The Rumors Are True:

…there’s a new one.
:::::sterling, copper, enamel, pearl, aquamarine, coral, silk:::::

You can see the rest HERE.


  1. thebearaffair says

    I loved this series and am so excited to see some more evolving – can't wait to see the rest:O)

  2. Lynsey Phelps - VerreEncore says

    hoooray 🙂

  3. Absolutely magnificent!!!!!

  4. Gorgeous. I too love this series and am drooling over this necklace.

  5. Awesome!!

  6. jaunebleu says

    The spread of the Rumors is fantasmic! You simply shine!



  7. Janet at New Moon Glass says

    really gorgeous!…very unique!

  8. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thank you so much, dearieeeests!!!!!