Of Sea, Sky & Field

Composed of sterling, 14 karat gold, chrysoprase, pearl, aquamarine and elk ivory.
100% handcrafted in every way.  
Not a single prefabricated piece of metal was used to create this necklace (with the exception of the chain, of course).

Elk ivory jewelry is a big deal in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.  Whenever locals find out I’m a bench jeweler they nearly always ask if I work with elk ivory.  Elk ivory is actually an elk molar!  They are deliciously smooth to the touch and are creamy white in color.  They have to be prepared before they are set — essentially they need to be “back cabbed” so that they’ll sit flat in a bezel setting.  To prepare this elk ivory I had to saw the root off the molar and then sand the back of the ivory until it was perfectly flat.  I’m not sure if that’s the ideal and most technical way to do it but I work intuitively when it comes to experimentation and it seemed right to me.  This is my first elk ivory design and it’s VERY unconventional compared to other such designs I’ve seen. 

What I really wanted to talk to you about is where this design came from! 
I have doubted myself and my work so much in the past few weeks. I have doubted my voice — thought that it might be weak, frail, flaccid, unoriginal. I have wondered why I’m doing what I’m doing. I thought my creativity was broken, atrophied, dissolved.
I thought all of these things over and over again.  I’ve been unproductive (or so it feels) and my productivity is tied tight to my self worth.
On top of this, I have been tired. Tired of being alone. Tired of holding the fort. Tired of carrying all of these things by myself with him so far away.  Tired of mowing the lawn.  Tired of cooking meals.  Tired of being tired.
Yesterday I dropped those shackles, unwound them from my wrists, claimed my title as an artist once again. I stripped down to the bare essentials, I found my inspiration once more and I saw myself as:

of the sea

of the sky

of the field

Feet firmly planted.
Wings tasting wind.
Skin bathed in salt water.
This piece is hefty, organic, original, natural 
and creating it today lifted me up and felt 100% right.
In other news, I was finally FINALLY able to talk with RW last night.
He’ll be heading back down from Canada to the North Cascades Base on Friday.  On Saturday I will drive to Washington to spend time with him on his days off.  The thought of a two day drive is torturous.  It makes me want to cry.  But I have to see him.  I need to see him.  So I’m going to make the trip — the last trip of summer and I’m going to make it a grand old adventure that’s worth regaling you with upon my return home.

I will try to have a shop update prepared for tomorrow but I can’t make any promises!  I’m running on fumes and it may have to wait until my return from Winthrop.

Thank you all, so much, for supporting me this week.  For your letters, for your emails, for….everything.  If I could, I’d mail you all a golden egg laying baby chicken as a thank you.

Jillian Sue


  1. Gorgeous (for the necklace and you) and giant hugs (of support) and Yay! (for your trip to see your darling hubby) and all the love and support you could ever need.



  2. Spirited Earth says

    this necklace is magical.
    make your jewelry
    let your spirit sing
    hire someone to mow the lawn

  3. calamityjane(t) says

    wowee wow wow! i love the pieces that result when you reclaim your title as an artist! then again, i love all of your work and consider you an artist to the nth degree in so many ways. have a joyous time with RW and let your gorgeous soul come back filled to overflowing! we'll all be right here.

  4. I think your newest creation is absolutely dazzling and breath taking. Your words completely resonated with me as well. Have a wonderful road trip

  5. oh this necklace is merely a dream for a mum such as me…now, perhaps visit the local library my dear plume and rent yourself a wee book on tape to entertain or mind release you whilst on your road trip, i never believed in them, then partook in one and what a lovely reprieve from time on the road…just a thought.
    xoxo drive safe and love love to you.

  6. Lynsey Phelps - VerreEncore says

    cherish those days with RW (not that i needed to say to do so)!!

    take the vapors and let them begin to fill your sails… enough to push you towards your heart's desire . where winds are sure to blow wild and free

    here's wishing you safe travels, beautiful happenings, and happy moments together!!


    p.s. drool-worthy work! !

