At the Shore: Part One

I spent hours on the shoreline on the West side of Bainbridge Island yesterday.  Hours.  Sifting through the sand.  Weaving my way through sand dollar cemeteries.  Farley retrieved a dead and rancid sea otter for me — that was traumatizing.  Penelope played in the waves like a careful little lady.

I found myself pondering, in the middle of filling my pockets and pails with treasures, why on earth do I do this?  Why on earth do I go to the sea and insist on spending hours and days hunting for treasure in the sand and waves?  I’ve never lived by the ocean.  I’m a girl who has always lived in the interior of the USA or Canada.  I don’t know what it’s like to live by the sea, I only know what it’s like to visit.  When I visit, I connect so firmly, so cosmically, with the tides and the life in the water that I need to take parts of it home with me.  
So as not to forget.

Yesterday, I realized that at some point in my life, I would really like to live by the sea for a stint.  
RW will pass out when he reads this.
We’ve both been such staunch interior people for so long I think we deny ourselves the sea out of habit.  It’s for no good reason at all that we’ve never lived by the ocean.
I’m going to try to find a way to do it.  Even if it’s only for a summer.
I’m going to find myself a piece of the sea
and I’m going to stay awhile.


  1. thebearaffair says

    :O) And you should follow your dreams. The ocean is so relaxing and peaceful. I think that is why we gravitate to it when all we've ever know is the city and the desert life. I love the water, the smells, the light, the sand and everything that goes with it. I'm so happy you are enjoying your visit and by all means, take some home with you so that you can have a visual to remember it all by.:O) Hugs, Sal

  2. My life long goal.

    But, I'm from Oregon.

  3. love the ocean.
    love the mountains.
    love the look of a little wet dachshund 🙂

  4. As a gal who has lived in a coastal city for most of her life and now finds herself in the confines of the middle portion of her state, let me say it's a gift to live by the Sea. A beautiful, lovely, calming gift and I miss it dreadfully. I think there's just something so soothing in its closeness, it's something carried in by the breeze that just can't be replaced.

  5. Nancy*McKay says

    …i'm right there with ya girl…indeed…

  6. We live by a Great Lake, but we both hear the ocean's call. Once she becomes part of you, it's hard to let go of her. And she does not let go easily.

    I always fill my pockets with little sea-treasures, too … I envy you for your sand dollars; I had two of them from my trip to New Zealand, but they blew over during a windstorm and they shattered. I plan to replace them when we go back, perhaps for our five-year anniversary.


  7. Jenn-with-2-n's says

    Sand dollars always remind me of you cause once when we were little you gave me 2 huge sand dollars, and I've always kept them. They're in my china cabinet right now – I'm amazed they survived all these years, haha.

  8. Willow Branch says

    I'm beach girl & have only been to the mountains a hand full of times..typically just driving through. I love most everything about the beach….especially during the fall.
