
Standing hip deep in my heritage.
Loving on Eastern Washington, most fiercely;
missing the Great Northern Plains of Saskatchewan, most tenderly.


  1. resolute twig says

    that picture of Farley is the greatest thing ever 🙂

  2. The Noisy Plume: says

    …he thinks so too. He became positively VAIN when I showed it to him.

    BUT. To take him down a notch, I have a handful of positively ridiculous images from yesterday when RW and I were fishing out at an alpine lake:)

    You'll laugh out loud.
    I promise!

  3. I absolutely love every photo you have posted so far from your trip!
    xxoo!! 🙂

  4. sylvestris says

    Yeeehaaaaaaa, flyin' Farley!

    Fabulous shot.


  5. MrsLittleJeans says

    this looks splendid…

  6. like a calm wave…beautiful.

  7. I love this set of pictures especially the last one!!! Can you come to AZ and photog me please???

  8. thebearaffair says

    Love them all!! Continue to enjoy the moments:O) XXOO Sal

  9. mme. bookling says

    a perfect moment, i am swooning all over the sharing of it.

    tainted love indeed.
    i've tainted it with my inappropriate and indecorous swoons.

    how lude.

  10. Taddyporter says

    Ahhhhhh all that gorgeous golden glutinous goodness.

    1.I had a tuna sam with delicious green pepper business
    2. that Opala is terribly good and I had to hide it in the back of the fridge from myself

    OH but I know it is there…..maybe one more tiny glassfulmmmmmm
    3.promising to get more sleep next time, seriously deprived.
    4.we all love you and look forward to one day seeing your little angelsprite face again and Rebecky says hello and boy do I have some really swell pictures but by accident tossed the cable to download. so sad but will put them up Saturday when we get home(and pick up a new cabley thing)
    5.the sheets in the middle room stay crumpled and slept in, I want to remember your visit just a bit longer……….

  11. thewindhover says

    Oh gosh, these photos make my heart happy…

  12. The Noisy Plume: says


    What a beautiful set of comments! Had you all been cruising through Eastern Washington with me, we'd have surely pulled over and taken tea on the side of the road. It was windy but we'd have settled down in a glorious patch of wheat and they'd have nodded the breeze in a different direction.

    Mindy: Well GOSH!!!!!!!!! 🙂 I'm dreadfully flattered!!!

    Mme: I love it when I make you swoon. Just don't knock your head on the kitchen counter this time…

    Taddy: I KNEW you'd use those peppers. Good think I picked them…and thank you again! My time in your home was entirely too short and entirely too filling. I felt like I ate an entire peace, health and goodness pie, with ice cream, all by myself. xx

    Hover: I've missed you.

  13. Those pictures of you standing in the wheat fields are sooo gorgeous!

  14. Desiree Fawn says

    Oh goodness, such gorgeous images Jillian!

  15. Nancy*McKay says