  7. your necklace is wonderful. And your story makes me think about if I should plant my feet in the ground again.
    And for one of those baby chickens – I'd take one if you have a spare 🙂

  8. You are simply of the Earth, dear heart. I love your branches.

  9. Dearest Jillian,

    I swear you could make art out of a potato sack. No one else I know could make a elk tooth look any better than you.

    Simply sublime!


  10. MrsLittleJeans says

    The necklace is superb and have the best all-time trip, even the driving part! xoxo

  11. The Noisy Plume: says

    N: Thanks for the convo you sent yesterday. I already told you what it meant to me, but you know, a girl can never give too much love or thanks. xx

    Spirited: My mum says the same thing! Unfortunately, my cabana boys are unreliable (they can't help it, they're firefighters and when the calls come in, they have to go). I AM thinking about getting a maid every couple of weeks, while RW is away…

    Janet: I'm going to miss you. xx

    Farmy: Thank you. So much. XX

    Kelly: A BOOK ON TAPE!!!! Brilliant!!! I'm going to try to find a moment to pop by the library today. You're such a gem! x

    Lyns: The sails are filling, as we speak. xx

    Nicki: Where shall I ship? Thanks for being wonderful. And never fear roots. Never. xx

    Cat: Someday, these branches are going to wrap around you tightly. Sending you so much light, sweet sister. xx

    Cathy: You made me laugh out loud:) Thanks for that. My teeth haven't seen the sun for a few days!!! HA!!! xx

    MLJ: You know I will. Love you girl!

  12. productivity and self-worth… those two are quite the bitch.

    While it's sometimes hard to remember it for one's self, that art that you pump and breath and manifest everyday is a part of your very marrow. It will NEVER leave you. It simply can't.

    love you from a few miles away.

  13. mme. bookling says

    August is so hard for you…I know. It will be over soon and until then, I'll make you meals in spirit.

    Proud of you, lady bird. So proud.

  14. The Noisy Plume: says

    Umbie: I miss you back. More than I can say.

    CRM: August is always very hard. I'm going to go put on some mascara now. x

  15. I have been following your blog for some time and just wanted to add my voice to those of your other admirers and express how much I have enjoyed your posts. Your jewelry is exceptional and I love that the landscape is always present in your photographs as a constant reminder of where your inspiration comes from. Just looking at some of your shots of the hills and sky helps me to feel more peaceful on a stressful day!

  16. Gabriela Hughes says

    You are an artist. Let yourself doubt about somethings, trust yourself, is part of life!
    Hope you have a great trip to see RW. We will be here for you!!

  17. Oh, I am SO glad you are able to see RW this weekend! Have fun!

  18. Willow Branch says

    Another beautiful treasure from your lovely nest. I think the sensitivities needed to make a great artist can also make the artist doubt their own talent, vision and decisions. You're in a unique situation where you're apart from you love for months at a time while you try to maintain normalcy on the estate. You'll push through and when you do, you'll have a new vision & you will tell us your story through metal & fire.

    I agree with Spirited Earth.
    Hire someone to mow the lawn & someone to help with you house. Get yourself a mani/pedi & "new" vintage top then sail away to meet your man.


  19. Just had to say I love your work. Have a great time with your love, and I can't wait to see what you come up with next.

  20. The Noisy Plume: says

    LOVE YOU ALL!!!!


    See you when I get home (or perhaps before then….I think I owe you a blog post featuring the magnificent Mathow River valley!!!).

  21. congamama2 says

    wish i would have read this a couple days ago…hope your drive was an adventure -of the fun sort. Best thing for a long drive is a ROCKIN' road trip CD.
    Hope you had time to make one and sing at the top of your lungs while heading for your destination. Blessings!

  22. just stunning.

  23. Lizzy Derksen says

    Jillian, I am so glad that you sometimes feel that your creativity is broken. I sometimes feel that way too.