that I would love to wear and I’m going to continue to trust that someone out there somewhere will share, with me, an attraction to the aesthetic of my designs.  I hope that’s music to your ears…
4.  I’m going to keep on loving you.  As best I can. 
5.  I’m going to clean my studio space more often.  It’s been getting a little out of control these past few months!

So there you have it!  The big five for this next year!
Thanks for sticking with me.
Thanks for supporting me and for claiming my designs as your own.
Thanks for making me laugh, for making me smile and for sometimes making me cry.
Thanks for feeding my family and I, for keeping a roof over our heads and for keeping our truck on the road.
Thanks for believing in me and in my dreams.
Thanks for reading what I write and for seeing my images for what they are.
Thanks to the edge of the universe and back again.

With all my heart,
The Noisy Plume


  1. happy joyful plume-a-versary to thee.
    it is a pleasure to adorn my soul with noisy plume musical jewels.


  2. stregata says

    Congratulations and a very happy Plume-a-versary!! Shake your tail feathers!!!
    You are such a gift, gentle bird.

  3. Congratulations! I've only been following your blog a little while, but now it's the first one I come 'n' see when I log on to blogger, so I really do hope for at least another three years. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ever so beautiful images with us.

  4. 佳皓佳皓 says


  5. Happy day to you! Please please keep taking those risks, you're ever so lovely. xo

  6. Gabriela Hughes says

    Happy Etsy Anniversaire!!

    You're a great artist and it's a pleasure to see your work!!


  7. Jeweled Blossoms says

    Dearest Jillian,

    I found you on my very first day on Etsy, on the last day of February two years ago. It's been an amazing journey to watch you grow in your designs, to see you struggle with dark sides of gaining more and more spotlight in your craft, to visit with you through the good times and the bad, to simply be a part of a community you make accessible, honest and genuine.

    You're a delight. Here's to the next three years!


  8. Lynsey Phelps - VerreEncore says

    Happy 3 YEARS!
    such beautiful spirit, mind, and makings.

    can't wait for the years to come.
    and the book too!

    congratulations on your many successes and pursuit of goals for the future.
    you are an inspiration!


  9. happy happy plume-a-versary to you dear woman! although i haven't been there since the beginning, i've watched you grow as an artist for the last 2 years and you never cease to amaze me. i always wear your pieces with a sparkle in my eye. it's amazing to feel connected to a person you've never met – and yet it is the most natural thing in the world! here's to the next 3 years. i simply cannot wait to see more growth and creation from your gentle soul.

  10. Snailentina says

    Cheers mighty Plume. You are such a wonder woman. Thank you for sharing so much of your magic with the world.

  11. Buffalo Lucy says

    Happy Anniversary and a heartfelt congratulations on your glorious success! Your work is amazing and your blog is one of the few that I find truly compelling. xo

  12. You and your blog are WONDERFUL! I can't wait to get my hands on your book. Hurry….! Congrats on a great three years!

  13. I always knew you could do it. I actually feel quite proud at the moment!

  14. thebearaffair says

    happy joyful plume-a-versary!!!!! It has been such a joy and delight to watch you grow and spread your wings over the past 3 years. I am so happy that I had the chance to meet you and RW in Tucson last year. As you grow, we all grow, because you continue to encourage us to move on and take chances with our lives and metals. Looking forward to many more years of growth and excitement with you at the helm. Hugs to you and RW – Sally

  15. MrsLittleJeans says

    My goodness Jillian, three years already!!! I love all of your goals although #5 is not very important to me! I love the freshness in your design and I do have a separate Plume fund in my bank…always saving so to be able to buy something pretty! My cat boys and i just sent you a bunch of aerial kisses!


  16. JEEPERS! I've been reading the noise of the plume for THREE YEARS!?

    I was just thinking yesterday while gazing upon my Selah Ring, (which i have worn everyday for the past three years) how much I appreciate you and your amazing work! even though we're 'strangers''n'all, you've become a dear acquaintance.

    A toast, to the Plume!


  17. calamityjane(t) says

    congratulations on three years of joyful noise, sweet plumecita!! you bring so much happiness to us all– THANK YOU!!

  18. mme. bookling says

    three years? really…wow. so interesting how time, well…flies.

    i love seeing that snippet of kjk.
    i also love that one of your goals was to be cleaner…so endearing.

  19. CrowNology says

    I can't wait! For the fruits of the years to come…
    Happiest of days to you…

  20. sylvestris says

    HAPPY PLUMEDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!



  21. sylvestris says

    …that should be "Plumesday", actually.



  22. indigorhino says

    I've been with you from the start…through the Indian Ponies, Hummingbirds in the House (I actually sent one back because it was too BIG! What WAS I thinking?), the Selah's, The Sheaves of Wheat and The Gentled But Not Broken. Each piece has evolved into the next. Your talent is truly amazing and so are you, Mighty Plume!

  23. Elly Rarg says

    Oh hurrah! Congratulations on making it to 3 years! I'm glad that you are where you are, especially as your list of things you'd be doing instead includes 'starving' and 'not an artist'. I'm glad that neither of those have happened. 🙂 Woo!

  24. Marina H says


    On this special day of your jewelry-birthday I want to take the time to say just how much your blog, shop, jewelry, and overall Plume-ness has made my life such a wonderful thing!

    I found your blog so randomly…I'm not even sure how, and just loved reading about your life, jewelry, artistry, puppies and home. You were one of the first blogs I started reading and inspired me to write my own!

    I've saved specifically for your jewelry and feel so beautiful each time I wear one of your pieces. I wear something of yours every day and I can't help but feel the emotion, love, and care you've put into each of your pieces

    I wish you all the luck in the next year with your list of 5 things and beyond. So happy to be part of Plumeville. Congrats!! 🙂 <3<3

  25. Jaccalyn says

    i can't believe it has only been 3 years…what amazing progress in such a short time. fabulous

  26. Desiree Fawn says

    Yay!! What a happy, happy post — and I wish you the very best for the NEXT three years and BEYOND!!

    You are magical and wondrous and lovely all rolled up into one tough, fabulous cookie!

  27. Nancy*McKay says

    …& you've been filling my heart with CanIda sweetness ever since i found you 17 months ago…i love your song…i love growing uUP with you…i love it when you dream BIG then i can touch you there…all the way from here…thank you for doing what you do…for me…XOXO

  28. thewindhover says

    Oh Mrs Plumey, these last years that I have had the pleasure to read your thoughts, see your art, wear your silver, and be your friend have been sublime. Heres to another 3 and 30!
    (And so excited about the prospect of a Plume book)

  29. Lizzy Derksen says

    I am so glad to have been a regular since 2008.

  30. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thank you all SO much for these Plume-birthday messages! I appreciate them so much and it is, always, my complete delight to serve your souls! THANK YOU FOR BEING PART OF MY LIFE!!!!!

  31. Shell (aka Songsmith) says

    You inspire me to dream bigger and love more. Wish we were all at that dinner party to toast you! xx