A Pinch of the Wild West

I’m sure you’ll recall the fact that I had one of my best friends coming to visit me here in Idaho last week!  She stayed a full seven days and we had many adventures together.  One day, we left RW at home and while we were out driving up the wee highway that parallels the upper Portneuf River we came across a pair of covered wagons.  I swerved a bit and exclaimed something like, “It’s still the Wild West in Idaho!!!”
I drove on down the highway and then slammed on my brakes and turned the truck around.  I knew that if I didn’t stop to photograph those darn cowboys I would regret it.  So back we went.  I jumped out of my Tacoma with my camera in hand and those cowboys obliged me with a photo shoot on the side road where they were parked.  Sweet fellas.  They said they were just out for a jaunt up and over the mountains.  
They also told me, “We dawnt usualleeee pose for picshuresss but the persons responseeeble for hawlding the camera in’t usually so easy on the eyes...”  
Ho hum.
Just another day in Idaho.


  1. Marina H says

    Look at that fluffy cattle dawggg…awwwww. I want one!

    Good thing you stopped, you don't see an active covered wagon every day, you know!

  2. thebearaffair says

    You MADE their day!!!!!!!:O)

  3. Lara Lewis says

    great pictures! (love that puppydog!)

  4. mme. bookling says


  5. Cinder says says

    I think your blog should be called "Jillian in Wonderland".
    You have a very interesting life out there in Idaho". I love it!

  6. dailycoyote says

    them're cowboys!
    that's one of my favorite compliments ~ you're easy on the eyes ~ love it!

  7. Desiree Fawn says

    Oh my gosh, this is amazing! I'm SO glad you stopped for a photo sesh!

  8. holy shit…
    i don't know where to begin!!

    this = my fantasies! 😉

  9. Elly Rarg says

    Oh! It looks like something straight out of the movies. Thats so wonderful!

  10. Snailentina says

    haha amazing shots and of course that compliment is just too much! Gotta love those sweet cowboys,

  11. The Noisy Plume: says

    Sigh….life really is a wonderful little country song lately!