Look What the Cat Dragged In:

My man is home!  Quite by surprise!
I’m officially on holiday until Wednesday of next week.
See you soon!
Missus Plume


  1. MrsLittleJeans says

    Oh yeah…good kittie! Enjoy the holiday Miss Plume!

    Love you!

  2. Got a little emotional just seeing that photo. I miss you both immensely and can only imagine how much you miss Rob in between.

    Love you both!

  3. Marina H says


    Oh so so so so SO happy to see you two together again. Enjoy your holiday!


  4. sylvestris says

    O happy man! O happy you!


  5. Dallas Ann says

    Oh my goodness! I'm so happy for you and I teared up a bit at the picture.

  6. tattooedblogger says

    (Wipe away the tear)….Enjoy!!!

  7. Lizzy Derksen says

    Oh I am so glad. Cuddle lots.

  8. ….and, well you *should* be, on official vacation with RW….


  9. Lynsey Phelps - VerreEncore says

    YAY YAY YAY!!!
    have fun together 🙂

  10. Sunnydaze says

    Enjoy every minute together!

  11. both so cute ; ) go go enjoy your sweet time …..it really infect to me to be sweet tooooooo .

    thanks ,

  12. reconstructing sarah says


  13. Jaccalyn says

    A girl & her man…what Love you guys share…so happy your together, enjoy your time. 🙂

  14. aw. this makes me so happy! have a fantastic week off with your hubby and bestie!

  15. stregata says

    So happy for you!!!!!

  16. Snailentina says

    so exciting!!!!!!! your happy faces made me smile 🙂

  17. CrowNology says


  18. Desiree Fawn says


  19. That photo took my breath away.

    So happy for both of you!

    And you have to bring the Mr. north with you in the fall. I'll cook a feast and pour rum & cokes!

  20. This makes us very happy. 🙂 !!! Enjoy the time together.

  21. Dale Smith says

    When you are back into cooking mode;) – here is a scrumptious sounding recipe for gluton-free raspberry oat scones.http://cannelle-vanille.blogspot.com/

    Have a delicious mini holiday!

  22. Walter Helena says

    Your posts/photos are so full of life! Thank you for sharing 🙂

    I'm having a giveaway on my blog for an original giclee fine art print … and would love for you to enter (if you like it, that is!)
